Category : Stories
Sub Category : Fantasy
I need to know if I decide to write a chapter a week of this story of this, if anyone would be interested in reading it.I would like a following.Please let me know.Please read:Melline spoke out into the horrified crowd. Blood curdling screams and beastly roars could be heard from outside the main theater room. The only thing separating there audience from their doom was the sealed exits.
“I know you are all afraid of what’s behind those doors and the dark and evil being that stood in that spot on the stage a few seconds ago.”
A person yelled out. “Was that really Dracula?”
Millie nodded. “Unfortunately. We thought vampires were a myth. Vlad the III existed, though. He goes by that name.”
Another screamed out, accusingly, “Why did you make that deal?”
Millie took in a breath. “Because in true war, you bargain. We don’t use modern warfare, his kind doesn’t feed on those three and younger.”
A elder man shot up and yelled, “Children should not be bargained with.”
“Then what would you have her do?”
Millie and everyone followed the voice that was venturing down the center aisle of the movie theater. Dashing chocolate haired man in a casual evening suit.
He went up the steps. “She made the deal for a reason. Think. He says they are going to be able to walk in the day. So there goes that advantage for us. We are their food. There are seven billion of us. We are not all going to survive.”
Small light bulbs started to go off on top of people’s head.
“She was ensuring the continuation of our race. Some of us will survive. If they are untouched, humanity will have a chance. She knew he would go for it because, he was thinking that they could be raised and bred as livestock.”
He grabbed her hand. She jumped a bit. He leaned to the side. “You’re not alone.”
Everyone was talking at once. He spoke above them. “And.” Everyone stopped and looked to him. “It’s up to us which they will become.”
-Clarisiella’s Remnant