Bianca 12/11/18
Read Count : 109
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
This was written for my granddaughterBianca when her dad,my son Marc waskilled by a drunk driver in 1989.She was two at the time and is now 32.The words written then still resonate and hold true as they did during the darkestperiod of my lifeBianca March 1989You made me laughWhen there was no laughterYou made me SingWhen there were no songsYou made me danceWhen I could not moveWith your innocent magicYou transformed grief and despairInto joy and promiseYou gave me reasons to rise each dayYou took me back to better daysYou gave me the will to look aheadNow I see you through your father’s eyesThrough your father’s loveBecause of you the sun still shinesAnd will shine brightly once again.