Marathon Man May 1990 Read Count : 142

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Curiously my need to express has come to an abrupt halt and given way to the inability to find the words because the pain has hit too hard

I am running an emotional marathon ,
brief smooth glides, some downhill
breaks, many steep exhausting inclines
and then the wall- always the wall 
where it takes every ounce of courage, breath and determination merely to
maintain balance 

As I piod through the confusion of 
thoughts and memories I  see before 
me the finish , each stride bringing me closer 
With each pounding heartbeat I touch
you with my mind

How many walls must I confront,how 
many obstacles must I traverse before 
this event is ended
I still don’t know whether the finish is lifewith quality or death with reunion 
But I run on, ever watchful of that tape
in the distance 


  • 💜

    Nov 11, 2018

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