Death Of A Child-Birth Of A Family Read Count : 91

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
 Reluctantly     Grudgingly 
We enter the unwanted, uncharted
territory of death 
We fight to survive 
We search for answers 
We endure the ever-pain 
                        The anger
                        The bewilderment 
                        The disbelief
Our legacy is a daily struggle 
To rise and face that once- familiar world ,now filled with strangers
(They are different  now-no  we are
different now)
In our efforts to survive we’ve connected
We’ve found the place and the people 
Where we can laugh with tears 
Where we can share the bittersweet 
memories iofour children
Where we find comfort in the mention 
of their names
Through the agony of missing 

Time itself heals nothing
But time  with hard work and our “Friends “giving us the will to go on
Enables us to reach the next plateau 
To go from devistated survivor 
To a seeker of life among 
the ashes of death
     make no mistake about it
     although we may not yet recognize it  
     through this horror of grief 
     persists the will to survive 
Yes- it is true
None of us have chosen this path
that we have so mercilessly 
been thrust upon
But we have made the decision
 (that is why we’re here)
To resurrect our shattered lives
 Somehow- in many different ways 
We have been led to this place of
Love, caring and compassion 
We have all heard and echo the phrase 
“You are all wonderful people but
I wish I had never met you”
We cannot change this reality 
That is immovable and etched in stone 
At some point we get to the realization 
Although we have been cursed with the death 
of our child 
We’ve been blessed with the “birth “
of this new family 
The work that remains is ours
The answers we find will be ours
The decisions we make will be ours

Dedicated to the Compassionate Friends



  • So, true...

    Nov 15, 2018

  • pharaohnica the first

    Pharaohnica The First

    So sorry for your loss, I can’t imagine how you find such strength. Hugs!

    Aug 07, 2019

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