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So, since I have a few minutes to spare I guess I'll tell you a quick story. Most of everything else I posted was from the recent past. So I got a strange email message from a friend, asking me the question why I write about uncomfortable topics. There's a great number of topics which make people uncomfortable in the United States, from the simple topics of family, to the more uncomfortable topics of whether or not Transgenders should be allowed to use the bathroom of their choice. It's hard to find someone who is courageous enough to talk about these topics on a straight-up level. I can guarantee you won't find a politician courageous enough to talk about these topics out in public, except maybe a few who are disliked by both sides.
I answered her back, the reason I tend to write about the subject says because there's few people willing to stand up for what they believe. If we're not willing to talk about these issues responsibly, and point out the issues with these beliefs or thoughts than what are we in America? Certainly, we should be fair to those who have different religions, and allow them to conduct these religions, as long as they're void of animal or human sacrifice. We cannot get anywhere though, unless we discuss the problems that can show up. Of course, we can what if something all the livelong day. But, we've already seen issues such as transgenders using the opposite sex's bathroom.
When we see something is wrong, we have to say stop or it may grow worse. It's like my thoughts on gays, I don't obviously support the groups but I do believe they should be allowed to live the way they choose. Even though I don't support this way of life, it's up to a person what they do with their life within reason. If they honestly feel happier with the same sex, then so be it. This is not the way I want to live, so I want you to respect me for wanting me to live my way of life. Note, that I've actually had friends who were actually gay. It didn't matter to me, they knew the rules of how to approach me, and I respected them. We tried to find a common middle ground.
Right now, any form of Independent Media is considered under-fire because of certain statements made by our current president. You would actually be more wise to seek Independent Media, and be careful about local news as well. I've recently heard something rather disturbing, and you should be aware that I've heard the Republican party is buying up local news stations. This could be an issue. We should rely on each other, for knowledge and sometimes we end up with knowledge we don't want. It's the old saying if we hear what we want to hear, and shut everything else out. We shouldn't be that foolish though to shut things out. Especially, when it might affect our lives now or later on. I won't deny I am bias, but that bias is me and falls to nobody else.
After a while, I thought about deleting everything that I had written to her. Relating to the previous paragraphs above, I deleted some of it.
All I wrote was this: "In times such as these, we need people to stand on the middle ground for all people. No matter the cost, it takes only a few voices to change everything. Thank you for your interest, and I hope I hear from you again. I'm glad you asked instead of decided to insult me."
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