Riches Read Count : 62

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : LifeStyle
  • When  newly rich people acquire excess of wealth, they tend to forget the basic values that suffice a human being. They tend to forget their friends with whom they spent 24/7 association in school. These people go for high profile marriages of their children and exhibit the pompous show of the money acquired by properties purchased by corrupt methods. Even the bride to be is seen to wear low neck gown, laying bare the almost upper body. Ridiculous. An Indian bride in Saree and even Langha appeals to the onlookers. I am of the opinion that money can't buy Class, which is the privilege of the sensible. In my opinion your education , your morals and etiquettes determine the breed you belong to. So be rich in your own way, your style. Happy Richness- Your Style


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