JaHanNam's Daughter's Read Count : 109

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy

                       JA-HAN-NAMS DAUGHTERS

        CHAPTER 1  Part 1

Rebecca tossed and turned in her bed like a ship caught in a raging storm at sea. She was dreaming of him again. The man with the red eyes. He was hurting her again with the cold. She struggled viciously to break away from his grasp, but could not break free. He was already inside of her, and each thrust was more vile then the last. His eyes were like fire, his touch like arctic ice. Rebecca could see her breath as she screamed for help. No one could hear her. She was a slave to his strength. He wispered softly in her ear. It was a language Rebecca had never heard before. His breath was like winter frost. Her body was frozen solid, yet she was on fire. 

  Then suddenly the burning stopped. Rebecca's eyes snapped open. She sat up in bed with a deep breath, and a loud gasp. She felt the cold in the debths of her bones. She knew she couldn't be cold. It was Summer in Arkansas and the humidity for most folk was unbearable. The sweat from her brow was begining to sting her eyes. Her tongue was sticking to the roof of her mouth, and her short, dark hair clung to the beads of sweat that rolled down her cheek's. Rebecca felt like a wild woman. Her eyes wide with fear. Her lips were dry, and cracked from dehydration. Her body felt heavy. She attempted to rise to her feet, but stumbled. She grabbed the night stand to steady herself. What was this feeling? Why was she confused? "Maybe im just thirsty," she wispered to herself. Rebecca made her way slowly down the hallway to the kitchen. There she found a glass of ice waiting for her on the kitchen counter. "Did i leave this here," she thought as she picked up the tall cylinder shaped glass and examined it. "I couldn't have, it would be melted by now." Becca thought. "He's always watching," came a small wisper from the darkness. Rebecca's heart dropped from fear. She looked around the kitchen frantically, but there was no one. Rebecca was totally alone. The gong of her mothers old grandfather clock which sat parrallel to the kitchen entrance in the hallway startled her. She jumped, and the ice shook and tinkled against the crystal glass that contained it. Rebecca brought her hand to her chest, and exhaled a small sigh of relief as she looked at the clock. It read midnight. "Midnight," Rebecca thought? She knew she hadn't lost her mind. "I cooked dinner at 5 o'clock as usual," Rebecca thought. "I remember letting Roscoe out to do his doggie business," she thought again. Things from that point seemed to just go blank. Rebecca's small, slender feet moved swiftly across the cold kitchen tiles. She opened the refrigerator door and filled the glass of ice with water from a glass pitcher. Then sipping the cool liquid slowly she replayed the evening events that she could remember in her head. 

  Rebecca's mind scrambled desprately to find the missing peices of her memory from that evening. She sipped the ice cold water again, and it froze the back of her throat for just a second as the refreshing liquid rolled down into her stomach. Her body began to cool and the perspiration quickly subsided. Rebecca made her way slowly back toward the hallway, and through the livingroom. As she passed the fireplace she stopped, and looked at a picture of her parents in a beautiful golden frame on the mantel. Her brother Jonathon had given her that frame before the war. He told Rebecca that he found it during one of his many adventures, and knew it would be the perfect gift so that Rebecca's picture of Mom and Dad wouldnt be tacked to the wall with stick pins. Rebecca sat the glass of water on the mantle peice and gently picked up the picture of her beloved parents. She dusted the picture subconciously with the sleeve of her night robe, then placed it back exactly as it had been before. The frame itself was made of solid gold, and it was lined with baby angels along the top that had their wings extended. Rebecca loved that picture of her parents smiling down on her. It comforted her to know that in a small way, they were still with her. She thought back to the day they had suddenly disappeared. One moment they were here in the house, and the next they were gone. 

 Rebecca had only been 19 when her brother Johnathan disappeared at war. Her brothers disappearance must of been to much for her parents to endure because a few days after the news about Jon got to Little Flock, Mr & Mrs. Mayers disappeared as well.    Rebecca put up missing person signs, and contacted local athorities, but they were never found. The ladies in town made up ugly rumors about the disappearances. They said Becca's mother was cursed by a beautiful Stone and sacrificed herself, her son, and her husband for its power. They said little Becca was lucky to have escaped her mothers evil. Rebecca wrapped her long, slender fingers around the crystal water glass. She lifted it slowly, looked down at her feet, then into the fireplace. She remembered the ruby amulet that turned up in her mothers garden that summer. She remembered its akward shape and the thin golden chain that seemed almost magic. It appeared to be created to never be broken. Rebecca's thoughts ran back to the day her mother gave the amulet to Jon to protect him from the war. "Jon," Rebecca thought. "My loving twin brother." "What's happened to you?" Remembering her family like this always made pain well up in her. Hot tears ran down her cheeks. Rebecca quickly wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and looked deep into the darkness of the fireplace. At that moment it was as if time stopped. Her heart began to race, and she didnt have control of her body movements. She couldnt seem to tear her eyes away from the center of the fireplace. Her body seemed to be running completly on auto pilot, behaving as if it was under the control of some kind of invisible puppet strings. The crystal glass of water fell from her hand and shattered on the lanolium floor with a violent crash. Rebecca felt a strong force pulling her to her knees. Helpless and afraid she knelt before the fireplace. Then she heard a wisper on the wind. It was a soothing voice she was sure she had heard before. In a language that at first she didn't understand. In that moment Rebecca was no longer afraid. The voice said, "Stretch forth your hand my love that i may give u her gift." "Whos gift," Rebecca thought as her hand was pulled by a powerful force slowly toward the center of the chimney. Then the voice came again. This time it said, "She will be called Ula-nigida for her strenghths." "She will be the first born of her kind." The voice continued, "She will lead her clan to victory." "Place the ruby amulet around her neck on her 18th birthday." Then Rebecca heard the voice no more. At that moment a great wind sang across the chimmny top . It caused the inner gate of the fireplace to be opened. A large ruby amulet fell into Rebeccas hand's from the throat of the chimney. All the memories she was tring so hard to remember a few minutes ago came flooding back. The amulet spoke to the child in Rebecca's womb. In a dream like state Rebecca placed the amulet around her neck. It rested against her heart. She woke from her trance as the amulet lit up. It seemed to sense the child in her womb. Rebecca knew It was from him. The man from her dream. He had Layed with her and she knew she had concieved. 


                                                  15 YEARS LATER"

Ula," her mother yelled from the back yard! "Yes mama," Ula yelled back. "Get out here and help me with this laundry child!" Ula busted out of the back door of the of the old farm house at top speed. She grabbed the basket of cloths from the top of the washing machine, and hung them on the  clothes line in seconds with exact precision. Ula was a very  different kind of child and her mother knew it. Ula was smart. Actually, smart would be an understatement. Ula could recite shakesphere at age 7 by heart and seemed to be quite fond of the books she spent so much time reading in the school library. 

During the early years of her life Ula realized she was diffrent. She had an almost animal instinct that always led her the right way. She never got lost. She was fearless in every sence of the word. Ula was fearless because she was unnaturally strong. She was also extremely fast. Ula could run so fast that any object around her would appear to be moving in slow motion, or not at all. Once Rebecca accidentally ran over Ula's faviorate teddy bear. Poor Mr. Fluff had been left in the driveway. Ula became completely enraged at the sight of her smashed friend. She yelled "Mama nooo!" Ula's voice was so loud, and strong that the house shook violently. That day Ula went against her mother's wishs to never show her "gifts" in public. She ran out to the driveway, lifted the front end of Rebeccas volvo with  one arm, and slid the teddy out from under the red sudan with her free hand. Rebecca watched silently from the kitchen window with her arms crossed as Ula set the car down and cradled her teddy crying "are you ok Mr. Fluff." "Mommy didnt mean to hurt you." 

 Grade school was when the anger truly began for Ula. The other kids made fun of her constantly. Rebecca worked full time as a waitress at Smokin Joe's rib house in the city of Roger's Arkansas. It was an 11 minute drive from Little Flock, and Becca was barely making ends meet. Ula didnt have alot of new things. 

Not to mention having a name like Ula-nigida  Mayers in the small town like Little Flock Arkansas. Sometimes she hated her mother for that stupid name.

As the seasons changed and Ula grew into a teen her strength increased. She could pull up a whole apple tree, and shake the fruit off like dust on a cloth. Then she would slam the roots of the tree back into the ground fast enough that the tree never knew it had been uprooted at all. Rebecca would ask her not to waste the poor trees fruit if she wasnt going to eat it. So Ula used her speed and began taking bags of apples to all the people in close proximity who had no home. In that way the fruit wasnt wasted. The way Ula saw it the apples at the very top of the tree had to be the sweetest. So it became a ritual for her every spring to shake the tree, and deliver the leftover fruit. 

  Ula had a strong feminine body, not much diffrent from other girls her age. 

though she was only 15 her hair was the shade of clouds just after an April rain shower. This yet another rare, and distinguishing characteristic kids her age poked fun of her for. She hated that stupid hair color, but no dye on this green earth would take well enough to change it. She had gotten use to being called names like old smokie, and Benita Button, Benjamin Buttons lost sister from the grave. The mean name she related to the most was goth girl or "The Goth Girl" to be exact. "Here comes the goth girl," are the wispers that filled the halls of the school house when Ula would walk by. There was something in Ula that was dark, almost sinister, and she knew it. She had to work really hard at supressing her strength at school when she was mad. In fits of anger she would run at unnatural speeds for hours and yell so loud that the place she stood would shake violently. 

  Ula wore dark make up on her eyes and kept her dark grey locks covering her face. In her mind she was hiding from the mean kids. Rebecca didnt allow Ula to fight because of her super human strengths. Ula hated her for it. Rebecca, and Ula argued often about the gift, as Rebecca liked to call it. Ula only saw it as a curse. She would think to herself "what good is a gift mother if I can never use it."

   Again the seasons changed, and Ula began to blossom into a young woman. At her 8th grade graduation she was the shy and quiet. But when the summer was over she returned to high school a diffrent person. 

It was like she had been magically transformed into an amazinly beautiful young woman. Gone was the gothic eye make-up, and her long grey locks swirled in luxurious wavey curls down  

her back. Her lips were full, her eyes were bright, and she was now at peace with the gift. Gone was the goth granny her classmates remembered her to be. Ula had learned to hide the gift well. Sometimes she couldn't contain herself. At one point used it to crush the front end of a mercedes that belonged to Tina Mitchell (the most popular girl at little Flock High, and also the biggest bully) for picking on a new kid. Ula wouldnt stand to see anyone picked on and would use the gift to silently avenge those weaker then her. In her diary she called herself the silent warrior. She imagined herself lurking somewhere in the shadows waiting to deliver Karma to all the bullys in the world. High school was so much diffrent then grade school. Boys would walk by her dropping their books if she made eye contact with them. They would trip and fall at a glance of her smile. "Jocks are so Lame," Ula  thought, as they awkwardly passed her in the hallway on their way to gym class making growl noises. Ula stayed at the tip top of her class in academics. She loved sports but was always afraid some one would see her gift if she tried out. Ula spent a lot of time alone until she met Jason. Finally someone she actually thought was cool.

 Jason was a loner from Milwaukee who had moved to Little Flock last summer. The ladies in town, whom Ula nick named The Town Hens, gossiped regularly at bingo where Ula's mother Rebecca spent most of her Sunday afternoons. The Town Hens said that Jason's parents had died in a terrible car crash. Poor young Jason had come to Little Flock to live with His Granpa Don Simpson. Don was a widower who lived down by the river down at the edge of town near Ula and Rebecca's farm house. Jason was a bad boy. A trouble maker who was always getting walked out of class for being disruptive, and combative. He didn't take anyone's crap and Ula got a kick out of it.

  One fine Monday morning after a great weekend filled with Silent Warrior fantasy bully attacks, Ula found herself face to face with Jason Trenton. The sight of him so close startled her and she gasped quietly. "Hi" Jason said. "Hi" Ula replied. "Didn't mean to scare ya," He said with a shy smile. "Its ok," Ula responded as she shut her locker. "So your Ula right," Jason asked?  "Ya, I am" Ula retorted as she began to walk swiftly away hugging her science book. "Wait up," Jason yelled, as he jogged to catch up to her. When he finally caught her he said "look I hear other Kids callin u goth girl and.. Ula cut off his sentence before he could finish and said " Ya and I hear u can't keep your hand out of hand cuffs." "What do u want Jason?" He smiled slowly and said "So u know my name huh?" "Ugh!" Ula exclaimed as she began to walk off swiftly. Jason grabbed, and held her arm. "Look," Jason said. "Im not good at, well making friends, and your always alone to." Jason continued speaking with his head down, "I just thought we could be friends or something, I don't know maybe I was wrong." Then he let her arm go. Ula examined Jason briefly. His big brown eyes and we'll built frame set him apart from other guys at school. She noticed how perfectly his lips were shaped. Ula realized Jason saw her staring at his lips from his sly smile. She dropped her gaze down to the top of her books and  said "sure, ok" and walked quickly into class. When she was sure he wasn't looking she smiled. High school flew by. Ula and Jason spent a lot of time down by the river laughing and enjoying one another's company. Rebecca had never seen Ula so happy and it was a nice change. It was 10 days Till Ula's 18th birthday.  Rebecca subconsciously fondled the ruby amulet she had placed around her neck the night it fell into her hands. Soon it would be Ula's gift. Little did she know that the amulet's power would change Ula's life forever.

  On the morning of May 5, Rebecca was busy bussling throughout the house making preparations for Ula's  18th birthday party. Everything had to be absolutely perfect. Rebecca invited Jason and His grandpa Don over for the big birthday dinner. Finally preparations were complete and Rebecca called for Ula to come downstairs. "Happy Birthday Ula" the trio chimed in unison as Ula made her way into the dining room with a huge smile. "Aww Mom," Ula exclaimed. "You didn't have to do all this." Oh Stop it Sweety" Rebecca giggled. "Come over here and have a seat, I have a gift for you," she said in a sing song voice. As Ula began to move closer to her mother, the amulet around Rebecca's neck began to glow and get so cold it burned her skin.

Rebecca remembered the cold burning flame that entered her body the night Ula was concieved. She remembered the word he spoke to Mr that night. The belonged to Ula this day and forever. Rebecca quickly reached for the back of her neck searching for the clasp of the amulet. The clasp was nowhere to be found. The Amulet glowed with fury slowly freezing Rebecca's chest cavity. The amulets chain had become tangled in Rebecca's long dark mane making it difficult for her to remove it from over her neck. She had begun to turn pale by this point, and her struggle to remove the amulet weakened.  Without thinking Ula spring from her seat, and begin to untangle the amulets chain from her mother's thick dark locks. She worked desperately to release the amulet but Rebecca's shiney dark lock's were  wrapped around and throughout the chain. Rebecca had created quite a mess while frantically trying to set herself free of the amulet's grasp.  When the chain was free from Rebecca's hair, the clasp was easily visible to Ula. She unsnapped the clasp, and removed the amulet from her mothers neck. Life slowly begin to flood back into Rebecca's body like the coming of the high tide at noon, and she rested her head on the back of the chair she was seated in.    As soon as the amulet touched Ula's hand she could feel its power. The amulet begin to whisper to Ula in hushed tones that only she could hear.  It was almost like the voice's were in her own mind. Ula heard the amulet whisper to something deep inside of her. Then she felt herself raise her hands, and stretch them out before her. Holding the large ruby and chain with both hands she released the stone. The weight of the stone caused it to drop toward the floor extending the chain to its full length, causing the stone to bounce just slightly and then Rock back and forth slowly before gravity's pull stopped its movement. All at once the amulet became very still. Jason and Grandpa Don stared in awe at Ula because her expression was blank. Her skin was turning pale. Her eyes were completely white. Grandpa Don recignized the occurrence. Ula was experiencing a Bell's Phenomenon. The Irides of her eyes had disappeared into her eye lids giving her a sinister appearance beneath the silhouette of her silky, dark, smoke colored, tresses. She lifted the chain over her head placing the amulet around her neck. It rested against her heart. The amulet   began to Glow against Ula's skin slowly removing her color. It was turning her skin a fair shade of  pale grey. Now because of the amulet's glow her eyes became a dark grey, and resembled angry thunder clouds. Jason and Grandpa Don gazed at her in amazement as her beautiful gray locks begin to grow unnaturally, and her body euphorically, yet gracefully was lifted off the ground. The invisible, gravitational force lifted her long beautiful gray hair toward the ceiling. To Jason, it looked as if  Ula was asending into a place where air was a vast pool of translucent water and Ula's hair was flowing freely through its invisible ripple's. Then suddenly The windows and the doors of the house blew open. A great wind rushed through the dining room. It created a small whirlwind beneath Ula's feet, forcing her up higher toward the vaulted ceilings of the old farmhouse. The sunlight that filled the room from the open doors, and windows shone on Ula's skin, and it twinkled like diamonds. The force that had lifted Ula up, begin to slowly set her down on her feet. Her dark grey eyes regained consciousness. In that moment Ula knew she wasn't alone. She knew there were others. She senced that they knew about her as well. She knew she had to find them. What she wanted to know however, was why?


Chapter 1 Part 2

(Miyu Mizuki & Aki-Toshi)

Miyu was taken as a child, and forced into slavery by the Dark Regimen. Her parents were murdered before her eyes, and burned along with the small village she called home. The Dark Regimen was a group of murdering, traitorious men well educated in the slave trade business. They pillaged, and burned any village's they choose, then escaped to their hideaway with the young women and riches they gathered. Miyu was sold to the house of mistresses just as the others had been. She was treated well in her captors care. She was given all the best clothing, food, and lodging. Miyu's beauty kept her in the west wing  serving the older ladies. This was so everyone could gaze upon her youth, and manor. Also so she could learn first hand the ways of the mistress. For one day, when she became of age Miyu would be chosen by a high  ranked member of society (for  healthy price of course) to serve him as his mistress until he tired of her. Beautiful Miyu was highly valued by her captors. She had not one blemish or scar on her exquisite porcelain skin. That in itself would one day make her captor a wealthy man.

One sweltering day the slave girls were sent out to fetch water from the river. An army of strange men dressed in desert garb came and slew Miyu's captors household, taking for  themselves the older mistresses, and the slave girls who had been sent to fetch water for the Master's house. Miyu was 17 years old. Almost of age to be sold as a mistress herself. She was very beautiful. When one of the savages reached  his arm forth to grab the arm of beautiful Miyu, a beautiful older mistress (very familiar in the ways of a man) threw herself in front of the young slave girl and begged the soldier to have his way with her instead. The older mistress was called Ying for her quick wit. She claimed that young Miyu was a clumsy and akward lover often talked down upon for her meek ways. "She is nothing like my experienced touch," Ying scoffed. The truth however was Ying knew Miyu had not yet known the touch of a man. The soldier was at first confused. Then anger filled him for he greatly disliked Yings outburst. The soldiger's lips curved up in what Miyu thought was an evil snarl, and he drew close to Ying to accommodate her request. Ying was snatched by the hair and thrown to the ground violently. Her clothing was ripped from her body. The soldier asked Ying through clenched teeth "is this what you begged to save the young one from harlot," as he forced himself inside of her while biting her breasts until they bled. The soldier beat the older mistress across her face with his fist as he raveged her. Her screams of pain caused the soldiger's face to twist, and contort as he reached his  climax. Then he choked the older mistress until she lay bloodied, and lifeless. The other mistresses began to weep and as the soldier lay still on top of Yings soulless body breathing heavily. There stood Miyu wide eyed, and mouth gaping. for fear of what she had witnessed, ran for her life through the forest.  When she could run no more she hid high in a treetop. The soldiers looked for her but could not find her. As the sun began to set over the mountain, Miyu found herself drifting off to sleep. When she awoke there was no signs of the soldiers who had chased her the day before. The heat of the  sun bore down on her causing her to dehydrate rapidly. She fell from her hiding spot in the tree and hit the ground very hard causing her to lose consciousness. 

   Miyu awoke to the rocking of the wagon and the sound of the Bell worn by the farmers ox. Her body ached, and she could not move. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head as she Rock back and forth with the movements of the wagon she lay in. The voice of the farmer was calm, and soothing.  It comforted her to hear him say that she was safe now. Miyu then allowed herself to drift off to sleep.   

Several years pasted. The farmer raised Miyu to Womanhood as his own child. She often traveled with him to the city to Market to sell his vegetables and fruit. Miyu was very beautiful and often attracted the attention of many of the locals. Hundreds of suitors would come from miles around and knock on the door of the farmer begging to speak with Miyu. She would always tell the farmer to say to her Suitor that she was too tired from much work and to come another day. Miyu had never known the touch of a man and she would rather keep it that way after what she had seen on the day before the farmer rescued her.   Jahannam choose Miyu because of her will power, and beauty.  He came to her in a dream as he would do the others. In her dream Miyu was near the river smelling the flowers. There by the river she happened upon a beautiful emerald amulet.  As she lifted the stone from the mud Jahaanam appeared to her. His voice was deep like the roar of a lion. "Come to me my love," he commanded. Jahaanam drew close to Miyu until their lips touched. His kiss was so cold it froze her body until it burned like a blazing fire. Then Jahaanam layed Miyu upon a bed of flowers, there by the river and went into her. 

Her beauty overwhelmed him and he did not hurt her as he had done Rebecca. Miyu welcomed him where Rebecca had faught him. When Miyu awoke her body ached for Jahaanm. She knew it was no dream. She prayed silently her love would return to her.  

 The farmer watched as Miyu's body swelled with child. He knew that she had never known the touch of a man and he wondered what blessing or sorcery had befallen her.

On the day that the female child was born the farmer named  her (by  no knowledge of his own) the name that Jahannam had chosen for her before her conception. On May 5th 2055 Ahmya Aki-Toshi was born.

   Ahmya grew up well trained in the ways of wisdom by the farmer, and by her mother Miyu. Even in her youth her knowledge far surpassed those of her age. Her mind was an endless abyss of questions and answers. She learned all things with unnatural speed. Ahmya spent a lot of time away from home in the forest learning all she could about everything she could. The farmer loved her as if she was his very own granddaughter. The farmer taught Ahmya the secrets of the forest. She loved it in the forest. She found herself spending hours there. The farmer would be very angry if she was not home before the sun set over the mountain tops. If Ahmya found that she was running behind on schedule she would stop the hands of time long enough to make it home before the sun set over the mountain tops. No one was ever the wiser.  On the day that she turned 18, Ahmya was off on an adventure in the forest  near a bed of flowers by the river. As she sat herself upon the bed of flowers a twinkle caught her peripheral vision and she looked up to find a beautiful emerald and gold amulet hanging from a low branch in Plainview. She wondered who might have lost such a beautiful treasure and looked around for the person who may have misplaced the amulet. There was no one for miles except her, and the sounds of the forest. Ahmya Aki-Toshi took the amulet into her hands and her long black hair begin to grow at lightning speed.. Her big beautiful black eyes turned a shade of emerald green and her skin paled slightly. She felt the power of the emerald as it surged through her but did not realize her appearance had changed so dramatically. Holding the emerald amulet she ran into the house where the farmer and her mother were seated at the table. Miyu's eyes widened with fright as Ahmya place the amulet over her head and around her neck. Miyu recognized the amulet immediately. "Wait Ahmya," Miyu yelled to her daughter but it was to late.  Ahmya was lfted into the air and her skin shined like diamonds in the sunlight. Miyu was jilted back to reality at the sound of the farmers cries of pain. Miyu saw that he was holding his chest gazing at Aki-Toshi with his mouth gaping. The Farmer fell to the floor clutching his chest. Aki-Toshi had begun to desend and was standing firmly on her feet as the Emerald returned her consciousness. She saw that the farmer lay on the ground lifeless. In her grief Aki-Toshi fell to her knees before the body of the farmer. "Granfather" she cried to the heavens "It is I Who have killed u." Please Forgive me."   The Skies opened up at her shrill cries and it begin to rain blood. Miyu gazed out the window at the drops of blood that fell from the sky amazed, then looked back at Aki- Toshi. Miyu knew her daughter had caused the blood rain to fall because of the death of her granfather. Ahmya look at her mother green eyes flaring with pain and anger and said, "for this thing I have done, I will never be forgiven." Then she rested her head up in the farmers heart and wept. 

  That night the Emerald spoke to her heart. Aki-Toshi knew she had to leave her mother and her home In BiEi to find the others. The Amulet had told her so. She did not know where she was going or how she would get there but that night with only the clothes on her back Aki Toshi disappeared Into the Night without a trace.

Chapter 1 part 3

Kaalida & the orphan princess

    Kaalida Ahsan was born to a wealthy family in Shizar located in Fars Province. By age 16 she was already the most beautiful in the land. Her fiery red hair and naturally red lips were a tantalizing surprise if seen without her hijib. Her distinctive traits set her apart because none of the ladies in her land had them. Her parents kept her well covered on every outing fearing someone would Steal her away because she was so beautiful. Kaalida was a strong-willed girl. She often took long walks down the bank of the Khoshk river near the Eram Garden without wearing her hijib. She Thought herself to be hidden from sight between the forest trees, and the extremely high garden walls. On one such occasion, the King happened to be staring over the wall from the high tower above the Eram garden. He beheld  Kaalida's great Beauty and his heart filled with desire. The King sent his guard to fetch Kaalida, and bring her to him. When the King gazed upon her luscious red lips and fiery red hair, love for her swelled in his heart. He desired to have her as a wife. So the King sent word to Kaalida's mother and father that she would no longer be returning to them.  

    And so it was that the Persian King took Kaalida for a wife. He set her upon a gold and red velvet throne next to him in the Great Hall. He was so fond of her beauty that he had many artists draw hundreds of beautiful pictures of her. Then he had them hung all throughout the palace so that he could gaze upon her in any room. His love for Kaalida was great.

    Even though the King had laid with Kaalida many times she had not brought forth a child. Because of this the King tired of  Kaalida's company and left her to her own devices most of the time. Months would pass before they would see each other. Even after months away from his beautiful Queen, the King refused to lay with her. 

    Jahannam choose Kaalida for her  fiery, unblemished beauty, and position of authority. On the night Ja-hannam came to Kaalida, she had wept because she could not produce her King an heir.     The beautiful Queen now relaxed her neck against the inner wall of a  bathing tub filled with hot milk and honey, and sprinkled with cherry blossom's. The large Tub had been fashioned of pure gold. Its deep intricate design, and perfect inlay sat upon Lions feet. It had been giving to the Queen by the King on the day set aside for the celebration of her birth. The tub's golden beauty had Intrigued Kaalida the first time she had laid her eye's upon it. Running her fingers over the smooth gold inlay she remembered the Kings passion and tears filled her eyes. "Where had his love for her gone," she wondered. Kaalida's long fire red mane hung over the edge of the golden tub. The tips of her thick tresses traced the floor lightly, like low hanging tree branches that tickled the river waters as they flowed by. Her olive skin was lightly sun kissed. It looked as smooth, and soft as silk. Her petite nose, and lucious red lips were made for the kiss of a King. "Why must he reject me she thought." The steam from the hot milk bath danced in the candle light like fairy's. "Enough self pity," thought Kaalida as she arose from the  golden tub standing at full height dripping, and naked. The way the candle light danced against her nakedness Ja-hannam could see why the King had made her a possion of passion. She was breath taking.   Her ladies dried her skin,  and dressed her in a emerald green satin robe. Kaalida's eyes were swollen, and red from tears. Her nose was red and matched her ruby lips. Kaalida asked her maid servants to leave her alone. As the last lady exited her chamber, Kaalida wrapped her arms around her body, and sunk down to her knees before the fire place. She layed herself upon the  chinchilla rug near the fire and drifted off to sleep with a heavy heart.

    Kaalida gazed upon the twinkling of the stars in the night sky. They were so close she could touch them. "Am I dreaming," she thought? In the distance she heard singing. "What a  glorious sound," Kaalida thought. "That must be the voice of an angel," she thought again. Then he appeared. He had clouds of frost all around him. He stood at full height, at least 8 feet tall. Kaalida could only see his silloette, and the glow of his bright red eyes. She tried to run, but her feet were frozen in the place where she stood. Jahannam wasted no time. He ravaged Kaalida, and forced her to reciprocate. When it was over it was like it had never happened. 

The morning sun shined on Kaalida's face. She awoke slowly clutching her pelvis. "What had happened," she thought? Kaalida felt the child within her, and feared for her life. She knew the King would never believe what had happened to her. So for fear of losing her life, and the life of the child she carried in her womb she decided to trick the King. Kaalida quickly wrote a letter to the King. She told him that it had been months since she had gazed upon his face, and that she desired to please him. She asked the King to allow her to bring him sweet fruit and sing for his pleasure. Then she quickly folded the letter, bound it with her seal, and sent it through her servant to the King. The King sent for Kaalida that evening.

    Kaalida bathed herself in rose water and honey. She pinned her long fiery locks atop of her head, sprayed her body with the sweet smelling prefume the King loved. She gave herself a once over in the looking glass, adjusted her corsette, smoothed her night gown, and exited her suite. Kaalida walked swiftly through the hall to the Kings chambers. She stood quietly outside the large wooden doors to her husband's suite. Placing both hands on the doors, she laid her head against the cool oak wood. A few moments passed before Kaalida gave the heavy door's an small shove, and They gave  deep groans as they swang open. She entered the dim lit room in all her beauty, and grace. The King lay shirtless on the huge canopy bed just steps  before her. A beautiful yellow sapphire amulet rested on his broad, muscular chest. The amulets thin gold chain twinkled In the candlelight. Kaalida's heart leapt. She Loved him still. The beautiful Queen sensually approached the bed. She placed first one hand then the other, followed by first one knee then the other, upon the satin blankets. Then Kaalida crawled to her King in an act of submission. She kissed his lips softly, and he erupted in passion. They became one in that moment. When they had, had their fill of one another, Kaalida fed her King the sweet fruit the servents had brought on her request. "Sing to me my beautiful Queen," the King said as he kissed Kaalida softly. Kaalida sang softly to the King until he feel into a deep sleep. Her love for him was great. The King did not know that it was to be  the sleep of death. Ja-hanNam had made sure of that by sprinkling the fruit the King ate with a tasteless poison.    In the night Kaalida  realized that the King was not breathing. She yelled for the guard. "Save Him," she yelled!

   The Queen in full nakedness, and confusion stood as still as a court yard statue. She watched wide eyed as the guards removed the Kings body from his bed chambers. Kaalida's lady servents covered her in a robe and led her out into the hallway. They walked her down the long hallway to her  suite. When Questioned by the Palace guard, Kaalida said that the King had layed with her. She explained he events that had occurred that evening. She told repeatedly that she and the King  had made love, slept, and he did not awake to her kiss. She told the soldiers that the last gift the king had given her was the child that grew in her womb. 

 Kaalida's thoughts raced as she gazed out of the palace window that over looked the cherry tree orchard the King and planted for her. Her King had been taken away from her suddenly. She and the child  were safe, but how? Who's hand had saved, and cursed her this day.

    Princess Loreley Ahsan was born the morning of May 5. The midwife who delivered her said that as the baby was being born, the child's cries sounded like the  beautiful song of an enchanted siren. The small amount of hair on he child's head was curly, and fiery red like her mothers. Kaalida named her beautiful daughter Loreley, because her crys were like the sound of heavens choir. Loreley grew to be very knowledgeable in the ways of the beauty of a woman. She was a Pampered princess with thousands of silk dresses and shoes. Every inch of her room was covered in satin and lace. Her fiery red curl's were always  done in the newest style's. Her beauty far surpassed her mother's and that of any of the ladies in the land. At  age 17 she fell in love with a hatter's son. They met while out with her mother purchasing new garb. One night after everyone in the palace was sleeping, Loreley and the hatter's son stole away Into the night under the stars. They held hands just gazing upon each other. That night tha hatter's son decided to kiss Loreley. As their lips touched she felt her breath leave her body. Her ruby red lips were like poison to the hatter's son. As soon as his lips touched her's, he fell dead before her. When Loreley opened her eyes to find the hatter's son laying lifeless she ran to the Palace at top speed swearing to herself never to give her kiss to another. She told no one of the incident with the hatter's son.  

 Kaalida was well known for her lavish party's. On one such occasion, a foreign Prince from a nearby Kingdom looked upon Loreley at a palace feast. He could not look away from her beauty. His heart was no longer his own from that moment. He tried to court the Princess but Loreley, (because of her oath to never love another) hid herself in her chambers. Kaalida again invited all the top ranking officials and Prince's from all over the land to a banquet festival. This was done in hopes that her daughter would find one that she loved, and marry him. Princess Loreley chose none to be her King. A slave woman found the handsome Prince who loved Loreley in the court yard. He was sick from a broken heart, because of Loreley's rejection. An old woman sitting under a tree in the courtyard approached the young Prince and asked why he was upset. The Prince explained that the woman he loved had rejected him. He mentioned he was in love with the Princess Loreley. The old woman (who had been in service to the Queen in during the time of Loreley's conception)

 whispered in the prince's ear, "if  I am paid 1,000 gold pieces I will reveal to you how u may have the Princess Loreley as your Queen." "Pay the hag," the Prince barked at his treasurer. In an instant a short fat man with small legs and a humongous belly ran to the old slave woman and began counting out gold peices. And so the Prince paid the old slave woman her price. The slave woman whispered in his ear the happenings on the night of the Loreleys conception. She explained how she had witnessed the Queen naked with a strange man in the courtyard. The man who had red eyes had ravished the Queen the day before the King's passing. With his newfound knowledge, the Prince approached Queen Kaalida. He forced her to give Loreley to him marriage. For fear that the people of the land would overthrow her kingdom, Kaalida agreed and forced her daughter Loreley to marry the Prince. 

    Loreley became very angry when she heard the news, but refused to disobey her mother the Queen. With hot tears running down her face, she ran to the top of the lookout tower, and rested her head against the cool bricks. Then Loreley began to sing. Softly at first, then the song of her lost love grew louder and stronger until it filled the tower with a beautiful echo that tunneled down through the tower and caused all the men in Shizar to be hypnotized. All the men of the city knew that  Loreley was to be married to the foreign Prince. Each one of the men in the city became enraged at the thought of Loreley choosing any man but himself, and they began to destroy one another. Some sought after the Prince to take his life. All the men in the city wanted Loreley for themselves. From the top of the tower Loreley continued to sing a beautiful song of a love lost. She remembered her love for the hatter's son. She was oblivious to the madness happening all throughout the city. Some of the men in the city rushed toward the palace doors. Forcing their way in, the men demanded that the prince be brought to them. When the Princess saw the commotion at the palace gates from her view point at the top of the tower, her singing stopped. The men who had busted in to the Palace looked around Dazed and Confused at how they had gotten there. The men who fought in the street became suddenly aware that they were destroying each other. 

Some of the men laid dead in the streets with broken bodies. None of the men knew what had happened. 

   The wedding day was set for the day of Loreley's 18th birthday. It was  to be a beautiful ceremony. All the kingdoms near and far came to the Palace to see the most beautiful bride in the land given to the Prince. Loreley was laden in gold silk from head to toe. Her curly red loc's were pinned neatly upon her head. The train of her gown was carried by 100 maids because of its length. She was a gloriously enchanting thing to behold. As Loreley reached the steps of the alter the Prince held out his hand. Loreley took his hand and took a step up so that she and her Prince were level and vows were exchanged. The Prince placed a gold ring on her finger as he recited his words of love to her. There before God and all the kingdoms of the land he professed his promises to Loreley. When it was Loreleys turn to recite her vows she only looked down at the bouquet of red roses in her hand. "You may kiss your bride my prince," said the  magistrate. As the Prince leaned in to kiss his new bride he whispered "Have you no views for me my love?" Loreley looked up at the Prince with blazing green eyes and wispered " My only vow is to remain true and love you for as long as you shall live." Then she kissed him. As the Prince lay his lips upon hers to seal their Union, he like the hatter's son fell dead before her feet. The swords of the Prince's Guardsmen were unsheathed. "She has poisoned him with her kiss," "sorcery," "witch" they yelled!  The Prince's guards rushed toward Loreley. Kaalitas guardsmen held then off and led the princess through a secret door in the great hall which led outside of the city walls. There she met her mother. The Queen wrapped Loreley in slaves Rags and covered her beautiful red hair with a hijib. Loreley was sent by camel to the coastline where she was placed on a ship secretly. The Princess heard the amulet speaking to her before she saw it. The whispering was coming from the bag her mother have placed over her shoulder as she fled Shizar. Loreley opened the bag. She saw the beautiful  yellow Sapphire amulet attached to a long thin golden chain. The chain must have been made from Angels hair because it was so strong it looked to be Unbreakable. As she held the amulet before her gazing upon it, her eyes glowed. The beauty of the amulet had Bewitched her, and she could feel its power move through her veins. Without further hesitation, she placed it around her neck. Her eyes turned a deeper shade of green, because of the sapphire which rested on her heart. Her hair grew long and thick, and her skin paled slightly. The power of the amulet lifted her up above the slave ship and she was floating in midair. Her body was twisted violently in a circle causing her to be thrust back and forth in the wind like a rag doll. When she descended, she stood firmly on the deck of the boat. Her beauty was so great through the power of the amulet that every man on the ship became hypnotized and did exactly as she bid him. It was then that she knew her purpose. She felt the other's. Loreley felt something different too. Something stronger. She turned toward the bow of the ship and there before her stood Aki-Toshi. Both amulets lit up like the sun. They gravitated toward each other, pulling both women with them as they moved. When the amulets touched each other, both of the women paled even more than before and their diamond skin shined even brighter in the Sun. Then the amulet's rested against their chest's. Both sisters stared at each other. They were amazed at the resemblance of their features. 


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