Are They Safe/ Part Three / Goodbye Good Friend Read Count : 149

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A

Dear Diary, 

Tiana is being forgotten but she is not fading away just yet. She's very ill but still, we think she has dubulara itace. Daniela is safer than ever and just graduated in her Balle lessons. She now level 6 or over, I can't remember. Father was crying because he was fading away this morning, as for mother she recently died but somehow went to hell. 

Dear Diary, 

Tiana starting fading today but father, well, he faded away yesterday I'm scared it's me next but I think I'm OK! Mother is already fading but I'm trying to save Tiana! 😨! Ima get killed probobly speak to you soon! 


  • Now this is a good peice of work . It may not let me see the 2nd+ diary entry , but i love the 1st one . Keep up the good work

    Nov 24, 2018

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