Denizen Of DarknessXDeviant Daredevil Read Count : 183

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure
Yes! I'm finally here!

I swept my gaze around and realized that a lot of people were already here. I arrived late, I realized while sweat-dropping. Well, atleast I made it! 

A weird, green—uh, erm.. creature in a fancy suit was giving out tags to three people that looked like they just came here a few seconds before I did.

I cautiously walked up to the weird green thingy, a little nervous. But when he gave me a tag and told me to always wear and not lose it, I immediately knew he was a nice one. I thanked him and gave him a small smile. What? I still didn't know him personally, sooo I was bit shy.

‘#406 huh? I don't like it. Weird number combination.’, I thought as I pinned the tag on the left-side of my chest. ‘I would like it more if 2 or 8 was in it.’

I went and stayed on the right side of the elevator I just came in through, making sure no one was near that spot before turning my back to the wall.

I looked around again, examining and observing every applicant, assessing which I would want to hang out with or not. It was a habit. 

The boy with spiky, black hair caught my attention. He seemed my age, considering his height, the white-haired kid carrying a skateboard too. How they'd managed that one?

That spiky-haired boy must have put a lot of gel on that hair. And that white-haired boy…white? He's still a kid isn't he? Why the white hair? Must've dyed it coz' he thinks it's cool. He must be one of those I'm-so-cool-everyone-loves-me type of guy, carrying that skateboard everywhere to impress girls. I'm not too fond of those types but…

It sure did caught my attention. I really really REALLY wanna try it. A skateboard was the only thing I haven't yet learned to ride and I can't wait to. Rollerblading, waveboarding, bicycling, and ice-skating I've already mastered. It was really fun!

I'm not bragging but…

I'm a very fast learner.

And I should commend the white-haired kid has taste. I'm kinda jealous of his clothes. They're EXACTLY what I would want to wear. 

I looked at my own attire. 

Black jeans, white socks, black and blue rubber shoes, a plain lavender colored shirt and a dark cyan hooded jacket that has black specks all over it as design.

I wore the jacket because I didn't feel comfortable without something to cover my arms and because they made me feel…secluded……?

Furthermore, it was a birthday gift from Dad.

The jeans were a little too tight and uncomfortable, definitely not suitable for doing anything active. And because of that fact, I HATED WEARING IT. But I didn't have much of a choice. What? Did you expect me to choose the denim shorts over the denim pants? Just because I would have more room to move?


I'm not used to showing skin. And whenever I had to for some reason, I feel RESTLESS, UNEASY and EXPOSED.

I can understand if you don't understand me. Most people say I'm weird. And I've got to agree with them on that. 

Weird simply means different, right? 
So what's wrong with being different?

I feel special. Hehe. Even though most treat me as if being weird is bad, I don't really care. People treat me as if I'm infected with some disease.

Dad accepted me and loved me for who I am. He was the only who ever did. But now he's....

I felt my chest tighten and I feel like I'm suffocating. 

Gulping, I blinked thrice, put my hood up and slipped my hands into my jeans pocket. 

'I came here to stop feeling this way so stop!'  I scolded myself.

Entertain yourself.

Now, I'm straying off the topic… 

Sorry. I blame my ADHD.

Where was I?


I just WANT to take that white-haired boy's clothes and wear it. I want that baggy, dull, dark blue shorts that reached down to his knees! It looks SO comfy! And it's not that short! I would definitely be able to move around freely with that on. And that LONG-SLEEVED, Prussian BLUE shirt with a TURTLENECK! OH MY TARTARUS, WHERE CAN I GET ONE OF THOSE?! I WANT ONE! I never had one of those. And that V-necked baggy white shirt just made his attire PERFECT. It would conceal the shape of my body and seeing as it is V-necked, it wouldn't be too hot to wear over the blue turtlenecked, long-sleeved shirt. Don't get me wrong. I wanted to conceal the shape of my body not because I'm fat, in fact, I was thinner than average. It was because I'm a conservative and I would feel uneasy if I only wore the blue, fit, turtleneck. Please, don't get me wrong again. When I said ‘conservative’, I meant only in the sense of not liking to wear clothes that show too much skin. And showing off your body. I am NOT OLD FASHIONED, YOU HEAR ME? NOT OLD FASHIONED.

Whew! I'm amazed at how fast I can think. What was that? 1? Maybe 2 seconds? AMAZING…THE HUMAN BRAIN IS SO AMAZING!

Or maybe that was just MY brain? Others seem so slow…hehehe…

I watched as a short, fat man approached the spiky-haired boy's trio. Why does the spiky-haired boy wear so much green? Green long-sleeved uh, polo shirt? Green short and green boots. Too much green!

It looks like fat guy was introducing himself, although I couldn't make out the words he's saying from this distance. And most probably because I didn't paid much attention to it. Hehe. Then he was saying something about the other applicants, pointing some out one by one.

Suddenly, someone screamed. I turned my head towards the source of the sound and saw a Roman-soldier-looking man with a dark violet cape draped behind his back, kneeling on the ground while looking at his arms in horror because—

His arms are turning into PINK flower petals?!?

What the heck? How in Zeus's name is that even possible!?

And it's PINK!

I felt bad for the guy. Oh, the complete humiliation!

I shivered, a little freaked out.

Then I noticed a clown—ahem, sorry I mean ‘man’—in front and looking down at him while smiling creepily.

The other applicants have moved away from the scene, unconsciously creating a semicircle to their right.

The magenta-and-brushed-up-haired man with a star-and-raindrop-shaped make-up and a very white complexion—okay, stop. I give up. I'm convinced he's a clown and from now on I'm calling him THAT.

Let's start over. 

The clown said something to the Roman soldier that I understood because I went near them to get a closer look at the situation AND I was VERY interested. 

I was one of the few who was closest to them. The ‘few’ I was talking about includes the spiky-haired boy's trio and the fat guy, so I discreetly moved a little closer to them. Hehe. Nosy me. 

“Oh, how peculiar. His arms seem to have become flower petals.” Way to stating the obvious clown guy. I was expecting something more dramatic. 

“No smoke and mirrors here.” he added. Really? Cool! I wanted to ask him to teach me how to do that trick but it felt somewhat wrong, considering the current situation. Maybe later? Hehe. 

I subtly turned my head to look at the the other's reaction. The spiky-haired boy looks scared. Couldn't blame him though. I was freaked out too, but my curiosity won over.

“Do take care. When you bump into someone you really should apologize to.” Oh. So that's why he did it. A little too harsh, isn't he? 

“Oh no. That psychopath is back again,” the fat guy who was at my left said.

Yes. I was paying attention to what's his saying now.

“Again?” the spiky-haired boy at his left asked.

“Does that mean he took last year's exam?” the blonde who was at the spiky-haired boy's left piped up.

“Number 44, Hisoka, the magician. Last year, he was a virtual lock to pass the test,” the fat guy started  with a serious demeanor, as we all watched the clown walk away, that creepy smile on his face refusing to fade.

“Until he all but killed an examiner he didn't like.”

‘Really? Scary’, I thought as my eyes slightly widened, my mouth slightly opened, in amazement.

“A-And they're still allowing him to retake the exam this year?!” the guy to the blonde's left that looked like a businessman (what with the circular black glasses, suitcase, dark blue suit and green necktie) shouted incredulously.

“Of course. Every year, the examiners and test content change, and the examiner's are the ones who choose the new content. The devil himself could pass if that were the examiner's determination. That's just how the Hunter Exam works.” the fat guy explained, not even looking at the businessman because he's still watching the clown—Hisoka, was it?—walk away. 
So that's how it works. The crowd began to scatter again so I went back to the spot I chose earlier, or they'll notice I'm eavesdropping. 

“Anyway, no one likes him.” See? I could hear and understand what they're saying if I chose to.

“You should stay away too.” fat guy warned the trio.

Stay away? That just makes me want to stick my nose into that clown-faced magician's business more.

“Oh, right…!” fat guy suddenly remembered something and rummaged inside his shoulder strap bag. 

“A little something to mark our acquaintance. How about it?” he said while holding up an orange canned drink. 

“Oh, appreciated.” the businessman thanked.

They took the canned drink he offered. 

This is getting kinda boring so I focused my attention elsewhere.

My eyes searched for the clown—what's his name again? Oh, Hisoka—and found out that he was with a weird looking guy in green that has yellow somethings all over his face and body.

My attention was taken back to the trio when the businessman suddenly spit an orange liquid out of his mouth like water gun shot. 

“Really? That was close.” he said. Huh? What happened?

The fat guy was sweating and looked extremely nervous. “H-huh? That's strange…” he smiled awkwardly.

The spiky-haired boy was looking inside the can like he was inspecting it for something while the blonde had his eyes closed as he poured his drink's contents out slowly without even taking a sip. Wait. Is the blonde a he or she?

I looked more closely.

Ok. Definitely a he.

“I'm very sorry! I didn't realize the juice had gone bad.” the fat guy apologized on his knees, bowing his head while holding out his hands in a prayer position.

Wow. Isn't he a bit too overacting?

“It's okay. You don't have to apologize. Is your stomach okay?” the spiky-haired boy inquired.

The fat guy looked up.

“Y-yes…I'm fine.”

“I've sampled all kinds of mountain grasses and plants. So I can usually taste when something's bad.” the spiky-haired boy—okay, I'm getting tired of saying that. I'll just call him Spiky—explained cheerfully as he closed his eyes and smiled.

Heh. He looks cute.

“R-really? That's amazing…”  fat guy scratched his head. What with all the stuttering and that face? He's not being honest here. I bet he knew there was something wrong with the drink. That ugly fat man!

“Sorry about that again.” he repeated as he stood up and turned on his heels.

He raised a hand as goodbye and said,“I'll see you around.” then he left.

“Talkative old man.” the businesman muttered. 

Hmph. Look who's talking.

I kept my eyes on that fat man. He walked and looked at some of the applicants with a frown on his face, seemingly deep in thought.

What are you up to now, huh?

He stopped walking and glared at the back of a small, fat, person in white, long-sleeved shirt with a  collar and dull, dark blue jumpers and shiny black hair looking at a laptop. 

Jumpers? Eww.

“Ne, ne Tonpa-san!” a child's voice called out. Didn't sound like Spiky though.

The fat guy and I both loked at the owner of the voice.

Oh, it's the white-haired kid with the skateboard.

He was waving and smiling at the fat guy with his eyes closed. So the fat guy's name was ‘Tonpa.’

Tch. I can tell that boy's just acting to be cute but grrrr…..I'll admit he does look cute. And I hate myself for thinking it because he's one of those I'm-so-cool-everyone-loves-me type of guy that I HATE.

“Could I have more of that juice?” he asked.

He stopped waving, opened his eyes and put his free hand (the other one was in his pocket and has a skateboard squeezed against the same arm and his right side) behind the back of his hand.

“Must be my nerves. I'm really thirsty.” he explained innocently. That's another act, I can tell. That innocent, sweet voice is a FAKE, I'm telling you. The way he said it was a little different from how Spiky does it. It was just a gut feeling but I tend to be right.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Eh?” Tonpa's mouth hang open in surprise.

“Oh, sure…” he agreed awkwardly.

The white-haired boy slipped his hand in his pocket and closed the distance between him and Tonpa.

He drank a can in one go while still holding another two cans and the skateboard with the other  hand.

I thought there was something wrong with the drinks Tonpa was giving out? Then why does that boy seemed so fine?

Tonpa stared at him with a frown and disturbed look, probably thinking the same thing.

“Worried?” the white-haired boy asked in a sly tone, his eyes closed yet again. I had a feeling that he just showed his true colors. I knew earlier was just an act!

Tonpa gaped at him.

I snickered at his reaction. I really wanted to laugh out loud but I didn't want to attract attention to myself. 

“I'll be fine. I've trained. Poisons won't affect me.” he said in a really unnerving way, giving Tonpa a sideways look and crooked smile before closing his eyes again and walking away from a still gaping and confused Tonpa. 

So it was poisoned…



I'm starting to change my opinion about that white-haired kid. Hmm. Maybe...he's not that bad…

Tonpa started gritting his teeth and shaking in anger. Even though he failed many times, he looked more determined than ever right now. After he got over his upsetting situation (for him, at least) he started towards me.

I quickly made myself look innocent, although I was smirking on the inside.

Try me.

I cast my eyes anywhere besides his way, pretending to be occupied of something in my mind, although in truth, I was sensing his every move.

When he was a foot away from me, I looked at him in feint surprise and said sheepishly, “Oh! Didn't notice you there.” and scratched the back of my head.

He smiled. A triumphant one. 

‘Don't be too happy Tonpa.’ I warned him in my mind as my invisible smirk just got bigger.

“Hey! Haven't seen you around. You must be new.”

“Yes. How did you know?”

“I'm a veteran here. This is my 35th attempt!” he stated quite proudly.

I got confused. What is he so proud of?

“Then that means you have already failed the exam 34 times right?” I questioned, wanting to get things clear.

His eye twitched.

“Y-yes…” he said quite annoyed.

“Then what are you so proud of?” I kept an innocent face.

Two irk marks popped out on his head in anger and steam blew out of his nose.

Yay! I managed 2 irk marks and a steaming nose! I'm quite proud of my ability to annoy.

“Let's forget about that.” he managed to wave it off with some effort. 

“No way.”

Another irk mark! And a very angry and red face! HAHAHAHA!

I'm having a hard time trying not to laugh.

He breathed deeply in and out a few times before saying,“Moving on…” A lot of annoying things to reply springed in my head but I decided to keep quiet because I feared I wouldn't be able to restrain my laughter if I made it worse.

I breathed deeply too to get a better hold of myself.

I'm enjoying this…..

“Here.” he held out a canned drink. It looks like the same one he's been giving to the others.

“Eh? What is it?”

“Something to mark our friendship!” he answered excitedly.

I frowned slightly.

“That wasn't what I meant.” I said disappointedly.

Now it was his turn to frown.


“I meant if it was juice or softdrinks.” I declared as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Another irk mark! Mwahaha!

“Oh! You should've said so sooner. It's orange juice.”

“Juice? Sorry, I only drink softdrinks. I hate juices.” I gave him an apologetic smile.

Actually, it was the other way around. I hate softdrinks.

A sweat-drop this time! Hehehe!

Something ringed, the ground began to shake and people turned their heads to the direction opposite the elevator.

In my case, I just poked my head behind Tonpa while he had to turn around.

I discovered that the wall had disappeared and a tall man in a purple suit replaced it. The ringing stopped when he pushed something on a green thingy he was holding.

He started to say something but I didn't quite paid attention to it. I was too busy observing the other's reaction. Observing their reactions in certain moments give me much useful information!

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………..aaaaaannndd I love to spy on people...……

There I said it! Happy?! Grrr...

“The Hunter Exam will now begin!” I turned my eyes to the man in purple suit.

Wait….I can't see his mouth….?


I went back to observing.

#44 Hisoka hummed in excitement. (Yes, I heard him! Stop asking repeatedly. Didn't I told you I could do it if I gave it enough attention?!) Although, I couldn't see his reaction because he had his back turned.

#404 the blonde looked scared.

#403 the businessman had his suitcase slung over his shoulder and stood straighter as if getting ready, a smug look on his face.

#405 Spiky, tugged on the straps of his backpack and smiled.

#99 the white-haired boy had his eyes half closed and looked unimpressed. I slid beside the wall and went nearer to the front just to get a look at his face! 

And YES. I memorized all of their tags.

“A final caution, if you are short on luck or ability, you could very well end up seriously injured or even dead. Those who accepts the risks, please follow me. Otherwise, please exit via the elevator behind you.” the man in the purple suit said. How can he speak without a mouth? Where is he hiding it? His mustache is too thin to cover it! 

Injured or even dead? Short on luck or ability? Exit via the elevator? 

I went back to my spot next to the elevator as I remembered something.

“Hey Tonpa!” I called when he didn't seem to notice me. In no way am I going to use an honorific for him.

He jumped.

I bit back a laugh.

“What!?” he doesn't like me alright.

“Do you want to beat your record of 34 failed attempts?”

His eye twitched twice.

“What does that supposed to mean!?”

“No? Then you might wanna go inside that elevator.” I pointed to what I said.

His face turned the color of a tomato and steam blew out of his nose while his eyes refused to stop twitching.

I couldn't take it anymore.

I laughed. A wholehearted one.

It seemed ages since I laughed like this but in truth it was just a few days.  Ever since then...

I was surprised when I saw that I wasn't the only one. The blonde was chuckling while the  businessman was laughing as wholeheartedly as I was. Since they're the one closest to me, they must've heard what I said.

Spiky just stared at me smiling. I had a feeling he had no idea what we were laughing at.


When I finished laughing, I realized that EVERYONE ELSE was staring at me like I was crazy.

I just wanted to magically disappear.

I hated being the center of attention!

Hisoka's eyes was slightly widened, amused.

#99 the white-haired boy, stared at me with fully-opened eyes (I'm saying this because he usually just walk around with his eyes half-closed),confused, surprised and disbelieving.

The others stared at me as if they couldn't believe what they were seeing, while some looked irritated. 

The purple man looked at me, amused written all over his face, just like Hisoka.

“Sorry...” I told him timidly while sweat-dropping.

I apologized only to him, since I must've took the attention of the others that were supposed to be on him. He's got the authority here.

I am NOT going to apologize to everyone else because I LAUGHED. WHAT'S WRONG WITH LAUGHING? NEVER SAW A GIRL LAUGH BEFORE? 

He nodded at my apology.

Yay! They all turned their attention back to the man.

Phew! That was…awkward to say atleast.

I felt a few still had their eyes on me and when I checked, I was right. Spiky, Hisoka, #99, Blonde and Businessman.

#99 averted his gaze when his eyes met mine and turned it to the man in purple suit.

Hisoka met mine without wavering and I eventually looked away.

Blonde was waiting for me to meet his eyes so that he could smile assuringly at me as if to say I did nothing wrong before turning his attention back to the front.

Businessman smiled cheekily at me before doing the same thing Blonde did lastly.

Spiky never stopped smiling at me with wide, innocent eyes.

I gave up and smiled back.

He grinned.

He started towards me. 

“What's your name? I'm Gon!”

“I ummm…I-I'm Hanaye. Call me Hana.” I hesitated before answering.

What?! I'm shy, OK!?

Well, only at first meet. Hehe. *wink* *wink*

I suddenly realized that everyone else was walking forward, probably following the man in purple suit. 

“Gon, they're moving forward.” I informed him since he was still looking at me, his back to the mouthless man.

He blinked.


“Will you come with us?”

I looked behind him and saw that the Blonde and Businessman were waiting for him.

“Is it alright with your friends?”

The Blonde and Businessman smiled. They probably heard it.

“Hnh!” Gon confirmed.

“Then Ok,” I smiled. “I'll come with you!”

“Of course, no one turned around and left. I'd hope a few might withdraw.” Businessman muttered as I joined them and began to walk.


“The people in front started running.” Gon told businessman what everyone besides him could see.

“He's picked up the pace.” Blonde added as we ran too.

I stretched my neck to get a glimpse of the mouthless man.

He walks weirdly. Is he a robot?

“I neglected to introduce myself. I am Satotz, the Phase 1 examiner. I shall lead you to the exam's Second Phase.”

How can he speak WITHOUT A MOUTH?!?

“Second Phase? What about Phase 1?” I turned my head to the source of the voice.

Bald man in black clothes and red scarf?
Must be someone, considering he's the first one to speak out loud. I'll be keeping my eye on him.

“It has already commenced.” replied the examiner. I forgot his name. I'm sure it has a ‘Z’, ‘T’ and ‘S’ in it…Santatz? 

I heard people began to murmur questions that I didn't paid attention to.

“You must follow me to Phase 2. This is the exam's First Phase.” Follow him? He's making things seem easy. There's a lot to be considered. 

“Follow you? That's it?” Baldy. He sure is loud and have guts. Keeps asking questions.

“Yes. I cannot tell you where or when you must arrive. You need to follow me.” 


“I see how it is.”

I turned my head to the blonde when he spoke.

“This test is weird.” Gon noticed.

You said that right.

“I expect it's an endurance test. Fine by me. I'll be right behind you!” Businessman declared confidently.

I noticed Blonde looks too serious. He seems to be contemplating something in his mind.

The exam's First Phase begins, amidst a mix of warriors and knaves. One candidate is disqualified before it even starts. The total number of Hunter applicants is 405. 


Aaannd CUT!

Yay! I finished it!
4100+ words! I'm tired.

Just a fun fact for you:

Hanaye's personality was derived from mine. Almost everything she said and did was what I would've if I were in that situation. 
The way she thinks, the way she acts, loving to annoy people, hating softdrinks, always observing people, being nosy, being shy at first meet and being a conservative.

If you find her weird, that's because I AM!


*smirks knowingly*

How different would the Hunter Exam be if she existed in the first place?

What would happen if she meets Killua?

She said she wanted to poke her nose into Hisoka's business...

*keeps thinking*


Oh well!

I'll found out sooner or later.



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