Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Miscellaneous
I am not afraid of speaking up. I shouldn't have to think quietly when I know my thoughts are viable. I am not afraid to share my thoughts with people even if I'm outnumbered or if I know people won't agree with me.
I don't try to pretend that certain things don't hurt me when they do. I don't disregard my feelings when they are imploding. I don't try to be the bigger person when I know I am eventually going to end up feeling pain or pent-up frustration. I will speak my piece and I will speak my mind. I am human. I know the ones who care about me will hear me and try to understand, and not hear what they want to hear and get defensive.
Being the person people want me to be can be exhausting especially when it is everything I am not. So I am not doing that. I am not an actor and wearing masks that don't fit me is something I wouldn't do. I am fine with losing people in my life because of my refusal to fit the mold they created for me. What I'm not fine with is not being true to myself.
I am not going to change who I am just so I can 'fit in'. If that means I would be riding solo, hey, I'm good with that. I'd rather be alone than be around people who only like me when I tell them what they want to hear or only stick around when it's convenient for them. At the end of the day, people are going to do whatever the hell they want and I too have every right to do the same.
I am not afraid to lay on the table my expectations or standards. This is my way of setting boundaries. This is my way of protecting myself from those who would try to take advantage of me or take me for granted. This is my way of eliminating fake people in my life. The way I see it, the ones who truly and genuinely want to stay in my life will not view my standards as ridiculous or feel my expectations are too high. They will see them for what they are. They will get it.
My voice is my message to the world, be it literally or through my writings, it is my voice. It tells people who I am. It shows people what I'm made of. And it also shows people I don't take any crap from anybody. Truth and Love; that is my message to the world. I use my voice to spread that message and I use it often because if I don't, Truth will be silenced and Love will be distorted. My voice matters. Truth matters. Love matters. Therefore, they will be spoken and they will be heard.
I know not everyone will like my voice or the things I say. I know it can push people away and it can even make me lose a lot of battles. I am well aware of that and my conscience is clear. I know that as long as I fight for Truth, as long as I fight for Love, and as long as I fight to be heard, I will always be a winner. Think about it, how can I possibly lose when I speak the truth and say things that are worth saying?