The Secret Unknown Pt. 1
Read Count : 161
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Adventure
"How do you do that?" I asked. Bella looked at me blankly like I just said the worst possible thing in the world to her. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you," I said as she looked down and smiled. "Are you doing anything this weekend?" I asked Bella who was working on tonight's homework. She shook her head side to side and I smiled. "Well I was thinking if you would like to come over tonight or something?" The words said coming from my mouth. "Oh come on please. PLEASE. PPLLEEAASSSEE!" I started yelling. Eveyone in the room looked at me with akward faces and disgusted hands. The only person who didn't look at me was Nick Fredrik. He thinks he is the best guy on the planet just because his dad is this big money rich guy. I've had a class with him every year. Which makes me sick to think about. I started talking back to his comments in the third grade after he called me poor. That word just through me off. I couldn't handle him anymore. I hated him and that was official. He asked me out in the first grade in front of everyone at one of the football games; I turned him down before he even got to will... I knew he was going to ask me out because he got down on one knee and held out a gummy ring (which he did to his last girlfriend). He didn't talk to me for the rest of the year. By the next day he already had another girlfriend, Karle. I rolled my eyes at him and worked on my coloring sheets, which I nailed in 1st grade. Bella still just looked at her homework with intensity. I took her hand and said,"A 100 is not going to kill you," Bella is always use to getting 110 on test, but this test didn't have any extra points and she got mad. "I wish we could skip highschool one day or something," I sarcastically murmured turning my head to the sky. "You wouldn't. That is illegal you know!" She yelled out. Her face turned red after everyone drew there eyes from me to her. Her voice was so beautiful. Her British accent was so perfect. Whenever Bella gets mad a British accent comes out, and it is hilarious. "Ha! I knew I could get you to talk," I loudly said. Somehow I felt good about what I said, but really felt bad for Bella at the same time. Before I could tell Bella a boy was behind her, he touched her shoulder and she turned around. "Hey... Bella... I wanted to know if you... would like to help me study for my chemistry test... next week." Luke said as his face turned red. My mouth opened as wide as I could get it. I couldn't belive it. Luke Bryan is asking Bella to help him study. He never asked for help even when he desperately needs it. He is the only cute boy in this school that isn't self centered. Why did he have to ask Bella. She isn't interested in a proposal. If he wants to ask anyone out it should be me. Somehow every boy suddenly loves Bella now. Huh. When she was 5 she asked out by 57 boys in one day. After she told me that I thought she was one of those popular people that were like Nick, but once I started talking to her I found out she's was a really nice person. We turned out to have alot in common too. Luke walked away not even knowing I was there. I tilted my head down to hide my sad face once Bella looked back at me. Bella turned to me with a blank smile still on her face. "I'm so glad he left," Bella said as a teeny tiny smile formed on her face. I smiled back because she never smiled. She pushed hair out of her eyes and walked toward the door. Bella motioned me toward the door after her eyes looked around the other room. "Can you come to my house tonight instead of yours. I'm sorry I get a little home sick from what happened last time," Bella said as her faced turned bright red. "No I understand. Really I do," I said as she twitched her fingers around. Last time we tried to make ice cream and the ice cream was moldy. Bella got her hair stuck in the blender as she tried to blend the moldy ice cream (which we didn't know at the time was moldy until the movie). Once we got her hair out it was time to watch a movie. I thought my mom got the movie "Romance on 67th Street," but she got "Nightmares of Death." Bella cried it was so scary. Ever since I've been going to go help my mom pick out the movies. After the scary movie me and Bella got in our sleeping bags, only to know that my brother was planning a sneak attack on us. He jumped out of my closet and screamed as loud as he could at me and Bella. Bella got so scared she ran out of my room, down the stairs, out into the front yard, and behind a tree. When I came outside she starred at her feet with her mouth open. "What are you starring..." then I saw her foot, it was in a fire ant bead. "Okay now slowly step out of it and we'll get you some lotion for those bites," I said putting a hand on her shoulder. She didn't move until I finally lifted her out of the ant bead and into the house. My mom's eyes grew bigger than a watermelon when she saw Bella. I closed her mouth and pointed at Bella. My mom slowly nodded her head and went to the medicine cabinet. "You'll be alright just a little weak in the foot," my mom said polightly. Bella pointed to my room and said, "Can I please go to bed now." She sounded like one of the zombies from the movie. I wasn't sure if they were zombies or not but they were dead people that somehow were alive. I crept up the stairs with Bella in my arms. My hands moved around to lay Bella down on her blanket. Once she was in her sleeping bag her eyes closed and she fell fast asleep. The bell rang right in my ears, but Bella kept walking out the school door to leave the building. Her mom drove up to the school with a big grin on her face. That night I came over with Bella and a bunch of food, electronics, and homework (Bella loves doing extra homework so I thought it would calm her down). "Thank you so much for letting me sleep over." I said as Bella's mom walked into her house before I did. She slammed the door behind her as Bella kept in right before me. They were talking inside. Really, I couldn't tell what they were saying, but I acted like I did as I curled my hand around my right ear and leaned in. When the talking stopped I stepped back taking my hand away from my ear. I picked up my bag and stepped on the welcome mat. Before I came in Bella's mom looked both ways down the street then at me. I smiled a nice sweet smile and she went inside. I tried to follow her but Bella's dad stopped me with a metal thing in his hand that looked like a bat with a tooth brush tied to it. He pushed on my back as I slowly went in the door. Her dad shut the door with a loud slam behind me. "Is something wrong?" I finally asked as he turned me around. "Oh nothing sweetheart we are just one of those weird over protective parents," she said with a smile. I rolled my eyes and walked in the living room. Bella gave him a nod and he removed his hand from my shoulder. "Come sit," Her mom asked patting a rocking chair. "Okay, I will," I said back. "We have decided to tell you a little secret." "Cool." "No not cool. If you tell anyone we have no choice but to kill you," She said as my eyes grew bigger. "Okay I'm ready," I said finally. "Okay then be ready for a long story," She said as I sat back in my chair and she cleared her throat. "We were on a small boat ride to go fishing one day. Bella's dad brought the bait. I brought the rods, and Bella brought her personality. She always made us laugh. When we were fishing a shiny white beluga whale came up for air. Bella leaned a little to closet to the edge, a little closer, a little closer then before we could stop her she fell into the icy cold water. Before this even happened I told her 'don't get near the edge,' but Bella is Bella and she never listens. She didn't know how to swim at the age she was at. I reached over the boat trying to grab her, but she was to far away. My eyes flooded with tears as Bella's head went under the water. I thought I had lost her forever. Then I saw the beluga whale go under just a few seconds after Bella. I told her father I thought the whale was off to kill her; I was wrong. Me and her father huddled up to pray for Bella even if she did make it. Before me and her father were done praying Bella came to the surface with the beluga whale pushing her toward us. When we pulled her out we noticed she was heavier than normal. Once she got on the little skiff like boat me and her father's mouths were wide open at the sight of her. She...had...a...tail. I mermaid like tail. She told us she was thinking of mermaids as she slowly went down to the bottom of the deep blue. We found out now she can turn into any aquatic animals by touching water." Bella's mom froze and starred at me. "If you don't keep this secret there will be a consequences. Many of them," She said getting into my face. Bella raced up stairs as her mother's face was still near mine. My heart raced as she leaned back and let me follow Bella. Her mom watched me the whole way up. I finally got to the door. Before I went in I looked at Bella's mom and went into Bella's room as the door closed behind me. Bella's face was pale like a ghost when I went in. "Are you okay?" I asked sitting next to her. "You want to do research on me don't you?" She said her voice trembling with anger. "No I would never do that. Please you have to trust me. You are my only true friend and now you tell me that my friend doesn't even trust me?" I whispered as I through my stuff down on her floor. She redid her walls, carpet, bed, cabnets, dresser, and mirror since the last time I came. The last time I came to her house was about 6 years ago. She invited me because her parents wanted to see my parents, so I just stayed. We laughed alot together until I spilt water on her and she fled to the bathroom. She stayed in there for like an hour at the least. "So what do you want to do first" Bella said trying to brake the silence. I shrugged my shoulders. All I could think about was the secret. Why me? My whole life is a lie now. I always hated lying to my mom but now this is just crazy. When we first met she told me she was scared of water, so I did my best to protect her. How could she do this this to me; could she not have told me ealier. I'm the best at keeping secrets, and Bella knows that. I didn't really believe someone could be scared of water, but I went with it because we were 5. "Are you my friend anymore?" I asked as my face slowly turned red. She picked her head from her phone and looked at me. "Why would you ask that?" Bella said as she frowned. "Well did you lie about anything else?" My voice felt soft but frighten as the words dribbled out of my mouth. She looked at me like I was a murderer or something. "You really think this is just a little game don't you. Well guess what it's not. People out there will pay billions of dollars to do experiments on me. This is not something I can play around with. If I can't have a friend who understands that then you'll have to leave," My eyes widened. Did she actually just say what I think she did. She couldn't have just told me to leave. I wiggled my head to try to shake out the bad thoughts in my mind. They stayed in my mind like they were glued onto my brain. I couldn't unhear them. Again and again the words replayed torturing my brain. "I believe you totally, it's just that it surprised me. Caught me off guard. You know," I said as my fingers laid on my legs. "Come with me. I have to show you something," Bella insisted she ran out of her room. I followed her as she zoomed down the stairs. Each step creaked as Bella went into the room on the wall. I pushed the door after Bella went in the room. "I'm sorry but I have to do this." Bella whispered as she cupped her hands in some water and through it at me. "Really throw water at me. That isn't going to..." before I could answer my feet dissappeared and a blue scaly tail appeared. Bella jumped in the water after she fell on the floor because of touching the water. "Why did you do that!" I yelled as anger flew through my veins. She hopped in the water without saying anything back to me. "If you know my secret you should have to keep it too," Bella said as she went under the crystal clear water. "I thought the beluga whale did that to you not water?" the confusing words just poured out of my mouth. "I have powers that make this kind of water," She said as she twirled her finger in the air. I crawled over to the edge of the pool like a weird seal figure, whiped my tail around and touched the water. It was a little warmer than room temperature. I closed my eyes and pushed my big floppy tail into the water. I was swimming like a mermaid.