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Recently, how's the pools are being recounted in the elections in Georgia, Florida, and Texas, and Arizona among other races which have not yet been called. A Georgia Senator was arrested recently, for refusing to stop standing up for her beliefs. She was inappropriately paraded around Atlanta, which can only be seen as an attack on the very beliefs of America's institution. This is also a symptom of fascism, the action of authoritatively attacking your opponents in such a way. We cannot allow this to continue on as America's future. A. vast majority of the people who run in the Congress seem to flaunt the laws which they dutifully place. It is time for the American people to tell their leaders they've had enough of this type of behavior. It's time that Americans say, that they're sick and tired of the circus sideshow which shames the very core of our beliefs.
I wish all Americans could see through my eyes, as I grow tired of these disgusting charades they play. If our leaders really cared about America, they would not allow this to continue on. These direct attacks on the very core beliefs that this country was founded on has become unbalanced. This is not about gun rights, which is about controversial issues. This is about the first true Amendment. The First Amendment, states that we can believe in whatever we want fairly. If a country refuses to allow you to stand up for your beliefs, that is a fascist country. The Democratic senator, was arrested because she wants every vote to be counted in Georgia. This occurred after the Secretary of State, Brian Kemp deliberately used his own position as secretary to rig the election in his favor. Now that the court, has found it plausible to count all the votes they attempt to attack the very leaders of our country who stand up for those core beliefs. It doesn't matter which side you're on, you should DeMent fairly that if you want your votes to count, you cannot leave out the other side regardless of your feelings about them. It is time for a balanced outlook on this country, and a time that the American people will speak out against the tyranny which we see. I had a friend who once said to me, if you don't vote, you have nothing to complain about. You didn't care enough to take action. But now when people care enough to take action, the leaders don't want to accept that. They aren't willing to listen, which means we must end up taking that in our own hands.
I do not want violence to become a problem between both sides, not that it already hasn't. The fact is though, the people should be able to have these problems resolved without the need for violence. But it seems, this battle has been one-sided since they continually attacking ways which are absolutely disgusting. To arrest someone just because of their beliefs, is a crime in itself. It's the actions of a person, which is the crime. Just because someone imagines doing something doesn't mean they are going to do it. Most people, have the ability to keep themselves from making bad decisions. It's what separates humans from the rest of the animals. The choices we make, we can recognize the fact that they will affect others. It's time to take the stand for your beliefs, along with others. We have seen America go downhill, in the last 20 years. This is not just one party's fault, but both of them. It's time we take action.
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