Category : Articles
Sub Category : Lifestyle
Have you heard of this name? I guess, you have. You have many companies on this Name but I am talking about the DELTA AIRWAYS. Yes, you have got it right, I am about to write the extortion of a passenger and its group.
Recently just before some hours you would have heard about a news that a passenger was made to sit on dog's FECES for 2 long hrs. Yes you people got it right, he was made to sit on the dog's shit and passengers were made to smell that odour for 2 long hrs.
Normally GODOPEDIAOLOGY sets a trend by making its readers to know some basic things because though we read things in books, reality is far from what we would have read, it is frequent updates that reminds us OUR DOING AND DON'TS.
I always felt that if there was something that could inform us before we land into trouble how good it would be, at least if 1 person benefits from my writings WON'T IT WOULD BE GREAT AND SELF SUFFICIENT TO PROCLAIM ME AS SOMEWHAT AN AVERAGE WRITER. Because I feel INFORMATION ALWAYS BENEFITS SOME ONE OR THE ANOTHER.
So GODOPEDIAOLOGY signs for the day and will come back with some more interesting topics. Till then bye.