The Life Of Ruby Ch. 1 Read Count : 52

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
    Chapter 1

     My life is one crazy story. It's full of betrayal, secrets, mystery, and magic. When I was a toddler, my family and I went camping. Just the four of us, my grandmother, my parents, and me. That was where it all started. 

     My parents went to gather more firewood for the night. I was already sleeping in the tent when I heard two gunshots of in the distance. Granny told me not to worry, that it was just some hunters that saw an animal. But I guess that my parents were the animals. 

     They never came back so in the morning we went to look for them. After about an hours search, we found their bodies all covered in flies. Granny called the police. One officer took me home while the rest searched for the the hunters. They eventually found them, and sent them to jail.

     I don't remember much from that night. But the one thing I can never forget is the gunshots. Even today they haunt me in my sleep. I learned that day, that not everything is black and white. There's mostly grey in the world. 


  • Jun 18, 2017

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