Man's Best Friend Pt.1 Read Count : 133

Category : Adult

Sub Category : Graphic novel


Hi. My name is Joey. I am a German Shepard. I turned 1 today. My owner Brandon helped momma birth me last year. I remember the pain my momma was in to bring me into the beautiful world. She was a German Shepard to. Like me. But sadly, momma passed away last Christmas. I guess she didn't feel good one day and wanted to be with her mommy. I don't know. All I do know is I miss her very much and that I  wish I could lay up next to her like I used to. Anyways enough with the sad stuff. Your here to get to know about me! So let me tell you. 

I have been a lot of places. I have lived as a lot of different dogs. I have lived a lot of dog years with a lot of good people and a lot of bad people. But no one has ever been as good to me as Brandon. See Brandon is kind of like me. His mommy passed away a long time ago to but he seems to be ok. And if I know anything then it's that if your best friend is sad. Be sad with them. Let them know their not alone. But he's not ever sad. Only when he's not with me of course. But on the other hand,  Brandon's Papa seems to be really sad all the time. He's always screaming and yelling and throwing stuff. Brandon says he acts the way he does because he doesn't drink water. Brandon says that his papa only drinks bottles of sadness and that's why he's sad and angry all of the time. I just wish that he would let me love him like Brandon does. He really needs it. Oh! Maybe papa drinks the bottles of sadness because he lost his momma to! I just hope he feels better soon. 


"Joey! Joey where are you boy" Brandon yelled as he walked into his house. "Joey! Come-" Brandon was cut off as a little German Shepard puppy came sprinting through the living room and pouncing into Brandon's arms. "Hey buddy did you miss me huh? Did you miss me? " Brandon asked smiling from ear to ear. "Guess what I got Joey for his birthday. " Brandon said putting his hand behind his back. "I got you some" He paused. "Treats"! 

Joey dove out of Brandon's chest and onto the floor where he sat patiently waiting for his good boy snack. " Here boy" Joey said pulling a treat from the bag. "You want it?  Huh?  You want it?" Joey began to bark. "Here boy. Go get it! " Brandon said throwing the treat across the room. Joey took off running through the living room trying to find the treat. "Haha god your such a cute pup" Brandon said. Joey threw his head around while still running a grinned before tripping and flipping across the carpet. "Haha" Brandon laughed. 

"Brandon! Come here boy!" Pa yelled for Brandon. "Boy! You deaf? Get your fuckin ass in here now! " Brandon walks into the living room to see his dad sitting in the recliner with puke stains down his what used to be white tank top. "Yea? " Brandon asked. "Get me a beer" Pa said. "Dad I don't think you should have anymore. You've been sitting in that chair since 9 this morning drinking and it's 4 in the afternoon now. " Brandon said. "What?! What'd you say to me boy?! Huh?! Cause I said somethin to you! So why haven't you done it yet? Go get me a fuckin beer! " Pa yelled. Brandon walked to the kitchen and grabbed a cold bud light from the fridge and brought it to his dad. "Ungrateful piece of shit!" Pa said snatching the beer from Brandon's hand. "Now piss off! " Pa yelled. 

As Brandon began to walk up the stairs to his bed room his dad yelled out "it's your fault you know! It's your fault shes gone! She couldn't no more of your shit so she ended it on her own terms because of you! " Pa yelled. Brandon's eyes filled with salty tears as he took off up the steps and into his room slamming the door behind him knocking off a picture of his mother from the wall shattering into pieces on the floor. As Brandon layed in his bed, face buried in his pillow. A sudden sound came from outside of his bedroom door. A whimper and a few scratches. "Go away Joey! " Brandon yelled but it didn't matter. Joey would not let up his whimpering and scratching at the door. 

Joey whimpered some more. Finally Brandon jumped up from his bed completely pissed off, opened the door,  and screamed at his puppy. "Go away Joey! Go away! Leave me alone! Leave me the fuck alone! " Brandon yelled as he fell back onto his bed to cry some more. Joey sat in the doorway just staring at Brandon's bed then over to the broken picture of Brandon's mom on the floor. All of a sudden Brandon felt a bounce at the bottom of his bed that slowly crept up to his chest. When Brandon open his eyes he couldn't do nothing but smile. For in front of his face sat Joey with the picture of Brandon's mom hanging from his lip. Brandon smiled and took the picture but his smile slowly faded away as he realised he couldn't remember the sound of her voice. So he rolled onto his side facing Joey and cried even harder. "Im so alone without you mom" Brandon cried as he clenched the picture closer. By this time Joey even had tears in his eyes. But even tho Brandon was yelling at him he knew he wasn't mad at him. He was only upset because he missed his momma. 

Joey crawled up closer to Brandon and layed his head against his chest. His mom was the only thing on Brandon's mind. And a few simple words were on Joey's. 

"As long as I'm here, you'll never be alone"


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