Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Weeks ago all I could do was stare at the white wall housing only my clock
The time reading 4:52am
I had been awake for hours
Staring at the clock
I had put the kids in bed at 8:00pm
Which was 3 hours after you had left
They wanted to say goodnight
So I gave you a call
But it said the number was terminated
I didn’t know what to tell the kids
Except that you’d be home in the morning
I was sitting there snuggled up with a blanket
And a cup of coffee
Waiting for you to walk through that door
To be alright
To be ok
To come in tell me this long story and taking half an hour to get to the point
To give the kids a hug goodnight
But that time had never came
Soon the clock had read 7:00am
It was time to start the day
Take Isabel and Caden to school
Get Mira to daycare
Go to the store
Get my workout in
Go home and get ready for work
Get to work for 8 hours
Go pick up Mira
Get home to Isabel and Caden
Feed the kids
Help with homework
Let them watch an hour of tv
Put them to bed
Clean the kitchen
Go to bed
Repeat and repeat for days on end
After 4 days I had gotten the call
Your friend Charlie had seen you at a party
Having the time of your life
Multiple times you were spotted
Enjoying your life
Not a single call
You had told me you were leaving for 2 hours that night
Now weeks later and you still haven’t returned
I don’t know what to tell our kids
I don’t know what to tell Mira when she gets old enough to ask
Where her father is
I am alone in this adventure
With these three kids
Because you decided to vanish
To abandon me and our kids
And all I can say is
I hope it was worth it abandoning us 4
Because I ain’t gonna accept you if you come crawling back to us