Category : Articles
Sub Category : Motivation
GODOPEDIAOLOGY is hunger and thirsty in exposing facts that show the true facet of humanity and this time he is writing about a thought that is really praise worthy.
GODOPEDIAOLOGY loves persons who have great hearts and who love to help others in distress and salutes their greatness. Because they are very few peoples with melting heart and sometimes go to those unpredictable heights.
We have heard and have seen lots of philanthropists on this earth and still now that tradition has continued. It is immaterial in discussing whether this act of theirs takes them to heaven or not but is truly admirable and remains in our hearts till we die.
GODOPEDIAOLOGY has seen many philanthropists then and now also who donate their hard earnings to charities and even if it is a penny still it counts.
Everyone of us have heard our favourite stars doing it and who continue even after their marriage and recently BOLLYWOOD STARS DEEPIKA AND RANVEER who are tieing their knots tomorrow and day after tomorrow have requested their guests, fan and family followers to donate their money to charity instead of gifting them.
Now it is not only them but there are crores of people like them who try to please ALMIGHTY GOD in some ways. It is people like them who are the real gifts of this earth for they have hearts with helping nature which is missing in many of us.
So that's all for today and if anything fascinating hits me I will write it here. Goodbye.