Ezri And The Fairies CHAP 3
Read Count : 118
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
Chapter three "Buckle where are you?!" Ezri called as she walked over to the palace stables. Buckle, Ezri's horse. Was big, black and very loyal. "There you are!" Ezri said happily as he trotted towards her. "Apparently, according to father I have to let you go tomorrow. Let you run free in the wild. Because apparently a real princess shouldn't have a horse." Buckle neighed loudly. "I know right!?" She hopped on his back and went for what hopefully would not be her last ride with him. Tears rolled down her cheeks as they got back to the stable. She gave him a big hug, and an apple, and then walked inside. When she got inside a maid came to take her cloak. "Are you alright dear?" She asked. Ezri wiped the tears off her cheeks and nodded. "Ok. Well your parents would like you in the dining room for supper." "Ok." Ezri said, and walked down the hall towards the dining room. "There she is!" Her father said happily as she walked into the room. As soon as Ezri walked in she noticed someone else. It was her future husband Prince James. He stood up and walked over to her and layed a kiss on her cheek. She pouted She didn't like it. Just like she doesn't like him. "Are you ok Ezri?" He asked. "I'm fine." Ezti said harshly, and pushed past him and sat next to her mother who pat her on the back. "Ok then I am hungry so let's eat!" Ezri's father said happily. As soon as he said it the servents came in with the food and served them.