Still Human Chapter 2 Read Count : 62

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance

Chapter 2

Want a hug?

WARNING: This will contain unverified content, strong language and violent

It's been three days now. I made close friends with Brian, Scott and Polly. I met the demon: Damien a couple of times. Mostly because we are in most of the same classes. We either talk for bit or we argue or straight up fight each other. But most of time it's been good between us surprisingly.

I was at the library studying about magic spells for the next pop quiz. I tried to find a certain book, I found it. But... it was too high for me to reach. I was even on my tiptoes and still nowhere of grabbing it. Even standing on a chair I couldn't fuckin reach it. I heard laughter in the background, I turn around and saw two monsters staring at me but trying to hide it.

'Those fuckers! They should die!-- no, no! You promised dad that you wouldn't kill anyone. Even I want to so badly! I suck it up because my dad said to give others a chance, live up to God's example!' I shake my head and turn back to the books.

Then felt two huge hands around my waist and lifted me. I look down bring out my cross blade,  then I'd realized it was Scott and hid my cross away.

"Scott you scared me. What do you think your doing?" I said to him, he wags his tail and happily response.

"You looked like you needed help, so I thought to give a lift so you can get your book." He said with a big goofy smile on his face.

"Oh! Thanks! This is just what I needed thanks a lot Scott!" Scott's face beamed with joy, waging his tail faster. I grab my book and ask to be put down. When he did he bends down, it looks like he wants a pet on the head. So that what I did, his tail still waging fast.

"Scott lift your head a little bit." When he did I stared right into his royal blue eyes.

"Woh... your eyes are diamonds." Scott complemented, he immediately looks away a bit embarrassed of what he said. 'How cute.'

I sat on the set and open my arms out. Scott looks at me confused. Then I ask him "want a hug?"

Scott was absolutely shock of what I ask him. But he wrapped his arms around me and lifted me off the set. I feel my bones are braking. I hug back pat him on the again and said "who's a good boy?"

Scott pulls me away holding me under my armpits. I reached to pat him and teased "who's a good boy?~" Scott pointed at himself and shyly replied "I'm a good boy?" I leand in and hug still patting him and said "Yes you are. Yes you are a very good boy!"

Scott holds on to me tightly and our faces saying "I'm a good boy! I'm a good boy!" 

'Oh lord! I can finally die happy' I thought to myself.

After studying in the library, I'd went to the cafeteria. Usually I sit by myself, but all table were taken. I would like to sit next to Polly or Brian, but they already have friends to talk to. Then I saw a monster or a human, as she has pointed ears and bright green eyes. She has dark skin and periwinkle blue hair, and freckles on her face. She was wearing red hooded cape with green interior trim. She wears a leather corset and brown pants with boots that go over her knees. She has a few weapons around her waist.

She was all on her own. So I walked up to her and said hi while giving out a gentle wave. She seems surprised by this.

"Wait... you're choosing to sit... with me?" I nodded my head in response.

"I usually like sitting by myself, but I thought to change things up today. Which leads me to question, why are you by yourself?"

"Well... for some reason, no one ever intentionally sits next to me. I usually have to ambush them and threaten to kill them!" She anwsers.

"And you wounder why you have no friends." As I lifted brow.

"Shut up! I have friends!" She spat at me.

"Your right that was rude of me, let me reset what I said. You have no friends that come to this school, that why your on your own." She death stares at me while I smile back. She looks away for a few seconds a look back at me.

She cleared her throat before speaking. "Anyway, I'm really happy you... I mean, I'm flattered that... I mean I actually... uhh... wouldn't give a shit about you under normal circumstances, but today I'm on a quest!"

"Quest?! I'm listening." Hearing the word gives me just the thrills.

"Yeah! That's right! I'm not emotionally vulnerable! I'm just on a quest to slay the Werewolf of Wall Street, and I need a monster sidekick!" Slaying werewolf of wall street? Sounds fun. Better not tell Scott though. Who am I to care, it's no big deal. I'll just burn the body he won't expect a thing.

"You'll going to help me, obviously. Despite you being human. All I need is to know what your class is. Are you a fighter? A mage? A cleric? Out with it!" She demand.

Then I thought this is my chance to miss with her, this will be fun. "Gun-priest." I said with a huge grin on my face.

"Gun-priest? Is that even a class? Practically everyone has guns!" Said Slayer showing a face of confusion and disappointment.

But then I brought every gun I hid on my body. "Does everyone have as much guns as me?~" I expressed towards her.

"Holy shit! How can you even carry that many guns? And why are you allowed to have them at school?" As she sits there still shock I explained.

"Like what you said earlier, I'm human. So I have to do what's necessary to keep myself safe. If you know what I mean."

"Okay. Well... do you have sliver bullets? Werewolves are only vulnerable to sliver bullets." Slayer said to me, feeling a bit dumbfounded for while.

"Oh! I have sliver bullets. I plenty of that." I cunningly replied.

"Well... umm... alright. Let's, uh... go on an a adventure then." She says awkwardly, unsure what to say next.

Then the bell rang, I gave her hug before getting up. 

"Great! I'll see you on Saturday night! It's a date! Bye bye!" I said to her before running off to my next class.

"W-wait w-what!" Slayer stuttered with her face growing red.

Next class was P.E so I ran into the girls gym locker room and got change. So monsters were already in there so I tried to rush to avoid anyone pissing me off talking shit about my body. But nooooo life is just not that simple.

"Wow! Your like, so fat! / and like, so ugly!" They laughed at me.

I turn around haft dressed a straight up dance right there then.

"Wah are you think your doin'?" One of the bitches said.

"Polly!" I called. Immediately Polly pop out of a group of other girls and join me.

"Yah! It's party time ya'll!" Polly screamed while dancing with me. We kept dancing for awhile with some others. Then we finally stop.

"What was the point of that? / yah, like what doin' you think your provin'?" That what the little bitches said.

"Nothing. I just did that to lighten up my mood. So I can say this... you two are fuckin bitches! And your so annoying! I can't go anywhere without talking shit about me and it's pissing me off!" I growled at the two monsters, Polly was even cheering for me. 'So cool'

"Oh really?! And what are you like, gonna to do about it?!" Stretched out her hand, obviously going to push me. I grab her hand and pointed my cross blade to her neck.

"Let's make a make a bet! If you lose, you'll have stop fuckin following me around like fuckin creeps!" I said slyly.

"Alright! Alright! We'll do your stupid bet if put the knife down!" She shrieked. I slowly put my cross away. And wait what she going to say next.

"Okay, but if you lose have to walk in school naked!" She bellowed proudly.

"I don't care. Heck! I could walk around naked right now and I'll still feel nothing. Want to try again?" The two monsters grew angry.

"Alright then if you lose you to..." she pause before started smirking.

"You will have to... KISS DAMIEN! / ON THE LIPS!" My eyes open widely in shock.

"Fuck off!! Are you serious!? You want me to kiss a demon!? Are you fuckin serious?!" I said with anger. The two laughed.

"That's right! Unless you change your mind!" I clinch my hands into fists and yelled.

"ALRIGHT THEN! WINING TEAM WINS THE BET GOT THAT!? GREAT! LET DO THIS!" I quickly got dressed and ran out to the battle, in other words the gym.

Today in P.E we are playing the same game we always play... Dodge Ball. Immediately my team is losing because on the other team is Scott and Damien, the most athletic guys in the whole class. Lady luck is not smiling on me today.

At the end the other team has still ten members while my team is just me. I'm going to die, but at least I'll die fighting. Every one of them hold a dodge balls in their hands, including the to bitches from before. They all throw all at once. I so lucky I have such flexible body, or I'd wouldn't be able to dodge so easily.

Dodge balls passes by me, but before one of did pass me. I catch one and swing it right back at them and I actually got someone out. It was the bitch too, God has heard my pray.

Everyone stare at the only person in her team not to also mentioned a human took down a member of the other team by herself!

I kept doing same thing over and over again. My ace in the hole: My D.C.S.T

  • Dodge
  • Catch
  • Swing
  • Throw!

Now the other team had only two members, Scott and Damien. This is going to hard. I can't use D.C.S.T here. Because Scott's and Damien's throws are intense. Just touching the dodge balls burns my hands.

I had my back against the wall, when I thought I lost hope I saw a Metal Bat laying on the floor. Along with some other sport equipment. How lazy can people really be? I grabbed the bat, ran forward dodge every hit. I swing the bat and hit one of the ball and reflect right back at them.

"Hey! That's cheating!" A monster yelled. I got pissed off from this. I'm not going lose because of fuckin idiot! As I was in rage I didn't know I skillfully reflect the ball straight at that baster head. I turn my head the couch death staring him, after all the couch is the only one who decide the rules here.

He raised both his hands and backed away. "I-I'll allowed it..." Couch says while backing up more.

A lot of monsters groan and complained so I reflect the dodge balls at them. Then I reflect back at Scott and Damien. I got Scott out but Damien will not go down without a fight. 'Sorry Scott'

'This was no longer a game, this is war!' With both teams with one member left. I can't allowed myself to lose.

"I will beat you!" I shouted pointed my metal bat at him.

"Fuck yah! Show me what you got noob!" Damien yelled back, swinging more and more dodge balls in the impeccable speed.

I don't think I can keep up with him, he's too intense. He started throwing knifes that jerk. In this rate I'll lose and I have to-- ugh... never mind I don't even want to think about it. I keep dodging, but I'm still human and because of that it's only a matter of time till I pass out.

As my cuts draw deep I still stand tall and proud. Damien stares at me throwing dodge balls and knife but there on fire. Can't I have brake? I better finish this quick.

"What's the matter noob?! Getting tired?" Damien mocked.

"You wish! Bring it on demon!!!" I responded with pride.

He shows a huge grin on his face and the next time he throw a dodge ball, it broke right through the wall. Everyone stepped back absolutely terrified of what happened. That throw brought chills up my spine. I was literally shaking of excitement, this will be hard. No doubt about that. I'd lick the blood off my lips and showed a huge smile on my face.

Damien rapidly throw more fire balls and knifes. I dodge the balls and reflect the knifes, well I'd tried.

"Aren't you afraid? Why are you still fighting--" Damien said before I'd cut him off with my laughter.

"AH-HA-HA-HA! Are you kidding me!? I never felt more a live in my entire life! I should thank you actually for just trying to kill me! AH-HA-HA-HA!" I laughed like a crazy person. Which actually explains a lot.

For a while it was all stalemate. But then... after countless throws... I finally... got hit. And send flying through the air and right through the fuckin wall.

"Woh! / is she dead? / of course she is, not even a monster can survive that / OMG!" Everyone slowly walks forward to see what happen. Damien took deep breaths, tired of that work out. Then a pile of rubble was moving, everyone put their attention towards it.

Then I'd arises for the rubble, and shrieked.

"Eeeeeeeeh! That. Was. Amazing! Let's do it again!" Everyone screamed in shock and surprise.

"What the FUCK?! How are even alive!?" Damien was scarily confused. I lifted my shirt showing my armor underneath.

"Bulletproof and fireproof armor is always handy. In specialty in times like this. Oh! Did I also mentioned that I have these float bags, so soft. You even call them a save!"

Everyone blinks a few times until one of the bitches open her mouths.

"You got hit! You lost! And that mean you lost the bet!" The bet? Oh yeah. The bet about if she lost she'll stop bothering me, but if I lost I'd...

"Oh lord! I forgot about the bet!" I'd panick covering my face of embarrassment.

"Bet? What bet?" Damien stared at me confused as the same for everyone else. I walked up to Damien.

"Let's just get this over with..." before Damien could respond, I snatches his shirt collar and drag him down and k-kissed him.

"Wah!!!??!!! She actually kissed him!" I pulled away and faint on the floor because I was so tired. But I didn't hit floor, instead I was in the arms of a red demon. Before I'd pass out I saw a big blurry brown thing.

I woke up and I saw Scott in a hospital like bed asleep. Wait... beds? I must be in the nurse office. This is weird, I barely go to hospital none or lest the nurse office. Usually the people I fight with are the ones in these beds. I sigh and turn to my other side, I see a sleeping Damien in a hospital like bed too.

"You too huh? What the hell happened?" I said to myself as I try to get up. My hand lost balance and fell on my back with a big thud. Both Scott and Damien woke up by the sound.

"Your awake!" Scott cheer of relief. Then he glare at Damien when he got up too. I turn to Scott then Damien confused. 'Both of them had patches and bandages, was there a fight?' I ask myself. But these two would never fight, their like brother to each other. Then they started to stare at me, I hide in blanket been shy.

"What's wrong? Are you still hurting or something?" Damien scoffs.

"Shut up Damien!! She only like this because of you, the last thing she needs is you insulting her!" Growled Scott.

"The Fuck?! I was only asked if she was hurting, how the hell is that a insult? Besides that she was perfectly fine before remember!? She had armor and shit on!" Damien growled back.

"She still got hurt! Can you see the cuts on her body?! She got those cuts because of you!" Scott and Damien were like this for awhile, I hid in my blanket waiting it to end.

"Wait Scott stop! Look! We're scaring her." Damien said, I pull haft of my face out the blanket. My body was shaking, so Damien was right about the scaring part.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry Human! I didn't mean to scared you. I swear!" Scott face was more shaken than a old leaf, he needed to calm down. I reached out and pat his head, trying to confort him. I slowly got up without slipping this time.

"Human no! Your hurt! You should rest!" Scott says with a worried expression.

"The mut is right! Y-You should l-lay down for a-awhile!" Stuttered Damien, which surprised me.

I drag both of them on to my bed, making sure they don't crush me in the process. Let them lend on my shoulders and I sang a song.

Everything's Okay


'Keep giving me hope for a better day

Keep giving me love to find a way

Through this heaviness I feel

I just need someone to say, everything's okay'

Scott started waging his tail. Damien trys to escape, but fails.

'Woke my weary head

Crawled out of my bed

And I said, "Oh, how do I go on?"

Nothing's going right, shadow's took the light

And I said, "Oh, how do I go on?"

I stared at Scott with empty and Damien with generosity.

'Sometimes I need a little sunshine

And sometimes I need you two'

I pull them closer to me like mother bird holding her chicks. 

'Keep giving me hope for a better day

Keep giving love to find a way

Through this messy life I made for myself

Heaven knows I need a little'

My cross started glowing and there was glowing ring above my head, but I didn't notice it.

'Hope for a better day

Keep giving me love to find a way

Through this heaviness I feel

I just need someone to say, everything's okay'

Damien kinda freaked out a bit while Scott was amazed. 

'I gave my hope to you

When you were early through

And you said, "Oh, I can't go on"

Well, now I need it back

'Cause I have got a lack of all that's good

And I can't go on'

Scott rubbed his head against my face, then Damien got a bit jealous and hold my arm.

'Sometimes I need a little sunshine

And sometimes I need you two'

Scott wrap a arm around my waist, then Damien pull my head closer to him.

'Keep giving me hope for a better day

Keep giving love to find a way

Through this messy life I made for myself

Heaven knows I need a little'

I giggled and then carried on sing.

'Hope for a better day

Keep giving me love to find a way

Through this heaviness I feel

I just need someone to say, everything's okay'

Scott looked like he was going to sleep.

'Everything's okay, everything's okay, everything's okay, everything's okay

Sometimes I need a little sunshine

And sometimes I need you'

Now Damien eyelids are hanging slightly.

'Keep giving me hope for a better day

Keep giving love to find a way

Through this messy life I made for myself

Heaven knows I need a little

I'd continue singing.

'Hope for a better day

Keep giving me love to find a way

Through this heaviness I feel

I just need someone to say, everything's okay'

Someone walks in and gestured them to be quiet, they were shocked and they took a picture before running away.

'Hope for a better day

Keep giving me love to find a way

Through this heaviness I feel

I just need someone to say, everything's okay'

Checking Scott and Damien were going to fight, they were fast asleep.

'Hope for a better day

Keep giving me love to find a way

Through this heaviness I feel

I just need someone to say, everything's okay'

I ended the song and fell asleep.





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