Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
When you are writing a story, you're not only conveying your thoughts, however, you are creating individual people. Then from there you build up your own little world. Take your imagination and run with it as fast as you can. This is your story so create, formulate and innovate.
As the author, you are in control of your own story. For instance, you have the power to destroy a life however, you also have the power to create a new one.
You have the power to see the destination, while your characters are left pondering with anticipation about what the future holds. Remember something, as writer's and authors - you and yourselves are their creator, and their God and you have the ability to make anything happen at anytime. Life, death, sickness, healthy, poor, wealthy, compassionate, cold, sane, insane, happiness & joyful, sadness & tears, and let's not forget as angry as a bull and ready to beat the breaks off of one who desperately was longing it. 😃
As these words are carved into your hands, just know that you have your own universe carved into your hands - your universe AND ONLY YOURS! A day will come when you will obtain the incentive to share your story. If you choose too. I always say "Someone's story is anothers inspiration" TRUE STORY!
You are certainly your own Goddess/God. And why do I feel this way? Because, writers, artists, dancers actresses, along with singers, ect, TALENTED! 🌷
There is no better feeling on this earth than that Godess feeling.
It's fabulous and absolutely breathtaking when ya recognize just how much strength and power you have.
And what exactly would you do with all this power knowing there is way too much of it?