Category : Articles
Sub Category : Politics
Here are two common sources for aspiring writers focusing on political elements. What you need to understand, is that these are under attack my right wing activists because of their unbiased way of dealing with issues. The truth is, they are simply unhappy because their side is not reviewed the way they I want them to. With good reason, as most of the information you can gather disproves most of their theories. Far be it, these two sources are very good to use for political information. You can also gather more information about other sources through the sights as well. These sites will examine information released from other sources, fact-check them, check them for any proof of bias, and any questionable information which is released.
Let's talk about Snopes, its history is very important to understand. It was created by,
Barbara Mikkelson and David P. Mikkelson. It was first launched, in 1994, as a urban myth debunking website. Now that you know the name, you should know that a meme had appeared on Facebook claiming that this site was busted. In the two photos it showed, neither one contained a picture of its original founder David Mikkelson, which is important because he is still the owner and proprietor of snopes.com. Also claims were made that they were only a husband and wife team, which was also false. The team, consists of several specialists in many fields. The gather information and collect data, based on what they can find and least biased studies and sources. You should be aware of this, that that means that the information released about snopes.com, was false. Yet, I still saw it circulating online.
Politifact, is among the most valuable site around the world. Especially in the United States, PolitiFact has proven and disproven numerous sources who are bias, unbiased, and low bias. They take the responsibility of researching the comments that political leaders make. Hence, the name PolitiFact makes it a good source to rely on. Claims were also made against this site during Obama's era, which have also been proven completely false. In fact, the claim was it abama had never lied while he was in office. Yet, PolitiFact shows that Obama did lie while he was in office occasionally. Also they record the number of lies. So regardless of your origin, if you want to write an unbiased article than you should focus on using these two sources. They will prove very effective and helping you gather necessary information.
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