WitchCraft Academy | P9 Read Count : 185

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
WitchCraft Academy | P9
— Missions and History —

I went over to the classrooms where Jordan was located. I lifted up my hand to knock but quickly stopped mid-way.

What if I interrupt their class and I get in trouble? What if the professor was a very strict one? What if they get me expelled?! Negative thoughts started filling my head and I couldn't help but stepped back and sat on the ground of the hallway, waiting for their class to finish. I really didn't want to get into any trouble, so I decided to wait.

Only 6 minutes passed and their class was finished. Oh yeah, if you're wondering why I'm not in class it's because there is still another hour in Flying and Madam Harvestwood let us leave early because she had to train the flying racers. So, here I am waiting for Jordan to walk out that door.

A few weird glances here and there and finally Jordan stepped out with his head down so he easily spotted me on the floor.

"Madison! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in class? You'll get in trouble!", Jordan bombarded me with questions once his eyes landed on me.

He gave me a once over and held out his hand which I gladly accepted and pulled me up. "Madam Harvestwood let us leave early, and I want to know something since you're the one with a lot of information. I want to know what's up with Xavier and Parker.", he pursed his lips to the side and nodded.

"Why not ask Keith?", he said as we started walking to the grounds of the school and sit on the grass, me leaning back on the tree and him laying beside me.

"So, what do you want to know about Xavier and that Parker guy?"

"Well, during class I don't know what was going on between the both of them but, they're already hating each other.", Jordan snorted at that and I gave him a puzzled look.

"What? I just need to to know what's up with both of them.", He sat up and looked at me straight in the eye. "I'm not really supposed to tell because Xavvy might kill me.", I silently giggled at the nickname for Xavier. "Oh c'mon, just tell me!", I huffed, playfully punching his upper arm.

"If you swear not to tell the source of this information?", He held up his pinky finger and I shifted my gaze between his finger and his face. I gave him an 'Are you serious'? look.

"Just to make sure.", He shrugged. "Fine. I won't tell.", I sighed and wrapped my pinky finger around his. 

"Okay good!", He grinned widely and lied back down. "The three of us were friends before we were in WitchCraft Academy and Parker and Xavier had been friends our first year of WitchCraft Academy. They met through a cliché scene where they bump into each other. After that, Xavier started to excel in every subject which made him very known. Next to his rank was Keith and then me!", He lifted up his chin, clearly proud of his rank.

"Parker on the other hand....He's Rank 10...Or was it 7? I don't know, I forgot. But whatever rank he was, he was below us and boy did he not like it!", he snorted, clasping his hands together.

"So, he got jealous of you three?", he nodded at the and placed his hands behind his head.

"Yeah, Parker had spread a rumor about us three about cheating at first but the professors weren't convinced, thankfully. They confirmed it and it was all back to normal, the only thing different was Xavier held a grudge which changed him a little. He looks more tougher than he was before and he was such a cutie pie before, don't tell him that.", He winked and started laughing. "And after that we did the same because we didn't want him to be left out and besides, we don't have to deal with annoying girls and people using us, and now Xavier is still holding a grudge as you can tell.", he huffed and stood up.

"Wow, but when I met him, he seemed like a very nice guy.", I stood up as well. "I don't really know, but if he hurts my cupcake......", he said cautiously and I just laughed. 

"But, he's like a teddy bear! He won't hurt a fly, he has a serious case of ATBF!"

"ATBF? What in the name of witchcraft is that?", he scrunched up his face and looked at me weirdly.

"It stands for Adorable Teddy Bear Friend.", I shrugged. "He reminds me of Teddy Bears and he is a good friend and very adorable."

"I'm serious, Madison. If he does something bad to you, just call me. I, Jordan the Great shall rescue you!", He lifted his arm up and made a fist while he places his free hand on his hip. 

He looked up at the sky and then back at me, a playful grin plastered on his face. Jordan the Great, really? Atleast name yourself with a cool hero name like, Super Jordan.", I folded my arms.

"Super Jordan, hmm....", He stroked his imaginary beard. "Even better!", he tossed his arm around my shoulder. "And you shall be my sidekick named......Super Cupcake?", he smiled sheepishly which caused me to lightly giggle at the superhero name. "Yeah right, there's no way I will be your sidekick nor will that be my hero name."

"But it's cute! Like you!", he pouted, pinched my cheek lightly and I nudged his side. He yelled a 'Hey!' in response and I just turned my head to the other direction when I felt my cheeks flush a light shade of red.

'I have to focus on my mission, snap out of it Madison!', I thought over and over only to be interrupted by Jordan.

"Hey, you okay?", I turned to him. "Y-Yeah, I am.", I gave him a soft smile but disappeared quickly as it came when he raised his eyebrow. "Why are you....", he poked at my left cheek and that's when it hit me....I was still blushing....

"W-What? Uh, because...", he placed the back of his hand on my forehead. "You don't have a fever.", his lips curved downward. "I have to go.", I shook his arm off of my shoulders and ran inside. I could hear Jordan yell 'Cupcake!', but I ignored it and kept running.

Mission one complete.

The buzz sounded again, signaling it was time for the next class and so I scurried off to Spells 101 which I was excited about!

I don't plan on making a friend in this class because I really want to focus on learning spells.

** Nothing like a good 'ol Jordan and Madison moment, or as what I call Mordan. I am not good with at ship names, oh my goodness....If anyone has a better ship name please comment! Thanks for reading! 😂 **


  • Jun 15, 2017

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