Come Back Read Count : 82

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A

I lay here waiting, fearing the unknown, fearing what may come next. My thoughts race and my heart beats rapidly, loudly, I can hear it in my ears and feel it against my chest. Up above I hear screaming and yelling as well as a voice that has accepted defeat. I hear the door slam, once, twice, three times. Voices follow and quickly receding footsteps head for the exit. The engine stutters to life and quickly fades. More feet hurry to the door but to late to reach it. In the next room over, sniffled crying can be heard. The footsteps above head back to where they once were and disappear. They'll come back, they always do. A parent can't leave their children behind, can they? My eyes ache from fighting, my heart has slowed, the corners of my mouth struggle to be pulled down. I cannot break, for if I do, there will be no one to hold on to. This has happened many times and I guessed it would have happened, but even rocks slowly give way to water. They'll be back, they have to come back. I don't know what to do if they don't.


  • Dec 08, 2018

  • incredible.

    Dec 08, 2018

  • Dec 08, 2018

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