Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I love you because of who you are
And not what people make you
I love you because when I think about you
I get nothing but wonderful thoughts
I love you because when I am covered in your arms
I feel warm and safe
I love you because time spent with you
Is noting but the best
And its worth every second
I love you because of the feelings I get
Whenever I am with you
I love you because of the kiss and warm embrace you give me
I love you because my heart chose you
It chose you to be its ruler
BeIieving you will take care of it
I love you because you accept me for who i am
And not what I have
I love you because I love you
And nothing or no one
Will ever come between us
No matter how things are
I will always love you
By Onalerona.M