Holding Dreams! Read Count : 130

Category : Articles

Sub Category : Lifestyle

Dreams come and go, just the one's will be permanently stay with you holding your hands.

Dreams hang in the skys waiting for us to reach them.

You just need courage to go and jump in to the higer, deeper sky were dreams hang up and bring them into the ground to make then real and make true satisfactions.

I found a land were I can plant seeds with dreams and see what grows with love....

I am here not just because", i am here to say thanks for the courage to push me to keep growing and sharing with what i have to share to help make a different concept of ours life's.

Don't give up looking for your goals inside of you have the strongest to make the difference ....

Maybe ill never know you but i just want to let you know you are a special person to me.

Sincerly:Eduwiges santana rubio.

Un saludo a todas esas personitas por su apoyo incondicional.

And I want to say sorry for my grammar.

I'm still in E.S.L.

Hopefully you understand me.



  • Nov 17, 2018

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