Satan And His Girlfriend Read Count : 138

Category : Adult

Sub Category : Adult Romance

I hope you like my nonfiction story very astonishing. This is my 3rd story I've written in my life.

hi my name is mickey and im a 16 year old girl. Its a chilly season. One day I stumbled across a piece of paper in the parking lot of my school. It was red and it was written for me I looked at who wrote it. It was my friend it said, I like Mickey's way of being sophisticated and smart, she uses her words with enthusiasm. He happens to be from the high school I go to. We have all the same classes together. He and I meet this year in 9th grade. Now were in 10th grade. I loved what was written. I could never imagine him liking this about me. I think it was a beautiful thought.

later that day i played my cd from my records, I play everyday. I play my music for fun. I was thinking about that note. I really have had a crush on him since I met him. He happens to be Satan, His name is Iblees. i went down to the playground. Played my music and decided to write him a song. it said,

"you you rock my world you rock my world, you you beat my heart beat my heart, someday someday i wanna say i wanna say i i i like you, guess guess guess guess what you are to damn hot and and your smile gives me your smile gives me flutterflies flutterflies."

I sat on the swing swinging back and fourth, loking like a hot mess. Anyways i ran and caught up to my friend iblees. He was very distinguishable. He always would wear either black, red, or green. He was diablical, His hair is blonde, up with spikes, and he would interigate others on occasion. They thought he was from hell. He gave me something and I opeded the box up and it was a red rose dimond ring with my name mickey on it. he placed a piece of paper in my hand and i opened it, which had a blue skull with a green snake in the eyes that he drew that said you got beauty. he smiled and told me he has a crush on me so i told him i like his hair. Keeping mine a secret.

Later the next day we walked to class and I gave him my song i wrote him. he came through the door. and I watched him laugh at my song with excitement, he said it was cute. He put his cd player in his locker, we walked down the hall for next period.

I deeply admire him and his voice is so deep, I want to throw my lips on his and give him a long cuddle hug. so later after i finished class Iblees came up to me grabbed my hand and kissed my hand with his gorgous lips. I was flustered.

I laughed and smiled because he fell on the ground on purpous being dramatic and said "my love fell from a apple true and i put my enemy to his grave and found that I love myself and that my heart became cold and bitter, later i fell down to the ground and that I couldnt love no one and I then gave it a shot. I found a smart, skillfull, talented, young beautiful silly hearted women. maybe ill give a try in dating you Mickey."

So i took the bus home and couldnt help myself i took my phone and texted him to come over and what i got from him was a snake saying i want to do something with you. so the snake took its plot onto coming out of my phone and kissing me.

I cried my eyes out and ran to the bathroom. i cried because it hurt my hand he transformed back to satan iblees. Iblees told me hes taking me out of here and taking me someplace else.

He and I went to a abonded haunted house and played around i was super scared. and so he took me upstairs, so you wanna kiss me? sure I need to kiss this lip right here and then this lip right here mumbling it. he grabbed my sides and rolled me to the ground and we started making out. wow satan is romantic! I thought consciously.

Later we had left and went out to eat at Bill Jacks resteraunt we order french fries and club sodas. I asked for a coffee and a donut to the waiter at times i sound timid, When I wanted to sound more excitful at the moment. Satan I sounded that way because he made me with some sort of powers he had. The food was delicious so we left and made our way to his place which he lived in a one floor house. He stole this house and it was abanded at the time and never got caught yet. The house was in the woods.

Part 2

I ended my night by saing goodnight to him and cuddled up next to my new love satan. I dreamed about hell and heaven. I woke up and asked him about hell but relized he was sleeping.

Iblees came here and went to the SSGO meaning social security Goverment Office to have them legalize his card to be exepted in the county. It was temerary.

Later I was sitting in his snake chair and he woke up and snarreled. He looked so vigilant. I deiceded to jump and ask him my question even though he just woke up "Iblees where is your world at?"

"Well I came from a jinn world as you know a world with beings that are made of fire." He replied. hmm I thought "the humans element is clay" he added.

"Also I came from my mom and God created me I worshiped Him." He said being sarcastic.

"Can i go there?" I jumped in. "Ill take you someday." he replied and walked away.

I sat there thinking about it for a second awhile Iblees went into another room.

I all of a sudden transformed into a world looking like Alice in wonderland. "Iblees!" I said surprised.

"I don't want to be in that world no more I changed my mind." He stated.

We ended up walking to a halloween store.

"I need something for my friend here do you mind getting something, like a masquerade mask." he asked "I have no money." "You don't need it you can take it." he hesitated.

I walked in with him, and everything was eww I hate things that are bloody, and super scary things. I like cute things. Iblees is evil, he can also be very romantic and he can change shape and form. He can be a cat a dog a snake anything he wants to be.

I grabbed a mask and put it in my bag, hoping I'm not going to be in trouble. This world I'm in has bright beautiful colors neon, and Raindow, ect. And there's a million and one gadgets.

"Iblees?" I questioned him, "yes Mickey?" I had no place to live. I asked "where can I live Iblees, are we going back to my world?" I asked as we were walking to the store. "No." He said "also this isn't my world were in. its hidden behind this one." He added. "What world are we in?" I asked. "The Dreamers world." He said frustrated. "That's what there called?" I asked, "yepp Mickey." He said. In my world were called Genes. He took me to a place in the middle of no where and something was sitting on the front porch step.

"This is my friend eric he's a satan too." Iblees said as we made our way there relizing that there were more satans than one, he had told me in school. but Iblees says hes #1. Anyways Eric had scared the hell out of me. He frightened me. Like what happens in the dark you shake from being scared of something. I fell to the ground shaking. "See, this is what a satan can do" eric said.

"Iblees help" I said. "Hold on Mickey."

"This is where your staying" he said. "No no no no no I'm to scared." I winned "I cant take you to my house yet so bear with it Mickey." he told me. And eric left and flew somewhere away from here. I was Crying and said to myself these Satan's are so scary.

He picked me up and took me inside. This place wasnt bad I liked it. "I want to do something." he explained. "I want us to kiss and hold eachother tight" He said flustered, "Okay loves let me come over there." I said as I placed my lips on his hot lips and couldnt stop. After I kissed I told him I'm tired and needed a nap.

He told me theres a bed in that bedroom over there. He said to me, "I like everything about who you are, I would never hurt you, or tear you to pieces, I will always have a heart for you. I find you quite imaginative." staring at his guitar I grabbed it and played him a song, after I finished I snuggled up to him and we fell asleep.

Part 3

Iblees and I went to a big rock in the backyard and made a fire on the ground. He flew up in the sky looking scary and not himself. I screamed and ducked down with my hands over my head. All of a sudden Iblees was next to me. He hugged me and lifted my head and told me everything will be okay. I want to explore His world it must so ouragous.

I sat up at the table and texted Iblees 'when are you coming back I want to ask you a question?" I wrote him. He flew in "I'm back, so yess Mickey?" He questioned. "Can we go to your world now?" I said awhile Smiling with my teeth showing. "I knew you were going to say this. You forgot we are in one right." he said. "Yess I know, I forgot you read minds too." I mentioned. "Its a satan thing." he replied.

Part 4

I cried and it felt like my arm was broke. I happened to be on the deck in the front yard and fell off. Satan bit his nail and told me it will be okay and helped me up. I needed ice badly. I went to the kitchen grievously and grabbed a coke and satan put a bag of ice together. This world was super diffrent with shadowed coloring. We were in a remote area near a grocery store.

"Please open this iblees." I asked with frustration awhile needing my pop open. "Yep I'am mickey." grabbing my pop.

After He then picked up a shoe that he left on the floor by accident and threw it by the door.

Eric the satan number 2 then came and he has an accent, He spoke french fluently. He said, "mickey I want to kiss you thank you."

"For what?" I asked "for being so beautiful. I love this smile you have."

"What happened to you?" Eric asked. Seeing that I had the ice on my mid arm. "I fell off the deck in the front." I told him. "Hmm I can heal that for you, let me see.." eric said. "Okay dont touch it eric it hurts." I said. "I wont." so he took my arm with these powers he has and made it feel tons better. I sat up drank my sod and thanked eric. He then told iblees he needd to go to his brothers and left.

"I like when you bite my lips Iblees. I have a thing about kissing you. You know your my first true love I ever had." i told him. "Surprisingly i knew that Mickey." and he laughed "Ha yeah" "I love that you love me but Iblees has priorities and needs his space sometimes." Iblees said vigalantly. "Could we go to your world yet Iblees." happily asking. "God dammit not yet Mickey." he said irrateded. I said frantically, "Yes I'm sorry, but why?"

"Because of my life that is so tied up i want no one finding out about where I'm at. I don't like intrusive beings I need a private place for sleep at night. So were not going there right now." he responded

"Now we can go get something to eat. Right? Im starving." I said exhausted.

"Why dont I bring you to my so called world just once to eat at a restaurant to try out our food its delicious. Its quite similar to your just a bit different."

"Sure I'll be right back i have to change into black legging jeans and a flowy blue top with blue boots."

He laughed at me "wear black boots not blue." he insisted. we got me a couple outfits at a store called Bellfire Outfitters. "Sure" I replied.

For my weight I'm on the chubby side and I like that satan don't mind me being fat because I feel more open minded about it.

"One question Iblees why did you come to the school I went too?" because of me trying to steal something from the principles office that I ended up doing before we left."

"What was it?" I asked nonchalantly. "Money, and coins for me and my friends. I put it in my backpack and gave it to Eric yesterday."

Part 5

I came down and he was dressed in a red shirt and black pants with no shoes just black sockes. "Which shoes are you going to wear Iblees?" asking him. "Umm these right here my black cotos high top shoes." he responded.

"Ready? Come on let's go" he said.

"Yep how are we getting there?" I asked.

"Like this, i open up the world as if you never left but entered into a new one just like this."

"Oh my cool its diffrent then the world you took me to a couple of days ago. We entered in and it was dark, were in the woods it was so brilliantly colored.

"I know your scared." he told me. "Kinda, Its beautiful in this place were at." I told him. "So lets find a place to eat. Know any? He said smiling.

"Uh no obviously not iblees" I responded.

"I got one place down here on this street here its called frogaliouses."

"I want to kill someone one right now and he's following me around everywhere I go."

"His name is red rose hes a Jinn that is colored pink. He stole my best friends wallet and a bag of teeackets"

"Whats teeackets?" I asked "There a game piece the satans play with to scare the ones we dont like." he said infuriated. "We cant be seen by him so I'm gonna change my look and dont freak out"

I closed my eyes and put my hands over my eyes and peaked at what he was doing. He looked at me and smiled. I looked at his eyes they were so luscious. He then transformed into something green and so he told me he needs to change my look too. He put me on the ground awhile sitting cross legged and was changing my skin to purple and gave me sparkly butterfly wings.

"I love this look its so beautiful and me, can I keep it?" I asked him "Yes my puppet." he said in a satan dramatical way.

Eric showed up and scared the hell out of me again and Iblees picked me up off the ground and hugged me this time. "Dont worry about anything. If anything happens I'm here."

Coming in a scaring you is a way to say I love you. Im going to eat out with you and satan Iblees is that fine?" he asked him

"No because this is for me and her leave Eric!" Iblees yelled.

"Fine fine bye, boo!" he said and scared me.

"Iblees this scare game is making me feel sick." I complained. "You'll be fine." he said in an evil tone.

I was frightened so badly, that Iblees calmed me down and picked me up and kissed me. We made it to the restaurant.

The place was big enough for 30 people. And it was green and it had seats that were shaped like frogs and square tables with 4 chairs at each one.

"Iblees, it was dark here and daylight back home?" I questioned him.

He replied, "yes what an amasment." he said dramatically. awhile eating a burger. "So what does it taste like because im scared to eat it?" "It taste like a pickle with rice in it." he picked up my food and told me to open my mouth and said it was okay and so i did just that i then liked it but it had a bad aftertaste.

"I have to take you back to my house, I'll give you some clothes, I'm excited for this night." he said. "Okay" i replied awile smiling with a grin because I couldnt wait to see his place. Hoping nothing else will scare me.

All of a sudden redrose showed up, "Iblees do you want his wallet or not?" he said dramatically. "Yess Redrose I do." he said as he grabbed it from him and killed him with a needle. He fell straight to the ground. I walked away from the scene and thought satan is capable of anything.

Part 6

We got to his place eventually. Looking at the trees with cobwebs of the color green and red.

"God damn, I left my wallet there. And by the way you need to come with me too. I don't want you here alone."

So when we'd got there. The waiter said its in his was in his coat pocket because he can see with his lime light eyes that looked like two lights. Iblees told me they can be any shape, size, and color they wanted.

"Thank you very much i didn't see that coming. So how did it end up in there when i didn't feel it in my pocket?" Satan got pissed off and stormed outside I followed him.

As he was stretching. There was a jinn boy, who was at the diner with us. "Hi" he said to me. "Hello" I told him. "I put it back in his coat pocket." He said playfully.

I realized he had certain powers to do that. "Satan I need back my bike" he wailed. "Possibly no but if you give me your dads tools I will."

"I dont wanna" He wailed. "Than im destroying your bike because Iblees here can steal it from you in an instant." he said with infearment. "Come on were leaving mickey"

"Thank you mickey" the boy told me because I gave him a purple pebblestone I had found in the woods that looked so cool.

"Okay coming iblees." I told him.

He took me by surprise and drug me up to his arms and flew away. It was beginning to be morning. And there was a beautiful ray of purple pink sun light coming threw.

Iblees and I went inside. I asked where the bathroom was he said down this hall to the left. He took me to his room and I put on his t-shirt and no shorts. The shirt was covereing my butt. Iblees flew to to his bed. And startled me to death. I fell to the floor and he called me to him and said "everythings fine mickey. I have somthing for you. It has to do with something you wear."

"Oh wow its awsome." I said, it was another ring but this time purple with a snake on it. "I need one for me too so get your ass up a buy me a ring." replying.

"How iblees? i have no money." I asked. "Well I have an idea, why dont you steal it." he told me smirking. "Hmm okay I'll try you taught me to steal anyways. Let's go to sleep I'm tired."

I kissed him and he took my lips and bit them, each one. I cant believe how good satan is at kissing. He also had told me once before he never dated anyone in his entire lifes he lived. Why me? I could never figure this out. I layed there on his chest and fell fast asleep.

Part 7

At that very moment a snake came crawling into the bedroom "ahhh" i screamed "iblees wake up there is a snake In the bedroom." i said so fast as i pushed him off the bed.

"What the fuck.! God damn you mickey what?" "A snake eehh." I said scared to death. "uuuuh its a satan disguised as a snake. And as a matter of fact I want mickey to know that I love her no matter what color, shape, size, ugly, fat, beautiful and how old you can be. And I will put this snake in its grave now. And rest my eyes again" He said calmingly.

"Iblees! Thanks but that snake is saying something to you." I said as I layed down, I felt like crying but no tears so I cuddled up with Iblees. I was still worried something else was going to happen. In my so called creative and mindful filled life. Ive talked to so many of my kind. They always change there looks and hair and who they are but I like to stay the way I'am I love me and don't want to be any thing else.

I got up to get some coffee and found that he had no coffee in his kitchen. I went to wake him up. "Iblees ibleees" i asked. "Whaatt what mickey?" he screached.

"I want coffee. can we go get some? I don't know where anything is."

"Give me a damn minute here to get up. I need my underwear and socks and shoes" he replied. "Where?" I asked "That fricken basket over there." he said.

So i grabbed him some underwear and socks and gave him a black shirt and shorts that were on the bedroom floor next to his chest that was shapped square with a snake on it.

"Now get your ass out the door and were walking." he said. I juzt nodded. "Now i will get my keys to open this shit up since I own everything here in Jinn town." he insured. "Okay sexy hurry cause I want coffee now."

I think he likes me as a friend again because he is always finding me more annoying latly. I kicked the garbage can. "Why mickey?" He questioned. smiling sounding as if he knew it.

"You dont like me when i talk or say specific things to you right now."

"Why would you think such a absurd thing?" He acted diligant as he handed me my coffee. "Because of you acting the way you are."I told him.

"Beautiful I have been acting like this since day 1." he responded.

"Things just were more intense. I'm not used to getting scared all the time." I said.

We ended up back at his place. And it took me 5 minutes to catch up with his fast walking. I made it to the door. He pulled me in and hugged me. An then he gave me something it was a black notebook and a pink sparkly pen.

"Thank you my handsome devil" I had told him.

He screeched. He was surprised. I leaned in and kissed his cheek.

He rolled down the curtains. He looked at me and kissed me roughly with his red pink lips and my red rose lips were feeling tingly because he bit them.

Part 8

So we layed down and cuddled. I thought for a minute. If i die who would he date?

Later we woke up and I asked him that question.

"Id never date again straight forward. I live till judgement day the day God created it."

"Right" I told him.

"So now I'd like to meet God and talk to him is there a way you could take me to see him?"

"Will see, ever since the day I got in trouble and ever since that I'am banned from paradise and can't ever see him till judgement day. God told me I can go to paradise if I repent of my sins. the fire is my friend I dont mind burning." he said.

That didnt sound to good for him. "Remember that the fire will burn burn burn you real bad. And that when God said you need to repent of your sins to go to heaven, which is the truth." I told him After that I ate same candy.

"So when can we go back to the world your from?" asking him awhile looking at a book. "Like I said we'll see, if we do I want to make sure eric can be with us he told me God said that I can see him until I repent of my sins." he explained.

"I need to ask God a question." I spoke out loud. "Okay how bout this eric can take you and I'll stay back." he replied. "But why stay back?" i asked in confusion. "Because I dont like Him." he stated. "Right, God Made you satan and your a test for disbelievers on these earths, you and your satan friends whisper into there hearts to see if they will commit evil. I studied this in religion. you could go to heaven but you are doomed to hell for your actions" I explained to him.

"Possibly go to hell first and then Gods heaven." He told me with frustration. Then all of a sudden He turned into satan and not that he didn't look like satan before He just Looked a lot scarier. I ducked with my hands over my brunette hair and chubby body. He then moved near me and hugged me. "I only did that because i love you. Mickey I do and don't want to go to heaven."

Part 9

So I went to the store and got Iblees that ring he wanted. I literally stole it. I walked out the door with the alarm not sounding.

This life I'm living is filled with much suspense. Then when I first meet him. I made it back and Iblees was flying around.

And i got so scared again so I hid behind the house. "Why you so scared for. I was calling my friend from up there." he told me.

"You look so scary when you change to real satan figure." I said shocked. "Look beautiful heres a kiss before we go to my world tomorrow."

Next morning we left to Iblees and erics world. Iblees didnt want to meet God because he couldn't. Neither could eric. So I ended up seeing Him alone. He was the most beautifulest huggest God of all. He happened to be under a veil, telling me we won't see his true self till judgement day. There is only one of Him. I was allowed to see him because I wasn't a Satan and one of these creatures he mentioned. He told me, answering a question, that 'on the day of judgment I will talk to you about Iblees satan and see if he'll go to heaven and be your friend.' warning me that he will be in hell.

He said He's still testing us with trials in the world as for everyone else too. He also told me im going to go to heaven and I just can't do what satan does. So I reminded myself that Iblees is the humans and the jinns(his kind) enemies and any other being out theres enemies. So I had asked if i could kiss him and he said I had to wait till I die and visit him. So my expieriance with Him made me at peace and satan made me feel like a rebellious. I made it back to his place which was small and fits two.

Iblees stepped over my foot. I was to tired. He looked displeased with something. As I got up to hug him he told me 'not now.' That he's tired and upset at the moment. So I sat back down and tried to relax. "Uhh God damn it mickey come here." He said with frustration.

"Yess, awwe thanks ." so I sat on his lap and kissed him and he then kissed me back and he reminded me it was almost time for halloween. I wanted to go get some sugar cookies to make here in this beautiful world he brought me to. "Im heading out iblees." "ok darling. Im playing smashing pumpkins and drown in the red apples game." he told me. "Pleasing." I laughed.

I grabbed my coat cause it was chilly in the mornings. I love cookies, expecially double chocolate chip. Im getting sugar cookies this time. Satans favorite cookie is peanut butter with a tall glass of milk as I recall in the 9th grade we ate cookies in my house when my mom went to work. I realized if i go back home now my mother would ground me.

I got back to our home. "Iblees! iblees! you there?"

I passed the bathroom. "Iblees?" I asked. "yes babydoll I'm in the shower." he told me. I just want to tell you I love you. You are such a rebel full of destruction. I can't stop thinking about you." He opened the door half naked.

"My love for you is like a rose with thorns your the rose and I'm the thorns and I rebel againat you."

Satan picked me up and flung me over his shoulder. Laughing and then He layed me down on the ground in our room. "I cant believe were still together as friends and lovers." I told him.

"Always mickey always." I got up off the floor with him he grabbed my hips and brought me to his bed and we layed down kissed eachothers cheeks and satan than all of a suddon fell asleep. I layed there wondering about my future.

Later in week we got dressed for halloween I wore a black dress and a masquerade mask. Iblees dressed up as a green turtle as in he transformed into a actual turtle with spikes on the shell. In this world they can do this stuff. "Well I'm going out to trick or treat now." I said laughing. "Me too come one." He said in a rush and pulled me with him. We ended up getting a whole bag full. We were sharing the bag filled with candy. What a wonderful halloween.

Iblees would have been super evil if it wasn't for me around, he changed his demeanour.

Part 10

Its almost Christmas. I said to myself as I turned the oven on. Thanksgiving wasnt my favorite. We didnt celebrate it. for Christmas I don't celebrate the part where jesus was born as the son of God. I celebrate it for the gift giving and the the seasonal decorating. Satan says, he hates it but likes it for the cookies.

Wow what a beautiful blue and silver christmas tree I had put together. I put my coat on and went outside. Wow what a chilly day Thinking its so cold on this 1st of December. Iblees came home from a job he works at now. He brought us to the jinn world to live now. It was because He wanted to go home He was tired of living there.

He has so many houses here. I'm staying in one of them for now.

his world Im living in has creatures unexplained, beings with colored skins, magical type of tools and gadgets.

"Iblees! Why in the world are you laughing." i thought it was funny because of the way he was laughing. "God damn you its because you fell yesterday and couldn't get over the fact that you broke your hand." Saying it as if i needed his help when i had to do it myself. "So on this note I'll be back I need something at ravens fruit market. Coming?" I asked his mon·strous self. He got up and told me, "sure."

I thought of my mom and what she might be thinking, and about going back to school. I decided to ask iblees. "Iblees where are the high schools around here? I want to finish my 10th grade year." he grabbed my broken hand and then kissed it. "Yes there is." He said. "where at." I asked him.

"I'll show you later tomarrow." saying awhile we walked into the store.

I grabbed a basket and headed to the fruits. I needed some blueberries to make a pie. And next was the strawberries and bananas for our smoothies. I need to still get a smoothie maker. I turned to Iblees and asked him, "Where can we get a smoothie maker?" as i walked to the baking supplies. "Well somewhere in mid-town near that one restaurant we went to two month ago."

"Thank you thank you Iblees." I called Iblees. We checked out and walked to our next destination. We wound up at a toy store on the way. "Baby girl, I want this toy right here." he said with his deep toned voice. "Wow look at these bill and kerina dolls they are so gothic." I said looking at them with astonishment. "Let me see this toy your talking about." he handed me this small pencil colored wand." I looked at puzzled. "What does it do?" I asked.

"Let me show you Mickey." He said as he put it near my shirt. All of a sudden my shirt changed from white to purple. "Oh wow thats cool can you get me one please?" I saw Iblees put it in his pocket awhile grabbing one more. He put this one in my jean pocket and I got scared that I'll get caught. "Iblees lets go now!" I demanded because I didn't want to get caught.

We made it out the door with the buzzer ringing. They didn't move from the register. I freaked out and ran away. Ibless became his super scary self and picked me up and flew near our destination. He started laughing so much.

"Your laughing at me because of me freaking out?" I asked. "yes Mickey you were to funny." He said.

We made our way to the Blixer home goods store. I love it here. I never seen such a imaginative world. "Iblees have they stole with there powers here?" I asked him with curiosity. "Yes and as for us satans we steal and then kill or sometimes run." he explained.

"Beautiful were getting this mixer right here, its perfect." Iblees Said. I looked at it and told him, "Nice I like that its black and green." So I scrunched my face up and then said, "Its perfect it suits you more than me Iblees beebee." I said and kissed him on the cheek.

"Perfect now I can go look for a new coat for the winter for me."he said smiling as we went to pay for the mixer. "You should get a pair of boots."

"I have no money." I said sadly with a tear coming out of my eye. Because of me needing money for stuff and I didn't want to steal. "Yes Mickey Mouse I'm going to help you. Dont worry" He said kissed my eye. "I won't let that happen again." he reassured. We made it home and went to bed.

The next morning, "Satan!" I yelled at him. "Lets go get those those boots and your coat before I start school after christmas." Isaid out load in the kitchen to our bedroom. "Sure Mickey We'll go tomorrow. Okay cause I have to eat, shower, and sleep." He Said in a deep annoyed voice.

I cant wait to finish my schooling. "Sure Thats fine." I said. I was bumed. I got up and went outside in the cold.

The next day we got our things from the store. My new boots were white with fur. His brand new coat was blue with green skulls on it.

Part 11

Later after celebrating part of christmas. Which all I did was decorate and make cookies. I was starting school the next day. Iblees decided to come with me. They all know him from this world were in. But most are intimidated and frightened by him.

Iblees and I put on clothes for school. I wore baggy pants with a pink baggy t shirt. Iblees wore red shirt with black and a pair of green shorts. "Wow I can't wait to see what this school is like." I said with amazement.

He smirked at me and said, "Much different mickey mouse. Out of the unusual But similar in our studies back in your world." Iblees informed.

Part 12

We got to school and it was a big surprise to me. Everything was beautiful.

I took my seat and Iblees sat on top of the table with his phone in his hand. I looked around no one was here yet. I then spotted a girl wearing a white dress. She was purple skinned with orange hair. I went over and greeted her. "Hello my names Mickey I'm brand new here, how about you?"

"Wow nice to know, Im Ginger I come from greenville near the ice cream shop." she gestered. I numped in and said, "Im from blacksville and I live near a grocery store. Im here to finish the 10th grade and I'm really from a completely diffrent world."

"Well shes from a world filled with those shapeshifters. Now Ginger go get me some chips and a pop. Please I'm to busy right here I'm writing me a story." Iblees said. "Thats Satan Iblees He's my boyfriend." I told her. She looked disgusted by that remark "Satan get it yourself. I can't right now my feet hurt." she complained. "Fine I'll have Ben here get it."

who was wearing green shirt and black pants and his hair green. He was intimidated by him and reassured him that he will, Iblees then took his hat because he was stalling and messing with Iblees. I took Iblees's money and told Iblees I'll do it. Unaware of where its at. Ginger gave in and said she will come with me.

I later questioned Iblees why do they Change the color of there skin? He had told me that they can. So I asked if he wanted to change my color since I couldn't. Back home all they did was change there shape and hair. Neither could we change the color of our skin or change into animals. We need tools for that.

"I can help but my Mickey mouse I need you to wear something in particular. Something like this its a white flowey top and a pair of white legging capris." He gestered. "Sure what color you going to make me?" asking him with curiosity.

"Im making you two, yellow and red. I like the element of your skin its fire, water and rubber." he told me.

"My skin is fire free from smoke elements. Your's is beautiful on you." He smiled. They don't look like fire, there skin is super smooth and looks like a cartoon animation.

Part 13

I realized I didnt have a white flowey top and white legging capris. also its winter and I'm not wearing such a thing to school.

"Beautiful I bought you the white capris and that top yesterday." I looked at him and thanked him for it. "I love the hell out you My Mickey mouse. I cant see you die just yet so Im going to do something about it." He explained. "How?" I asked.

"Well I go like this and then I make your body last for a long time till God says its time to die." He said. I suddenly wanted to meet God again. "Iblees come here." I called him. "What? You love me and want to meet the one I loathe?" Sounding very evil ish.

"Eehh yes God is Someone I want to meet." I said scared. I ducked under the table in the kitchen. "Mickey You know how I'am please lets get ready for bed so we can go back to school tomorrow." He said lightly. "Kay, help me I can't get up." He lifted me up took my hand and walked up to our bedroom.

The sun came up a bit my eyes were adjusting to the room. "Iblees babe, its school time come on were going to be late." I said awhile shoving his shoulders. He peaked with out with one of his eyes. "Mickey if you go get me a damn coffee I will buy you something at the damn store. I'm tired as fuck." He said with frustration.


I went to the kitchen to make a cup for him and noticed we didn't have any. "Iblees we don't have any coffee." I yelled, "God dammit now I have to get up and get it on the way to school." He got up and grabbed his clothes.

I grabbed my backpack awhile bumping into Iblees. "Sorry." I said. "Its fineee come on." He mumbled. We walked to the corner coffee shop a block from us. "Look here." Iblees said and was pointing at a kitten. "Awwe I never seen an animal look like this" I replied.

"This cat looks like a cartoon because our world has different kinds of animals with different kind of skin, fur, looks and features." He explained.

"I want a cat." I said in a rush cause Satan took my hand and started walking me to the coffee shop."Mickey later later we can get a cat." He said as we walked Into The coffee hut.

"I would like a black caffeinated cup of coffee tall" he informed them. "Uhh I would like a tall mocha cappuccino thanks." I told the lady who gave me a smirk, Iblees was standing near the wall leaning against it, he had a mad look on his face.

"Here you are a tall caffeinated coffee and heres the tall mocha cappuccino." Said with a rude tone.

"Let's go to our God damn school and kiss in gym class." He said. Oh when he said kiss in gym class he meant what he said.

At school Ginger was there and so was Ben. The English teacher gave us a essay to write. Mines about relationships of friends, marriages, and family. Iblees wrote one about fairytales.

Ginger finished first. I finished third. Iblees finished 2nd. Ben wrote his out on the wrong paper. "Mr smoke can I use the restroom?" Asked Iblees. "Be back in 6 minutes" he reassured.

I got up and handed my essay to Mr. Smoke. I glanced at Ginger as she's messing with her blue phone. I thought about me forgetting mine back home. I needed a new one. Hopefully Iblees will agree.

The bell rang it was the end of the day. Iblees wasn't back yet I stormed out the door and boom I ran right into Iblees. "Mickey damn it, its the second time today." He said. "Sorry Iblees." I said softy.

We got up and walked to the back doors and left to go home. "Iblees can I get a phone please." I asked him. "Maybe let me think about it." He said as he pulled his phone out and called Eric. I just looked up and looked at the sky, and the trees.

He finally got off the phone, he talked to him for 20 minute's in another language.

The only language I have studied was Arabic. Not fluently. Iblees was speaking French. French is Eric's language as I re call from that moment I ate the sandwich he made me.

"Mickey here hold my phone for a minute. I need something in my backpack." He said ad I starred down and kicked a rock. He was pulling his hoodie out of his backpack. Today's weather was kinda cold for winter. But cold enough for a light jacket.

I handed him his phone. It was a frogpal touch screen the company was Tinkertell phone and cable service company. "Come on." Iblees said in a rush. "He took my hand and walked me and him to a store. It was the Tinkertell phone store.

"Wow Iblees look at all these gadgets." These phones weren't ordinary. I saw some that were pink shaped like Heart and a blue one shaped like a star. They had touch screens that the buttons were three D but still touchable.

"You can have the pink one here or this black touch screen here don't worry about the bill my dad who's still alive pays for everything for me." He said awhile rushing me. He kissed my nose. "I think I'll take the purple alien looking phone." I asked pleasingly. "Fine Mickey fine. I love you to much to say no."


We made it home and I loved my normal alien phone. It had antennas and it was able to hold and talk at the same time. Iblees came into the room "Mickey I have laptop I don't use. Would you want it?" He said awhile grabbing his backpack off the floor. "Be right back hold that thought." He said anxiously.

"Here Mickey its from my dad its been used once I had looked up some music." He explained. "Thank you Iblees. Its got a camera on the back of it. Beautiful color" I opened it up. The color was orange yellow and it was the cutest laptop ever. Nothing like back home. It was medium in size.

Later I cooked me some tacos. The food tasted pretty decent here. Iblees went out with his friend Eric the one I'm scared. He's scared me the few times I've seen him. "Mickey God dammit where did you put my bakpack?" He asked in rage. "I didn't I didn't." I said scared, I screamed and ram out the door. "God dammit mickey." He yelled and ran out the door after me. "Eric scared the hell put of me." I said awhile crying. "Look Eric does this because he is very evil. Me as well, He is scaring you because that's his nature. He can't help the fact of you freaking out he finds it intriguing. He is just like me evil and rebel like but we Satan's do this when were looking for trouble.

I stopped crying. "I'm still not going to stop running and hiding from it." Saying as I sat on the cold winters ground. "Eric is my friend since day one." He said. "I understand I just don't want to keep getting scared" I replied. "I can't protect you fully from him. Bit anything I will kiss you because of your feelings." He stated.

Eric then came out and I looked a way from him. 


"Princess listen I'm scary ok that's my entrance." He explained.

"I like the fact of you being a satan but I don't like this scare feast." I said with a smile. Hoping he wouldn't scare me the next time he encounters us. "Can't promise anything." He said as he slightly scared me, kissed my cheek and flew away.

"Look I have to go on a journey. Do you want to come." He asked.

I didn't even hesitate, "Yes I do Yes I do. Where are we going." Asking awhile getting up off the cold ground." "Secret and I'm in charge." He demended.

I thought as I walked in, this better be the best journey ever. I need an adventure. I grabbed my coat and walked to the grocery store. I needed a chocolate bar and my fat butt needs a diet. I'm not that fat but average.

It was chilly out I had my pink jacket on with white buttons that Iblees bought at there mall here in Jinn world around Christmas time.

"Look mom what is she?" A young boy asked his mother. "Beg your pardon miss, but what where do you come from?" I looked at her scrunched my face and my side lip went up and I told her, "Im a Gene, I can't recall the world name I'm from. Do you know of Iblees?" I responded.

"Um no I mean I heard of a Satan called Iblees, Is that who your refering to?" She said as she picked her son up because he was tugging on her dress. "Yep got to go." I was looking at a text from Iblees telling me to shut up I hear you.

I ran into the store leaving them unattended. My phone was going off. "Hello Iblees" I said. "Reminder my princess, I Iblees hears and sees what you do. I over hear it and then I see it." He explained. "I forgot you did that, I wasn't going to say anything but your my friend and you brought me here." I let it out. "Listen I dont give a damn what you say. I just don't want the whole jinn world to know of you and me as we are right now. I'm busy working with Eric I don't need distractions." I said wanting to come home and kiss him. "See you in a.." He hung up I couldn't finish.

I was in the store and no one cared I was there just a few glances here and there. Nothing like school, plus Iblees was always with me, they leave me alone, there not so happy when Iblees is with me. Since I've been here I barely go anywhere unless I'm with Iblees. I grabbed my Hershey's chocolate crunch bar and dashed home. I made it home and I was looking for Iblees when all of a sudden he came out of no where and scared me half to death. Now this scare isn't like jumping out at someone. This scare is a fright that comes from them it rays off of them as in your in the dark and you see an object it and it is darkened and it gives you a fright. Well seeing Eric or iblees is much more scarier then that.

I ran outside and hid behind the tree. He called me from the top of the tree. "Mickey Listen, I'm scary and evil. I try not to scare you because I love you too much. I want to kiss you too." 


I got up off the ground, Iblees made his way down. "He stopped me from moving and I looked right at his face. His face so hot like. And his hair so blonde and his body so thin and muscular. He laughed at me. "Your thoughts are so cute Mickey. Now here," He said and leaned down a bit to kiss my nose and than I went on my tippy toes to kiss his lips. I like his hair it's always standing up, like a buzz.

"Mickey were going on that trip right now even though I wanted to wait till next week." He stated and went inside. I walked in and I grabbed my phone from off the couch. "This phone is so cool Iblees." I said as I pit on my white fur boots and my pink coat. "I'm glad!" He said so mad. "What's wrong?" I asked as I went to my room and grabbed me a messenger bag with my school stuff in it. It was the weekend a Friday and I needed to finish my math. So Iblees said to me, "beautiful I will finish that homework for you if you just get out the damn door with the clothes you have on and let's go."

I put my phone in my coat pocket. He picked me up and brought me someplace far away over the ocean. Going over the ocean I freaked out about. "Mickey Mickey Mickey you are scared for no reason. Trust me everything will be okay." He said as he took my hand. "Where are we Iblees?" Asking. It was night time out and he stated were in Scotland.

"Wow it looks awesome here." I said as we headed to a tavern of some sort. It was very dark inside I saw as i was looking through the window. "Listen Mickey don't freak out okay stay behind me. " I started shaking and put my head near his back. "They only know of me coming so Sshh" he said as we walked through the door. "Iblees your here." He said shockingly. "Curt, Curt how have you been my friend?" Iblees said with a snicker. "Good good." He replied. "Mickey meet my friends!" He said loudly as in don't be afraid I'm here kinda thing. He turned around and grabbed me and looked me in the eye and said, my friends won't hurt you they may scare you." I explained as I peaked a little. He was dark and scary like and sitting in one of the taverns chairs.

I looked away "do the lights work?" I asked almost wanting to run out the door. "Stay right here in this chair." He dashed to the front door and flickered the light on and off. He then shut the curtains. "I'm curt nice to meet you Mickey. I will not hurt you." He looked out of the ordinary but freaky and scary and he was chubby. "Hi." I whispered. I was a bit Scared. As I still faced the other way, Iblees was on his cell phone. "Aris come on I need to give you something." Iblees said and hung up. "I'm going to be right back if you don't mind Iblees." He said awhile he winced with his saliva showing with his smile.

"I have to the bathroom" I told Iblees as Curt left around back. "Give me a second Mickey I have to turn this light out because of the cops coming around the corner soon. Ares texted me. Iblees shut the light off. "Fine, bit please come over here, it's so dark." I said as I wanted to run out the door. "I need to pee Iblees, please." I said looking around and then out of no where Iblees said "Mickey look straight forward." Iblees said and his face was there. "Aris is behind you flying up." I put my head between my arms. Still needing to pee. "God dammit Mickey there's no bathroom here." He said frustrated. "Mickey you can use my bathroom." Ares replied.

Aris's accent was smashing. Iblees smiled at me and got up. I sat there until Iblees wanted us to leave. He hugged me and picked me up. I smiled because Iblees is evil but Iblees is also wreckles and a rebel. besides being sweet and loving for me. "Mickey your God damn thoughts are making me Iblees flustered." He said with a little laugh and then kissed me. "So were going to Aris's house so you can go and I can finish up our trip here in just a few minutes and make it back home before we go back to that God damn school."

I also am happy I got to see the world, it's just like the movie frozen and Monsters University. And I'm the ordinary girl here.


I went to sit at Aris's kitchen table. Aris walked on by and grabbed something to drink in the kitchen. "UHh Mickey we got to go back now Eric needs me for work." Iblees said frustrated. "Where do you work? Ari's asked. "The Goverment." Iblees said.

"Aris here's the ring you wanted." It was a red dimond ring with a gold band. "It was the last one" Iblees said as he grabbed my hand to leave. "I got to go Ari's see you soon." Iblees said in a rush. And we headed to the ocean he picked me up and I went on his back. We flew very fast and he looked like a black and red Satan but he tried not to fright me.

We made it back, I put my backpack on the kitchen chair. "I am so hungry Iblees" I whinned to him. "Eat Mickey, I have to go back to the government." Iblees in informednme. He kissed my hand and walked to the door and left.

It was daylight out. I put my pink coat on and went out the door. I forgot my phone so I went back inside.

I sat on a big rock outide in our front yard and texted Iblees about school tomarrow. That I wanted to go to the school store to buy me two folders for science and math class. I looked at my phones time it was 7pm and no text yet, 10 minutes later he texted me,

I will give you the damn money just hold on I'm coming home at 11pm.

I just sat in the cold for a minute to think how come my life was this this way, I realized its better then anything because Satan is famous but no one in my world knows who Satan really is just from a three religions, each one explains Satan but each religion explained him differently.

I liked how Iblees has rebelled, and been mischievous. He has been my friend since day one some when I was in the 9th grade. I never had a problem with him. I've been so happy with him and worried sometimes about my life because of his friends scaring and frightening me half to death.

My sweaters needed washing, I grabbed my laundry soap and shoved my clothes in the washer. It was going to take 45 minutes on cold water. I don't like warm water unless I use it for my whites. Cold gets rid of stains better. I suddenly heard something hitting the window. I walked over and checked, all it was, was hail.

I saw Iblees outside, he was picking up something off the ground. "Mickeyyy mickey, you dropped your ring outside." He said furiously as he walked inside. I looked at my hand and there wasn't a ring there. "Oh thank you Iblees." I said as I took my ring. "I'm going to the store do you want to come Mickey." He asked. "No I'm doing laundry." I responded.

He shook his wallet and left. I turned off most of the lights in the house but not the living room or the laundry room around the corner near the kitchen. The movies were on, on the starflix network channel I decided to watch Autumn Colors, a story about a young women and her husband in an Autumn season. It was a comedy, and family movie.

I got up to use the bathroom. I made it there and something grabbed me in. I screamed like crazy she wouldn't let go and closed the door and I was so scared I was crying and couldn't move. Then all of a sudden it was laughing. It started to say in a creepy voice, "I scared you and I think its funny." I couldn't figure out what it was she was slithering, it didn't move from where I was. I was still on the ground and I saw a shadow from out of the bathroom. He came in and I froze and passed out."Mickey What the hell. Hold on!" He flew at what was in the bathroom and killed it.

"Mickey wake up." He said as I was unconscious and barely could move. I finally got up and ran out of the bathroom. Iblees killed her.


I stepped out and got some water. To feel better. Iblees then snuck it out back an I peaked she was black and red and had blue hair. I was still un edged.

I heard him come through the door, walked over and kissed me on my lips. "I'm going too bed Mickey." He said and hugged me. "Everything will be okay,there is Satan women and Satan men very scary very evil, bad tempered and just like me."

"I'll keep that in mind, I'm staying up to put laundry in the dryer I'll be there soon." I said awhile yawning.

He walked became his evil self and dashed to the bedroom. Oh great I thought now I'm to scared to go back there. I looked at the couch and there was a blanket out there. I'm going to sleep on the couch.

My clothes were finally done in the dryer. I got them out folded the laundry and left it on the fire place. "Mickey!" Iblees yelled. I walked to the bedroom door. "Come and sleep now we got this school tomarrow." He said as I opened the door. He looked so Gothic like and hot without his t shirt on. I came in and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me and played down to sleep.


I woke up at 6am to go eat breakfast. "Mickey what's your opinion, these black shoes or these black boots?" He asked. "Boots" I said. "No it's not its the shoes and Eric is coming to the school with us today." He replied and left the room. "Aaahhh" it was a Satan at the window. "Eric's here and I need some breakfast." He said as he grabbed a breakfast burrito. I finally liked some of the food here, it was similar to ours back home but a little different.

Eric walked in. "My, You sure are easy to scare." He said with his accent. "Hh hh yeah eric." Saying as I went to the bedroom. He looked like a fox at the moment. He had fox ears and a little bit of orange and black fur on his body. These beings can change into whatever they want.

I pulled on purple velvet pants, and a black velvet sweater with green boots. Iblees has on a black long sleeve top with black and read sweat pants with his black shoes. The sweats had a red ring around the upper left leg part about 6 inches. "Mick can you grab my socks over there?" He asked. "No you do it." I said messing with him. "Mickey go get them now we have to go because I need coffee." He stated.

So I walked over there without saying anything. "Here." I said as I smiled and handed him his socks. "Thank you Mickey." He said and punched my arm lightly. "Tell Eric were leaving now." I exclaimed.

As I turned the corner, Eric was eating a bagel. "Eric were leaving now." I told him. "Sure I'll put this plate in the dishwasher and head out." He said as he had food in his mouth. "Come on." Iblees said and walked out. I followed behind.

We made it to the coffee shop and Iblees went inside I sat on the cold bench outside. "So your in school with Iblees for now?" He asked. "Ya yess." I studered reminding myself that Satan here is just like every other Satan out there and Iblees is just as bad because at the moment Eric is wavering off with fright. So it was hard to talk to him or look at him.

"I can get rid of this fright and be like Iblees too." He insured as he read my thoughts I guessed. "Okay Mickey here is a peppermint snowberry coffee. And for me a dark roasted brewed coffee." He said with a smile.

We started walking there.

Finally I thought were here its to cold out today. I finally felt better being around Eric after he fixed himself to be like Iblees.


The teacher was passing out essays for us to write. We had to choose between writing about human worlds holiday's, seasons, families, or cultutres. I thought about which one I wanted to do that i knew better and I chose seasons. Iblees wasn't writing one. Eric decided to write one on families. Iblees squeezed my arm and I pinched his side.

10 minutes went by and Eric finished his. "Eric help." I said hoping he would. "Give me one minute. As he walked up and gave the teacher his paper even though he didn't need to.

"Let's see spring has rain, summer is hot, autumns leaves fall, and winters are very cold. Add these to each season and then there are your paragraphs." He stated as he showed me what to write and which season had what. Even though all I needed to know was, how to format it. The seasons in the human world compared to our seasons in our worlds were complity the same but somewhat different.

"I personally haven't seen the human world, Eric." I told him. "I could show you." He said. "Sure." I responsed. As I put my pen down something started showing. "Oh my eee." I said and ducked.

I peaked, The world overlaped ours and I could see they totally looked different than us. I was afraid they'd see me. "They don't see you Mickey." Iblees said smirking. "They look weird." I said.

"I don't care about them." Iblees said, and Eric chuckled. Hmm I remembered in Islam that Satan hates humans and he was thrown out Heaven with the Prophet Adam because he listened to Satan and it caused him to sin.

"Mickey I made Adam sin because I was envious of him I am better then he. I'm made of Fire he's made Of Clay." Iblees told me.

"Well did you fix yourself?" I asked "I'm not telling Mickey I don't want to hurt your feelings." He said and got up. "Come on you guys class is over and in going to lunch. We got up and left.

The cafeteria was packed except one corner. Iblees brought his lunch straight to that spot. " hmm I forgot cookies be right back." Eric then turned into a green snake. Everybody ran out screaming. I was bolting out but Iblees hugged me and was telling me its okay and to sit. Eric ate the cookies with his tounge. And all of a sudden he transformed back. "I don't like crowds." He stated.

I decided to laugh a little because of the way he said it. "Let's go now." Iblees said. "I think were in trouble iblees" I said.

"Ms. Mickey come with me and bring your two friends." Mr. Skills said. "Okay." I said and gulped. "Mickey He's a Satan too." He told me. I smiled hoping were not in trouble.

"Welcome to our school Eric and Iblees." He said and Iblees motiened for us to run. So Iblees told him 'were leaving' and he waved at as as in it is okay.

We didn't finish class. We headed home and Iblees transformed into a snake. "Ssss Mickey I love you like a bee on a red rose." He said. "I love you too Iblees like a butterfly landing on a white flower." I told him. Eric said, "Mickey watch out." As he said to watch out he transformed into a scary dog. 

I started running home screaming. All of a sudden Iblees came out of no where and wrapped his arms around me to calm me. "Mickey Mickey." He said. I walked inside the house. "Look I'm going to be a dog for you a big black dog like Eric was." He said. I put my hands over my eyes. I sat down on the front porch step. "Okay Mickey here I go, don't panic." 

I watched as he transformed real fast. He started barking. He looked so scary. So scary I froze. I freaked out because he came up to me and nudged my hand. 

"Mickey go get me a pair of scissors." He said. "Why?" I asked. "Because I want to cut your hair for you." He replied as he's still a dog. I felt my long hair. And just ran inside without responding. 

I came back into the living room and Iblees was himself again and said, "I want to cut it short, above your shoulders with bangs."

"Sure but don't mess up." I said as he laughed indesisivly. "Trust me Mickey I'm using my powers to do it." He stated. "What's the scissors for?" I asked. "For you to cut your bangs." 

"You want me to do it?" Questioning him. "I'll show you how but I know you'll get it right in the first time." He said and took me to the bathroom.

About 13 minutes later my hair looked beautiful. 

I asked Iblees if he wanted to go to the store. He told me he will. I put on a beautiful dress it was long, red and it had white flowers trimming the sleeves and neck. 

Were going to the grocery store because we have no food. "Beautiful I need chocolate will you get some chocolate for me." He alluringly said. "I'll try." I told him.

I grabbed as much chocolate I could because I wanted to give some to Eric, Iblees's friends and Ben and Ginger in my one math class.

Later I woke up and got ready for class.

"Yuck this one tastes nasty." I said. "What's the flavour?" She asked. "Peach." I told her. I went to spit the chocolate peach squares out of my mouth. I walked to the sink to spit it out.

Ben was licking his chocolate. He had a blueberry one. Iblees was sitting next to me sleeping with his head on the desk. Mr. Smoke didn't say anything about that incident that happened in the cafeteria. Nor did the principle.

My life with Iblees has changed me into being more confident. I found a piece of paper and wrote,


Today you have made me smile, yesterday you made me laugh, a year ago I was scared, you hugged me awhile I teared. I love you Iblees and that someday I hope God won't put you in hell forever, I want to be that one who holds you together.



I left it on his pillow. I went for a walk and listened to my music. I ran into Iblees and we went to the park. He showed me something, a letter which read,

I couldn't stop being who I was for you, I love you very much. Please stay with me for a long time.


I folded his letter and leaned over to hug him. He hugged me back. I looked at his blue eyes and touched his blonde hair. He smiled and said he's got to go to work. I stood up and he dashed away.  


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