Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A

Some people believe that "failure is not an option." They strive each day to their fullest potential to avoid the inevitable shortcomings that we are all born with as human beings. Failure is the first step to achieving success, however, some don't perceive nor believe that. They are so afraid to fail or become defeated that they can't find a way to accept it and come to the realization that perfection is impossible.

When it comes to possibilities, they are endless. Remember the sky has no limits. Many people have attained their greatest success and achievements and it was just one step beyond their greatest failures. Those who work hard and utilize their greatest efforts to achieve a goal and fail exceed more than those who do nothing and succeed. 

In my opinion and only speaking for myself - I believe that every failure in life is a stepping stone to build on. Build yourself one hell of an empire and don't allow anything negative to knock you off your square. If you fall down, pull your ass back up then dust yourself off and try again. It's a given, we are human beings and will continue to make mistakes throughout our lifetime. Inevitable!

I can honestly say that my life is the furthest thing from a bowl of cherries but I can say this much, I am grateful for the blessings that God has bestowed upon me. He has given me the vision to perceive the times where I had fallen down but got my ass right back up.

I have learned from my past failures and will continue to learn from the present ones too. I will obtain even more wisdom I need for the opportunity to strengthen and improve as I make an entrance into the next chapter of my life.

🌷Thanks for taking the time to       read my words, lots of love to       all of you. God bless & Good

     night from Southwestern PA.



  • Nov 25, 2018

  • Nov 25, 2018

  • Maurice  Beres

    Maurice Beres

    As in all life experiences -positives balance negatives-success and failure - happiness and sadness -disappointments and achievements etc When our positives are accomplished they can provide the support to deal with the negatives-it all start from within and as long as we do not take any of it for granted it can work for us and others Beautifully articulated words 🦋🦋🦋🦋

    Dec 06, 2018

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