Yandere High
Read Count : 147
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Adventure
*Its a brand new year for Funneh and her friends at Yandere High! Funneh and Gold enter their new doorm room for the year. As Funneh and Gold set down their stuff Gold looks at the time.* Gold : Oh No!!! Funneh we're going to be late!!! Funneh : Ok then lets go... Gold : How are you so calm?!?! Funneh : I dont know... Its just Alac hasn't texed or called all summer...Im just a little worried. Gold : Dont Alac probably had a really busy summer. Now I do care but can we talk about this on the way to school?? Funneh : Alright... I guess... *As Funneh and Gold got to school they saw their friend from last year* Gold : Kyran!!! Over here! Can you please tell funneh that Alac WILL get in contact with her?! Kyran : Sure... Funneh, Alac will get in contact with you... Gold : Really Kyran... Kyran : Oh! Sorry I can do better... *Clears throat* FUNNEH! Alac WILL get in contact with YOU!!! *Funneh snickers* Gold : OMG KYRAN REALLY?!?!?! *Kyran blushes and snickers* Kyran : Sorry Gold. Gold : Funneh what's our first class for today? Funneh : Umm... Let me check... Oh... It's English! Gold : Great. Lets go. See ya at lunch Kyran! *Kyran Blushes* Kyran : Ok! Bye girls! *Funneh winks at kyran and whispers* Funneh : OoOoOh *Kyran blushes and waves her off as Funneh giggles* Gold : What was that about? Funneh : Oh nothing. *As Funneh and Gold enter the English room they see that everyone but the teacher is already there. So they start whispering.* Gold : Are you hungry? I brought chesoes! Funneh : WHAT?? Why did you bring those?? And Gold of course Im hungry. But no I dont want your chesoes. Gold : That Is Ok With Me! That just means I get more to eat! Funneh : How come the teacher isnt here yet? *As soon as Funneh said that the teacher came in* ??? : Hello class my name is Mr.Taco. And I am NOT sorry for being late. *Funneh whispers* Funneh : Gold put those away! Gold : No. Mr.Taco : Alright class I will hand out my rules and I expect them to be followed. RULES OF THE TACO 1. No Food. 2. No Drinks. 3. All Tacoes __________ Will be brought _________ To Mr.Taco. Funneh : Gold! You're already breaking the first rule! Gold : ok... Mr.Taco : *clears throat* Can I have that please... *Gold hands him the chesoes* Mr.Taco : YES!!! I love these! *A few days later Funneh and Gold found themselves in quit a tite squeez.* ??? : OMG FALECIA!!! THIS IS THE BEST PRANK EVER!!!! Falecia : I KNOW BRITNEY!!!!!!! *They both giggle* Gold : Um... That was weird... Funneh: Yeah tell me about it. Well anyway lets go we need to change clothes for gym. Gold : I dont have clothes for gym... Funneh : Good. Me neither. Lets just change into our sneakers. Gold : Oh! Hi Im Gold and this is Funneh. Who are you all? Falecia : I AM FALECIA WIEZ!!!!!!! Britney : AND I AM BRITNEY BETTA THAN YOU!!!!!! Funneh : Um... Ok hello Falecia Weeize and Britney Betta Than You. Falecia : NO. ITS FALECIA WIEZE!!! Gold : Um.. Weezie... Wie... Um..... Falecia : DO IT BRIT! *Britney gives Gold a major wedgie!* Gold : OWWW! Funneh : Hey! Back Off! Falecia : WHATEVER IRONING BOARDS!!!!! FALECIA WIEZE OUT!!!!!!! *So Funneh and Gold go to gym and play dodgeball. Its down to Falecia and Funneh.* Falecia : IM GOING TO HIT YOU SO HARD EVEN THAT CUTE RED HEAD IS GOING TO LAUGH AT YOU!!!!!!!! Funneh : Cute red head?!?! Alac?!?!?!?! * Falecia hits Funneh and knocks her down.* Falecia : HAHAHAHA!!!! GET REKT IRONING BOARD!!!!!!! *The school day ends and Funneh and Gold go home to their doorm.* *The next day Gold comes to Funneh's door and yells* Gold : FUNNEH!!!!!!! FUNNEH!!!!!! GET UP GET UP ITS 10:32!!!!! *Funneh bursts out of her room and shouts* Funneh : GOLD GET THE POPTARTS READY AND I WIL MEET YOU OUT THERE!!! Gold : Got It. Im on poptart duty! *As Funneh rushes down the stairs Gold shouts* Gold : Aaaannnnddd Time!!!!! Good job. That only took you 3 minutes and 47 seconds! Ok you can go back to sleep now. Its only 6:34! Funneh : WHAT?!?! So I got up for nothing?!?! Gold : Not nothing! You're all ready for school now! Funneh : GOODnight GOLD! *when it was time to go to school Gold woke up Funneh and they went on their way.* *When Funneh and Golld got too school they went to their first class and the day was no big deal... Until lunch. Gold : Funneh can I have some money? I didnt bring any. Funneh : Ok Gold. What are you getting? Gold : I dont know how about you Kyran? Kyran : What???? Funneh : What are you getting Kyran : I not sure. Funnneh : I thik I'll get the chicken? May. I have that Ms.Ellen? Ms.Ellen : No... Gold : May I get the corndog? Ms.Ellen : No... Funneh : Than WHAT CAN we have? Ms.Ellen : My Anything soup. Funneh : What is is made of- Ms.Ellen : ANYTHING! All but Ellen : Alright... *They all pay for the soup and eat it.* *All of the sudden Funneh feels sick.* Funneh : Guys Im going to go to the washroom. Gold : ok. *Funneh goes to the washroom and opens the unlocked stall.* *Funneh yelps and jumps back* Funneh : WHY are you EATING in the BATHROOOM?!?!?! ??? : I want to. Now you look sick are you going to throw up? I hope it doesn't smell bad! *Funneh heads back to the cafeteria and just as she gets there... She throws up.* Mr.Ellen : DID YOU JUST THROW UP IN THE CAFETERIA?!?!?!?!?! Funneh : Sorrry but I think it was that soup. Ms.Ellen : IT WAS NOT MY COOKING!!!!!!!! Kyran : I think you made her sad... Funneh : Sorry but not sorry... *After that the day was not that big of a deal.* *So after school they went home and had a normal after school day until yandere came to the door.* Yandere : Hey girls.Would you girls like to come to the "Welcome Back" party? Its my job to invite everyone to the party.Oh and Funneh will you come help me pick out music??? Funneh : Ok! Lets go. Music 1. No. 2. No. 3. Yes. Yadere : Ok Funneh I just need you to get them to sign this paper. Funneh : Simple enough. All i need to do is- *Funneh trips over a potato and runs into a band member and accidentally kisses him.* Funneh : Oh My Goodness I Am SO Sorry!!! Uh BYE!!!! *So the next day funneh went to school. She was a tree in a play with the one and only Falecia Wieze.* Falecia : OH KISS ME PRINCE!!!!!! *Falecia kisses Prince* *Funneh whispers to herself* Funneh : Oh my goodness! Falecia : NOTHING NOT EVEN THIS STUPID TREE CAN BREAK US APART!!! *Falecia kicks Funneh* Funny : HEY! That is NOT part of the script! Falecia : SHUT UP TREE!!!! *Falecia pushes Funneh onto the wall* Funneh : That is IT!!!! *Funneh and Falecia kick, punch, push, and fight* Principle over intercom : FUNNEH AND FALECIA TO THE OFFICE RIGHT NOW!!!!! *Funneh and Falecia walk to the office* Falecia : I can explain... ITS FUNNEH'S FAULT!!!!! Funneh : NO ITS NOT!!!! You hit me first!!!! Principle : Alright! Whatever happened you will both work at the anime convention tomarrow! Got it? Funneh and Falecia : Yes... *Later The Next day* Funneh : Hello sir would you like to buy a cupcake? ??? : Uh... Sure. Funneh : Great! ??? : Do I know you? Funneh : No no no you don't know me... *Funneh pulls Gold to the side and tells her what happened when she picked out music with Yadere and that he was the guy she kissed by accedent.* Gold : WHAT?!?!?! Funneh : SHHH! Act normal. *Gold and Funneh walk back to the front.* Gold : Here is your cupcake! ??? : Thanks and by the way Im Evan. Funneh : Hi Even Im Funneh and this is Gold! *Kyran walks up to Funneh, Gold, and Evan* Kyran : Hey guys. Evan : Sup dude? πΈ πΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈ ------π πΈ πΈ Dont forget to check back for updates on the story.πΈ πΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈ ------- π πΈTHANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING AND GO SUBSCRIBE TOπΈ πΈItsFunneh ON YouTube!!!!β€β€β€β€β€πππππππΈπΈ ------ π πΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈ ------ π πΈ Please comment and give me a rating! Thank You!πΈπΈ πΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈπΈ