One In A Million Read Count : 113

Category : Notes/work

Sub Category : N/A

*A special tribute to a special someone*

You cared enough to check up on me when you're busy, stressed out or going through a hard time. You cared enough to offer me your shoulder to cry on when I needed to cry and you cared enough to surprise me with things that make me smile. You are a gem. 

You go out of your way to make me feel that I don't have to go through this life alone. I can share my deepest thoughts and most intimate feelings with you knowing that I won't be judged. I can share my pain with you knowing you will understand and you will be there for me to help me heal. You are a beautiful Soul. 

When I was scared, you told me not to worry. When I was terrified, you made me feel safe. When I was feeling weak, you held my hand and gave me strength to carry on. When I fell, you picked me up and dug me out of my misery. You are the one who helps me keep my sanity. 

I can talk to you about the same problem over and over again and you never get tired of reassuring me that things will be fine and that everything will be okay. You opened your heart to me because you want to, not because you have to. You have given me more than what I asked for without asking for anything in return. 

Life happens and people get busy, but you always find a way to make time for me, to include me in your life, to make me feel special and important. You don't let distance, time, commitments or responsibilities get in the way of our bond, our friendship and our love for each other. 

When people leave, you assure me that you will always stay. When things fall apart, you remind me that we are still intact. When things change, you assure me that you will always remain the same. My life wouldn't be the same without you in it. It would be dark, dull and scary. 

Thank you for getting me through the hard days. Thank you for bringing so much joy into my life. Thank you for making me laugh during times where I find it hard to even smile. Thank you for being constant in my life. Most importantly, thank you for being You. 


  • Oct 31, 2018

  • Jess Hopper

    Jess Hopper

    this is really good how do i see all of it some is cut off?

    Nov 02, 2018

  • Nov 03, 2018

  • Maurice  Beres

    Maurice Beres

    The ultimate relationship-to be cherished 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋

    Dec 08, 2018

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