Love Each Day
Read Count : 110
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
early in the morningyet just another daythe dawns first light is warningthat time continues in its wayliving and loving each risingand setting of the sunallows us to appreciatelife's battles we have wonrhyming comes with truththat only words expresssadly in my youthexpressing sad duressolder and yet youngerstronger and yet weaklonger is the strugglethat helps you find your peakthere is no forgivenessfor those who do not seekthere is no surrenderfor the strong , only the meekand so before the dawn , I bid you each good nightMay you live long and prospernever giving up the fightmay you never surrenderand always speak your mindmay you love each otherand remember to be kindmy words may seem to manyas a stone into the tidenever changing the currentand just along for the ridehowever i know that although we a fewthere are those out there , like me , who knows the value of a stone that has been each day