My Soul
Read Count : 97
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
Whay people do to you should be enough to show you what you mean to them i find it hard to believe that a person can say i love you but yet has no time for you.we often believe in the idea if what the person could be that we forget our own emotions being with a someone means the are emotions involved if he still find time to say your emotionally involved just know then that your not the one.sometime the best of of finding something good is to let go off the bad one you have.never let them win if he see that you love him more than you love yourself nothing in him will change it you who have to make the decision weather you want to be with him or no.the man that he is will never change it him who has to change for his betterment. As fragile as you i am i still believe that mybe he will change .loving someone mean giving a portion of you that you will never get back.