Broken Read Count : 174

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
I feel it. The demons. They're here and I can see them. Some are smiling, some are laughing cruelly and some are just watching. But they all have one goal, to rip open the black hole that ive been trying to close for so long. I see them grabbing the edges and ripping away chunks of white light. Theyre making sure its big enough so when the time comes they'll swarm over me. Shoving me into the supermassive black hole. I thought id be Okay. I mean i knew itd hurt but its too much now. I'm drowning. And I can't come up. I can't swim. I don't want to anyway. I feel heavy. Broken. Lost. I have to stop feeling or its just too much. It hurts so bad. I just want it to stop. I want everything to stop


  • Jun 15, 2017

  • Jun 15, 2017

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