Haunted Read Count : 202

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

The past will always be remembered,

Good and bad,

My choices, 

And choices made for me, 

Even though I'm haunted, 

I will not regret a damn thing that happened,

I did it for him,

Until it was time to shift the focus,

We all know what he wanted for us,

So I wouldn't let people put words in him mouth,

But I know he told others different things

I respect that.

He always treated us as individuals. 

That will never change

Time to move out of the haunted woods, 

Step by step I'll remember what he taught me, 

Let me be me, 

Don't need kids gloves. 

I hope that in uncertain moments you continue to show us you're there

We love you and hope to make you proud


  • Nov 11, 2018

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