Damaged Part 5
Read Count : 258
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
The stranger held out his hand and introduced himself as Andean. Cristiana's tolerance was at a all time low, but she still couldn't ignore his politeness. She introduced herself also and quickly gave his hand a shake. Cris-t-Anna, Andean pronounced every syllable in her name. That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl, he complimented. It was something magnetic about this stranger that Cristiana could feel growing inside of her. How about instead of us getting the police involved, we exchange information and I will get my homey to fix this bumper for you. Andean purposed. Cristiana was skeptical, but the confidence in Andean's demeanor showed he meant business. She looked at her watch, it was 10:27, she could still make Professor Wickham's lecture. Ok, she agreed. Andean and Cristiana switched phones, both putting their information inside the others. After the exchange was done, Andean explained, I will be calling you as soon as my homey is free. Cristiana made it to campus in a record breaking two minutes, and jogged all the way to class. 10:33, Cristiana sat in her seat unnoticed. Professor Wickham lectured the entire two hours, boring every one in the class. He made it almost impossible for the class to keep their eyes open. Professor Wickham finished up by reminding them of the test tomorrow. Cristiana's stomach growled so loudly, it embarrassed her as people passed her by. She hadn't ate anything since lunch time yesterday, after running out on dinner with Dee and Amber an missing breakfast. Waffle house was all she could think of as she walked to her jeep. As usual Dee was waiting at her jeep but this time he was holding a beautiful bouquet of assorted flowers. Cristiana didn't think he would speak to her again after she told him all of her secrets and here he was not only waiting for her, but holding flowers, she gushed inside. As she approached him he did something else out of the normal by kissing her ever so softly with one of her favorite things on his body, those soft, perfect full lips. She had to contain herself because she thought that she would start panting like a hot puppy. Cristiana wondered if he knew the effect his kisses had on her? Damn! She screamed on the inside. As Dee pulled away from the kiss, he looked her in her eyes putting her in a trans and said, we need to talk, while handing her the perfect array of color bouquet. She blushed and thanked him. Do you have time? He asked. Yeah, as long as we can talk at the waffle house. She answered, feeling her stomach rumble again. Ok. He replied. Do you mind if I ride with you? Dee asked. Sure, but why are you leaving your car? She asked. We have practice later on today. You don't mind bringing my back do You? Dee asked. Of course not, she answered whole heartedly. What happened to your bumper? He questioned, while getting into her BMW. She explained what happened, how she met Andean and him getting his friend to fix it, so they didn't involve the cops. Sounds a little sketchy, don't you think? Dee asked. Yeah, I thought so too at first, but he seemed pretty convincing. And if he doesn't come through, I will just call my dad, so he can handle it. The life of a rich girl, Dee teased.