Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Motivation
If the shoe fits....
Looking at you, no one would ever imagine the great turmoil that goes on inside of you. No one would ever know how much you hurt, how much you have cried and how much you feel. Why? Because looking at you, they see a pillar of strength.
You don't expose what you are feeling inside or give away the many inner battles that you fight. You hide your pain behind your smiles. You hide your suffering behind "I am okay" and "I am fine". Truth is, you do fall apart just like everyone else, but you do it alone and in private.
You cry silently behind closed doors, sobbing out your pain and suffering, soaking your pillow with rivers of tears, leaving stains on the sheets. Your bed had witnessed the most heartbreaking stories of your life, and the four walls in your bedroom have become the home of your own personal living hell.
Yet, you wake up every morning ready to tackle whatever hooha that dare stand in your way. To have a certain amount of control over your life, you stick to your daily regimented routines, putting on a brave face, pretending that the pain is not devouring you on the inside.
You are afraid to show your vulnerability so you hide your pain for fear of being judged. You hide in your shell of steel, suffering alone and quietly; not wanting anyone to know that behind the hard shell, you are actually breaking inside.
You are a warrior fighting secret battles whose metal suit of armour is worn out and has many dents. The silent battles have left you scarred with bruises and many wounds not visible to the naked eye that don't bleed outwardly, but bleed inwardly. They can't be seen but they exist and they hurt like hell. Still, you suffer alone and in silence.
You are not open to talk about your worries, your problems, your fears and your self-doubts. You keep your emotions bottled up and you keep them to yourself because it is too difficult to put in words everything you are feeling. To talk about the things that are hurting you is not an easy thing for you to do because you believe that you don't have the space to have a weak moment.
The world around you has taught you that showing your feelings and emotions means you are weak and pathetic. The world around you expects you to be tough, to be stoic, and that you must only show strength, because in this ruthless world only the strong ones win. Do they really? The world around you dictates that the strong don't complain, they just deal with everything. With all that "pressure" and expectation, you learn to hide your suffering well.
You learn to stand through vehement storms even when you want nothing more than to vanish and hide until the pain becomes bearable. You stand in your conviction of who you are and your ability to walk through hell and back. You know you will get back up time and time again when life knocks you down, regardless of the adversities that cross your path. No matter how painful, you brave it out and soldier on.
From where you stand, it is easy to look around and speculate. All around you, you see people who seem to be doing fine, people who seem to have it all figured out, people who seem to have their shit together. But are they really all that fine? Do they really have it all figured out? Do they really have their shit together? Fact is, everybody struggle and suffer in their own way. No one is exempt from pain.
I understand how difficult it is for you to share your vulnerabilities and pain as it is a tedious process. But you don't have to suffer in silence. You don't have to face it alone. You deserve to have someone in your corner who understands you and what you are going through. You may feel you are strong enough to carry the weight on your own, to face it all alone, to suffer in silence, but for how long? Until one day when you just can't take it anymore and you break into a million pieces? You may not realize it but the silent suffering chisels away at you until you turn into a different person and you lose yourself in the mute world that you have created. It eats you up slowly but surely. It can lead to trauma. It leads to taking your frustrations in negative ways. It only brings more pain and misery. But when you open up instead of hiding, things will eventually get better. I know you are strong, but, you are also human; fragile and sensitive, not a cold piece of machinery.
You don't have to suffer in silence about the pain you feel and about the things that are hurting you. You don't have to suffer in silence about the things you cannot control. You don't have to suffer in silence about the emptiness you feel. You don't have to suffer in silence about the things you cannot change. You are allowed to feel. You are allowed to hurt. You are allowed to weep. You just don't have to do it all alone.
Be kind to yourself. Love yourself. Know that even the strongest souls need someone in their corner. Don't hesitate to reach out. Don't let the unspoken words that you hold inside eat you alive. Don't be ashamed to share your deepest and most personal thoughts. Don't let suffering be the conductor of your life. Take the wheel. Drive away from what is hurting you and keep driving forward. Suffering is part of life, it's inevitable. But don't make it a permanent destination. Learn from it. Grow from it. And then let it go.