LADIES SAVIOR Read Count : 109

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy

The world has various aspect about this person, there are many who call HIM a SATAN but HIS deeds and stories and HIS life style is evident that today also many mens dream to be like HIM but couldn't because ALMIGHTY GOD has given only this person the authority and others can't imitate HIM, even if they do it they can't succeed because NATURAL WINS ARTIFICIAL. Enough is this suspense and its the time to strip the truth and name that person who is offer called has WOMANS MAN, yes everyone's guess is right, I am referring to the one and only EVERGREEN PLAYBOY OF GOPIS AND THE NEVER FADING CHARMING LORD KRISHNA. 

Many of them might say what's so special about this person? Lots but this page won't be sufficient to explain ONE OF HIS QUALITIES. Actually when HE was alive lots of ladies desired HIM madly, starting from Princess to nuns and even housewives and list goes on. Here the emphasis is not to show HIM as the only man on earth at that time but to show WHY SO MANY LADIES LIKED HIM? Just because HE was extremely handsome or simply that he could entice any ladies through HIS POWERS, NO, Because He had one more quality which nowadays mens lag, EGOISM.

He even after being the most cleverest and mightiest person of HIS time was also known for safeguarding ladies in distress, so HE fought many battles for that and also didn't lose a single one and HIS 16008 wives were actually affected ladies in one way or another but HE never deserved them nor forced them and never acted beastly as the present day men's for sexual pleasure instead showed them that they also deserve a place for themselves in the society.

Lots can be written but time is running short, so concluding part is that WE TRULY LOST A LADIES SAVIOR and as they say LADIES ALWAYS DO VERY LITTLE FOR THEMSELVES proved true in HIS life when HE was cursed by a lady which became a reason for both HIS as well as LADIES demise. 


  • Good

    Oct 10, 2018

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