Because Of You Read Count : 119

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Miscellaneous

I was going to wait and write this piece on December 21st as that date marks a journey I embarked on when I I had officially signed up to be a member of the Writer's Outlet community. But then I thought, why wait? So here I am, writing a piece to celebrate my journey. 

When I first joined the app, I didn't know what to expect or how my writings would be received but I went ahead anyway because I wanted the experience. I wanted to be around like-minded individuals who understand and share the same passion, which is writing. I wanted to be around people who accept and can relate to why I do what I do and won't look at me funny and think that this passion of mine is a waste of time. In short, I wanted to be around people who 'get it'. I am happy to say that I found all of that and more from the community and from the app itself. 

To be honest, I was nervous when I dropped my first piece in here. I wasn't sure how things were done in here but I knew I had to dip my toes in the water somehow. I felt like the new kid on the block stepping into the playground for the first time, feeling watchful eyes scrutinizing my every move, sizing me up and mentally measuring my worth to see if I was worthy enough to be here. It was overwhelmingly intimidating to say the least. Doubt and insecurity tugged at me from every corner and soon after, fear came knocking at my door. The deadly trio mocked me and did their best to shake me down, but I refused to let them win. I downplayed my nerves and went in confidently with a plan in mind. My plan was to write one piece of writing a day, each day, regardless of how things panned out. I figured, one a day each day, by the time I reach my one year mark, I'd have 365 pieces of writing in my portfolio, which would be a personal accomplishment for me. Yup, that was the plan. 

But, plans change. 

There were days where I found myself to be so inspired and driven that I ended up writing more than one piece a day. Then there were days where life got in the way that made me unable to write anything at all. Now that my one year mark is up, I have to say I am proud of what I've achieved thus far. With 420 written pieces (including this one), two story titles which I'm planning to convert into books, I'd say it's not too shabby at all. 

Of course, none of this would have been made possible without participation from all of you; my fellow writers and the avid readers. So today, I'm writing to thank you all. 

Thank you for this milestone. Thank you for reading my words. Thank you for giving my life meaning. Thank you for taking my writing journey to a whole new level. Many years ago, I was just a girl with a dream. I have always wanted to write bt I was scared of how people would react to it. I was afraid of exposing myself and I truly felt my writing days will only be limited to my journals and my laptop without ever seeing the light of day. Then I realized that my fear and insecurity were unwarranted when I started connecting with you, reading your stories, and sharing my life with you. It all made sense. The fears subsided, the worries dissipated and I became a fearless writer because of you. 

I am proud of what I accomplished but the real credit goes to you — Jared, for creating this incredible platform that enables me to live my dream, and the Writer's Outlet community, for being so helpful and supportive in helping my growth as a writer. You all contributed to changing my life and making my dreams come true and I am truly grateful for your support, your love and your strength. I wouldn't be the writer I am today if it weren't for you, and for that, I am eternally grateful. You gave me a voice and filled me with happiness, joy, love, and gratitude. 

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. 

Much love and respect, 

Zee Zulu 💜


  • Happy anniversary Zee. You have added so much to the community over the past year.

    Dec 18, 2018

  • Dec 18, 2018

  • Happy anniversary!

    Dec 18, 2018

  • Umbrella Peterson

    Umbrella Peterson

    Happy anniversary!!

    Dec 18, 2018

  • I agree with Jared, you've really helped out alot of writers here. Myself included, but you convinced me to interact with others, and it's done me alot of good. Happy Anniversary, and may we have many more!

    Dec 18, 2018

  • Maurice  Beres

    Maurice Beres

    What WO has given you you’ve given me with your extraordinary ability- compassion and understanding It is an honor to read you and a privilege to work with you 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋

    Dec 20, 2018

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