The Old Days. Part 1 Read Count : 141

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A

The wind blew harder as the night got colder me and Ritchie were in the front Ritchie was the one driving it was only a few weeks ago when the news filed brakeing news. I was just sitting down readying a book "There is a sign of paranormal zombie activity make sure to be safe lock your dores and windows and stay inside" the news said. I  called Ritchy he answered "Ya" he said it sounded like he was sleeping  "You need to pack up some cloths and food and get over here" I said "What why" Ritchy said. "Just do it" I said then hanged up the phone I ran to my mom's room "Mom we need to pack up food and cloths now" I said rushing to my room. My mom went to her dresser and packed up her bags I ran into the kitchen and packed canned food. Ritchy pulled into the drive of the apartment building he called me "I'm here get down here" I grabed  my mom as we ran down the stairs to the car that Ritchy was driving. We hopped into the car and drove off. " So why did you want us to leave again" Ritchy asked "I heard on the news that there were zombies and I got to scarded" I explained "I didnt want us to get hurt so have you heard from your parents yet" I asked, Ritchy looked at me then the rhode. "No I haven't there probly never going to talk to me ever again" He said. We drove and drove farther Ritchy turned on the radio and there on the radio was a signal "Hello hello this is Raina total and me and my husband have found shelter we are trying to reach out to our son Ritchy total if you have seen him plz come to the factory on west street." The radio cut off "'r mom and dad there looking for you" I said Ritchy's eyes were wider "We need to go throw the woods to get to that factory" he said "So if we were going we need more supplies" I looked at my mom we had bandages and rubbing alcohol and a small first aid kit. "Ya I guess" I said "I know a gass station near us" my mom blurted out. Ritchy looked back at my mom "Were is it" Ritchy said " 8th streat by miss storntan's bakery." Ritchy turned the corner and followed my mom's directions he part into a parking spot he got out of the car and walked into the store I looked at my mom in the back seet "I'm going to get some fresh air ok" I said. My mom looked at me and nodded I opened my  door and hopped out I looked in the small field around the gass staiton there was a small goldish little thing in the middle of the field I began running towards it there standing right infront of me there laued a tinny puppy I got down on my knees and picked him up he had a goldish pelt but a tiny scratch  on his paw "oh no" I said running into the gass station. I looked around for Ritchy there he was looking at the chips "Ritchy look what I found" I said showing him the puppy "We need dog food amd some things to heal his wound" Ritchy looked at me and then the puppy. "What were was he" Ritchy asked "I found him in the field next to the bass station" I said. He walked over to the dog food cans and dumped a pitch in the bag and we walked out of the gass staion and back into the car. Ritchy drove away and into a trail in the woods we drove a few miles then Ritchy stepped on the brakes. "Why did you stop" I yeld he kusped out of the car and went in front of the car there sat a small little 9 year old girl she didnt seem hurt he picked up the girl and put jer in the back seet and jumped into the front seet. My mom held her in her arms and rocked her back and forth "What's your name deer" my mom asked "C..carmen" she whispered she sounded sick "Mom I think she's sick" I said my mom took her hand and put it on carmen's forehead "She is" my mom whispered she reached into the bag and took out a thermometer "Open your mouth deer" my mom said Carmen opened her mouth and my mom put the thermometer in Carmen's mouth. "Her temperature it is so high" my mom said she reached into the bag and pulled oit some medicine she pored the purplish liquid into the cap " open up deer this will make you feel better" my mom said as she pored the medicine into Carmen's mouth.


  • Not bad. Work on your grammer though, it's important that readers full understand the story.

    Nov 01, 2018

  • Raven Story teller

    Raven Story Teller

    thx for the tip

    Nov 02, 2018

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