The Gifted People π¦ 12/2/18
Read Count : 59
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
When I speak of the gifted peopleI speak not of the headline -makers,the media and sports superstarsThey truly are talentedThere are the others who take words And paint them into life experiencesThey are of different ages, differentGenders,different nationalities differentCultures and most important-The amazing ability to mold their wordsInto their personal, individual pictures of expressionThere are no scrips, no cue cards, noRehearsalsBut there is the potpourri of the human conditionTrials and tradgedy,loves lost and found the searching for survival for happinessFor recognition for acceptance for appreciation and on and onEach individual with their unique gift presents this in a way that helps exposeWho they are beyond the facade of otherβs expectationsTheir only reward is the satisfaction of expressing from their soul the multitudeOf conditions and circumstances thatDefine their existence their struggles their achievements and disappointmentsThis then is real-sometimes agonizing to read some time joyous and rewardingBut for the most part-realI feel fortunate to have found a haven where the expression is the quality and the limitation of that expression is varied and limitlessThis then is my revelation of my new-found sanctuary and I saluteAii the gifted people-YOU π¦