Capricorn Horoscope Read Count : 148

Category : Articles

Sub Category : Spirituality

9 Capricorn Mobile


This is such a career-focused month for you, Capricorn! First, let the new moon on the 7th remind you how much you love to network. Winning the respect of the luminaries in your field is nearly as important as doing the work itself, and you are in a good position to woo the gatekeepers and tastemakers. If you appreciate the excellence of others, they will lift you up, too. (I mean, them’s the rules, right?)

Meanwhile, on the 16th, Venus goes direct in your house of career. This is great news, because that Venusian slowdown was delaying the public’s recognition of your achievements. Regardless of your efforts, you weren’t shining as brightly as you will be now. But not so fast (of course), because Mercury is going retrograde that very same day, guaranteeing at least one email you really, really needed in a timely manner gets sent to your “Promotions” tab. Ugh. That tab gets you every time.

Finally, the full moon happening late on Thanksgiving night may spotlight some health issue—even if it’s just you feeling lethargic because you’ve been doing a lot of sitting at a computer or mindlessly noshing on fruit-and-Brie platters. Thanksgiving is, I admit, a weird time to think about dieting or discipline of any kind, and I won’t suggest you do that this time. But perhaps think about being kind to yourself, getting outside for a 15-minute walk or doing push-ups in the morning and having enough water throughout the day to stay hydrated. Just don’t forget the little things, like keeping your body alive. You need it for…literally everything


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    Apr 19, 2020

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