Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Horror
"Hey! See this awesome doom slide!" Lexi's eyes glared.
"Uh.. yes" I replied because I was not as much talkative as her.
Me, Sam Waters (just call me Sam) and my friend, Lexi Blake, were visiting Horrorland .
First of all before my introduction let me tell you that I really want a pet....
For the same reason there has been a big quarrel between me and my parents. So to get rid of me for some time my parents sent me here.
We ,two decide to visit the Spear-It Café.
As we entered I took a quick seat at the first table. But I had a sudden look around...
It took a second for me to realize that we are the only customers in the restaurant!
I was a little confused. This large restaurant.. and no one! Suddenly a thuddding sound startled me... very sharp sound. Of boot steps...
A person who had a large moustache came near us.
"Good afternoon sirs... I am Chef Belcher. Will you order something." Saying this he handed me a menu. I could tell fear was rolling inside me. Putting courage in my mind, I made my hand move for the menu.
I could feel rather relieved now. I saw and saw... everything was so cheap in horrorland! Just 25 cents for a shrimp basket!!!
I ordered the shrimp basket, but when his meal arrived, I noticeed that the "shrimp" look ed like leeches with wings. The creatures begin crawling onto my arm. It was tickling me. But I was frozen in fear. That gross thing was so creepy to touch!
Chef Belcher hurries to a bottle of hot sauce poured some onto my arm, and the creatures fall off.
I decided I should take off. We fleed from the restaurant and traveled to the Chiller House gift shop, and I was happy that at last I was happy that I got rid of those creatures.
We were introduced to Jonathan Chiller - the owner of that shop. He invited us to have a look. I was really interested in these kinds of things.
I saw a fake cell phone candy dispenser and decided to buy it.
Lexi found a package labeled "Insta-Gro Pets", and she suggested to buy it along. I agreed.
"We will take this" and I handed the two things to Jonathan Chiller. He wrapped it in a small box.
I went to the main counter.
"How much I owe to you?"
but Chiller smiled and gave me the items and a miniature green and purple monster which he called "Horror", statue . And said "Take it for free, you can pay me next time."
I could not understand what he meant. But we went away with it.
Back in their home town, Lexi and I were walking together
when we noticed a new store called "Little Shop of Hamsters".
We entered the store, and I found a massive display case filled with hamsters!!
We two met Mr. Fitz, the store owner. Mr. Fitz asked us to help pour Vito-Vigor, a special concoction, into the hamsters' water dispensers.
We helped him with that
We left the store and walked for several blocks before Lexi revealed something that looked like a hamster.
"What is this thing?"
"A small gift for you.you had always wanted a pet. Take it.I stole a hamster for you."
"But that is bad. I wanna return it."
I put it in my pocket and headed back to store.
When I reached there, it was closed.
Since the door was not locked, I entered the shop. The hamster manages to eat one of the candies from my HorrorLand candy dispenser.
The hamster clinged to my shirt in an attempt to get more candy. I decided that it is best to enter the hamster cage and pry the creature off in an area where it cannot escape.
While I was in the cage, Mr. Fitz returns.
I said "The hamster had clung onto Lexi's vest, and she didn't notice until they were several blocks from the store. "
I thought Mr. Fitz seemed to believe the story.
I came back home, and Lexi came over to my house for dinner.
My, three year old brother, Noah, was being very annoying during dinner.
so Lexi decided to distract him with an Insta-Gro Pet. Lexi opens the package and puts a small spongy cube into Noah's glass.
The sponge expands and shatters the glass. The sponge grows so large until it knocks Noah out of his chair, and it doesn't stop growing until it touches the roof. We were scared.
It was agressive as much to tear off our house!
I was blamed for the event.
Much later, I was asked with baby-sitting my brother.
My mother said ," This will be a test to see are you are responsible enough to own a pet."
Lexi came over, and showed me her iPhone.
I went to check on my brother, only to arrive just in time to see him putting an Insta-Gro Pet into his mouth!!
I had to pry open Noah's mouth and pried the sponge out.
He began crying, so I gave him a candy from my HorrorLand candy dispenser.
My mom came back just in time to see me giving Noah candy, and she became really upset.
I went back to Fitz's shop, and in order to get a pet and prove myself responsible, I offered to work for Fitz.
Mr. Fitz, in need of help, agrees. Fitz also promises to call my mom after several weeks and let her know how responsible I am.
Lexi enters the shop, and she also asks for a job. Fitz says that there isn't enough work for her. Lexi sees Mr. Fitz's hamster suit, which is a giant hamster costume that Fitz wore outside of his store in order to garner attention. Lexi offers to wear for him.
Fitz asked me "pour wood shavings into the bottom of the giant hamster cage."
I entered the cage, but llshocked to see the freckled hamster that he had returned earlier standing on its hind legs!!
The hamster leaped onto me and I dropped my candy dispenser. Since the hamster clearly wanted more candy, I tossed one piece to the hamster, but another hamster ate it first.
I gave both hamsters one more piece. The two hamsters begin furiously fighting. I assumed that the candy has made the hamsters violent. The hamsters then attack me and begin foaming at the mouth. I exitted the cage.
That night, when I went home,I realized that I don't have the candy dispenser.I realized that it must still be in the hamster cage. The next day after school, I went back to the store. I entered the cage and managed to find the dispenser, but startled when he finds that it's empty!!
The hamsters all stand in a circle, seemingly waiting for me. Terrified that the hamsters will attack me, I told Fritz that I feel sick, and I went home.
That night, Lexi called me. I confessed my mistake, and she suggested
"You should contact the maker of the candy dispenser. "
I checked the box and found out the candy was made by a company called Phoney-Phone productions, and the box also listed a phone number...
I called the number, and the representative told me
" the candy was very dangerous"
"I knew it. How to fight against it?"
"Kid. I was only joking and many you too."
The next day, I went back to Mr. Fitz's shop.
I tried to confess my mistake to Mr. Fitz, but he ignores me.
He told me to clean the cage. I entered the cage and found all of the hamsters stacking each other!! Rolling punchingand almost killing!!
The hamsters begin crawling all over me and tearing at my clothes. The hamsters pull something out of my pockets. I looked down and saw that it was the package of Insta-Gro Pets!!!
One hamster eats an Insta-Gro Pet and began growing. The giant hamster flinged me back and forth.
Desperate to fight the hamster, I quickly ate the remaining Insta-Gro Pet. I immediately grew and began fighting the giant hamster. I knocked the hamster unconscious, and it began to shrink back down to its normal size.
I assumed that this is because Insta-Gro Pets only stay huge for a short period of time before shrinking back down to their regular size.
Soon, I began shrinking as well.
Mr. Fitz came out from the back of the store.
I tried to explain, but Mr. Fitz cut me off.
Fitz revealed "The security footage had recorded the whole ordeal and that candy wasn't what was turning the creatures mean. The cause of the creatures' aggression was the Vito-Vigor. I had been developing the formula for the Worldwide Hamster Wrestling League or possibly even the army. "
"Oh! So it was all effect of Vito Vigour."
" how you turned a hamster into a giant, and I won't let you leave."
Lexi entered the store, which distracted Mr. Fitz just long enough for me to open the hamster cage and set all of the hamsters free.
We two ran away from the shop during the confusion. While heading home, I admitted that I am relieved.
Lexi said "I wish I had another bottle of Vito-Vigor."
I asked Lexi in panic ,"how many bottles you drank!"
she revealed," I likely drank more than ten bottles. "
She begins foaming at the mouth, and she bit me....
Several days later, I confessed ,"The bite Lexi had given me wasn't very bad. The Vito-Vigor wore off after a day or two, and I lost my interest in getting a pet."
I openes my closet and saw that the miniature Horror statue that Chiller had given me was glowing. I felt drawn towards the light.
Some unknown force drawing me.
For me everything suddenly went dark, and after a few moments I realized that I am in Chiller House!!!
Chiller greeted me and informed me
"It is time for you to pay for your Insta-Gro Pets."
"But how I came here?" I asked in horror.
"You and me, must now wait for the others to arrive." And a maniac smile spread on ho face .