Category : Notes/work
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Women play variety of significant roles in our society from their birth till the end of life. Empowering women in India is very necessary to bring gender equality. Our country is still a developing country and the economic status of our country is very bad as it is a male dominated country. Men do not know that women are the half power of this country and combining to male they can form full power of the country. From ancient to modern period, women's conditions has not remained same and it kept changing with time. All kinds of discriminatory practices started from such as child marriage, sati etc. Women's socio-political rights were curtailed and they were made fully dependent upon the male members of family. Their right to education, right to work and right to decide for themselves were taken away. It is very necessary for Indian men to understand the ability of a woman and let them go ahead to make themselves independent. Men should not think that women have taken birth only to handle household works, to take responsibility of the family. Instead both men and women are responsible for everything of daily routine. Men too need to understand how to take care of the family so that women can get some time to think about themselves and their career. Men too with women need to engage in all social and cultural norms to encourage combined participation as well as create equitable environment in home, office and community. Both gender equality and women empowerment strategy to bring transformational change in order to achieve development and high economic status of the nation.
- Drishti. Mishra