Spyder 2 Read Count : 16

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy

It has been a few days since the incident in the abbey. Spyder hasn't seen Wraith or sparrow since then. But since Wraith made his presence known; everyone has been behaving. A few girls tried to make a scene to make Wraith appear again but Margaret would break them up easy enough.

"Margaret. What do you know about Wraith?" Asked spyder.

Margaret just looked at her and smiled. Her smile was genuine and dearing but different at the same time. Margaret usually had a smile on her face. It was rare you would see her without one.

"Not much is known about Wraith besides he is an amazing assassin. The master is the only one who has seen his face." Said Margaret.

That didn't give Spyder much to go on. She wanted to get better and she needed a teacher. She just sighed hard and put her head down between her arms.

"Would you be willing to help me with something Spyder" asked Margaret

She didn't even lift her but there was a muffled sound that she was listening."I need some help shopping. 

As in help carrying the stuff back." Said Margaret.

"I'm not helping you carry clothes" said Spyder as she lifted her head.

"Well I need your help food shopping" chuckled Margaret.

The master put Margaret in charge of keeping the Abbey's supplies stocked. She took this job pretty serious. Some of the veteran members are always trying to get her to by some expensive stuff. But in the end she tells them no. 

She leaned down and opened a cabinet that was out of site. As she stood up she tucked something into the bag she carried when shopping.

"What was that Margaret" asked Spyder.

"Wraith gives me some extra cash to buy him some special stuff when I go shopping." She replied.

"Like what" said Spyder.

"That is none of your business" said a voice out of nowhere. Margaret didn't react like she heard it.

"Only you can here me right now" said the voice.

"What" yelled Spyder.

Margaret looked at her confused from her outburst. She waved her hand in front of Spyder's eyes.

"Get out of my head Wraith" Spyder yelled covering her ears.

Margaret just giggled. She locked arms with Spyder and started to walk with her. But once they made it to the door it opened and an older man came in. He didn't look like much put everyone knew it was the master. He gave the girls a smile and moved over to let them through.

"Master I'm taking Spyder with me shopping for supplies. There was an incident while you were gone but Wraith look care of it." Said Margaret

The look on the Master's face changed. Everyone knew the master was a gentle soul unless you broke the rules.

"Who was is between" asked the Master.

Spyder hid behind Margaret. Not know how the master was going to react to the answer.

"Sparrow assaulted Spyder when she confronted him about abandoning her on a mission." Said Margaret

"They know the risk of doing missions. Was the mission completed?" The Master replied.

"Yes but I would of died if Wraith didn't come across me trying to escape." Spyder said from behind Margaret.

Margaret stepped aside so the master could see Spyder. His expression was neutral but she could feel the anger coming from him.

"Why are you here if you can't survive a mission?” said the Master.

Spyder didnt know how to answer that question. The Abbey as always been a place for the outcast to work. Most of the work was stealing valuable items for wealthy clients. But once in a while a assassination will appear. The Master only allows qualified members take them on. Sparrow was qualified but Spyder wasn't.

“Master, it was an assassination mission.” said Margaret

The air in the room got cold. It was like time stopped with the only sound being breathing. A few of the members at a far table started trembling with fear. It was the Master. His killing intent was exploding from him. A hand appeared on his shoulder and the aura disappeared. There stood Wraith but he was different this time. Spyder couldn't put her finger on what was different. 

“Thank you” said the Master he took a few deep breaths.

Margaret jumped Wraith as his hand fell to his side. The look in Wraith's eyes when Margaret jumped him amused Spyder just a little bit. Margaret stood at 5' 9” so she was off the ground since she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“is this necessary every time I make an appearance” Wraith asked

“yes since I rarely get to see you cause you like to stay hidden” she replied

Wraith patted her back “you're like a puppy”

“i wouldn't mind wearing a collar for you” said Margaret with a sly smile.

Spyder choked at Margaret's comment. It made Spyder wonder what their relationship was. Wraith ran his hand down her spine getting a visible shiver from the woman. This caused her to tighten her grip. 

"Now that is just playing dirty" said Margaret

He leaned in to where only Margaret could here him and said something. As soon as she let go he vanished. Only to reappear behind Spyder. Instincts kicked in and she pulled a knife. He swiftly pinned her to the wall.

"Did you want a hug too. I could see the desire in your eyes" he said quietly in her ear.

"You wish now let me go" said Spyder with a blush on her face.

Wraith released her but not before taking her blade and putting it back in it's sheath on her inner thigh. This caused her to squirm.

"Ok pervert. I could of put it back myself." Cawed Spyder.

Wraith just vanishes and laughs. His laugh could give you nightmares. Margaret interlocks her arm with Spyder's leading her out the front door. The entrance to the abbey is hidden in the side of a mountain. The closest town is like 2 miles away. This gives Spyder plenty of time to question Margaret on her relationship with Wraith.

"Nothing has happened between us. The move he did on you was the exact same one he did to me the first time." Said Margaret.

"So he was always a pervert" questioned Spyder.

Margaret just giggled and kept walking. The chatting made the walk seem alot faster. The town was a good size so it's market square was busy. Spyder could feel eyes on her from the moment her and Margaret entered the square. They kept their arms interlocked so they wouldn't get separated. 

Margaret was really good at shopping cause she never paid full price for anything she got. 

"What are 2 beautiful women like you doing her all alone" said a voice from behind them.

Spyder turned slightly and who she saw she didn't believe. It was Sparrow but he had a devilish look on his face. Spyder pulled Margaret behind her to keep her safe. Spyder barely dodged the blade he swung cutting her upper arm. She dropped the bags she had and pulled 2 blades. 

"What is your problem Sparrow" said Spyder

"Nothing much just the humiliation from the last time." Replied Sparrow

He cut her again this time on her outer leg.

"You are no match for me little bug. After I'm done killing you I'm going to have some fun with Margaret." Said Sparrow

Spyder knew she couldn't hold her own to the experience Sparrow had. She had to keep Margaret safe. Sparrow planted his blade into Spyder's arm. She screamed in pain. Why isn't the town guards breaking us up. Spyder looked around and sees the guards just watching.

Every time Spyder blocked his blade sparrow would get a punch or kick. Spyder was covered in cuts and bruises down on her knees. Sparrow had her by her hair about to cut her throat. Before he could finish her off he had a blade sticking through his hand. This cause him to let go of Spyder and get back.

"You have failed to realize I'm not just the barmaid at the Abbey." Shouted Margaret.

Spyder looked up and Margaret expression reminded her of Wraith's. Spyder never really questioned why Margaret was at the Abbey. The soulless look on her face answers that question. Margaret was a Master class assassin. 

"I didn't need Wraith to stop you Sparrow. He was just saving you from me." Said Margaret

Before Sparrow moved Margaret was there plunging another blade into him. There was a reason Margaret gave up being an assassin. She was extremely good at it but taking a life was become like a drug to her. The Master forbade her from taking on another mission. He saw what was happening to her.

"Margaret stop!" Yelled Spyder

But Margaret didn't listen. It was like she was in own little world. Spyder struggled to pull the blade out of her arm. She was losing too much blood causing her vision to blur. She was finally able to get the blade out. If only the Master or Wraith was here they could stop this. She didn't have the energy to get up and try to stop Margaret. From the moment she first met Wraith she felt a connection with him. It was like a feeling like she could call his name and he would answer. 

Spyder took in a deep shaky breath "WRAITH" she yelled

But nothing happened. Margaret and Sparrow kept trading blows with Margaret having a slight upper hand. Maybe Spyder's feeling was wrong and he wouldn't come. But then it was like time stopped. In an instant he was there standing in the crowd. He walked slowly behind the people like a ghost. He made eye contact with Spyder. His blue eyes bore into her.

"Do you want to be strong" Spyder heard in her head.

"Yes but I'm not strong enough to stop them right now" she replied.

"Strength is not the main weapon of an assassin. We are creatures of the shadow. Even a wall will fall if you hit the right spot" he said.

"Margaret will not win this fight since she has given into the monster that sleeps inside her."

"What monster" asked Spyder

"There is a whole world you have never seen. Margaret is a creature of myth. A kitsune. She has never been able to control herself when she let her power out." Said Wraith.

Spyder looked back at Margaret and she could vaguely see a outline of fox ears and a bushy tail.

"You have the strength to stop her but you are afraid of using it. You locked it away cause you thought it was evil. But you have to release it." Echoed Wraith in her head.

"I will not. There are too many people here I will kill them." Said Spyder.

"I will subdue you if you become dangerous to them" said Wraith as he disappeared into the crowd. "Now release your true self. I will not stop Margaret and she will die if you don't act."

Spyder just cursed to herself. She closed her eyes and focused on the mental locks she set to keep her in human side locked away.

"So you finally came to visit. I got really lonely. Locked away in your mind. So is it time to play?" said a shadowy figure in her mind.

"I don't have a choice in the matter since I need you to stop my friend from dying." Said Spyder.


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