Category : Articles
Sub Category : Lifestyle
I don't have to accept the stories others have written about me. I don't have to be the character they want me to be. I don't have to give them the ending they want. At the end of the day, it's not their story, it's mine. And I won't let them take the pen away from me.
Some want to paint me as the villain so they can sleep better at night. Some want to paint me as the victim so they can feel powerful and victorious. Some want to paint me as the crazy, rebellious, lost soul so they can feel like they have someone to guide when in actual fact, they are the ones who need guidance. Some want to paint me as the inconsiderate, heartless bitch so they can justify the hurtful words they throw at me. Well, they can paint me whichever way they like, it's not going to bother me.
Some people mold me in their story the way they want it to be because everyone wants to be the hero in their own story. No one wants to be the bad guy. No one wants to write the truth. Everyone wants to write the reality they wish they were living and when I give them something that changes their narrative, they will do their best to write me off because changing their script means facing their true reality. Changing their script means having to look at themselves in the mirror. Changing their script means starting over. Changing their script means exposing their lies and fake masks and some people love living a lie; a fabricated story they tell people so they can glorify themselves.
But I'm not like that. I write my story the way it is even if it hurts. I don't write lies and believe them. I don't write a fake reality so I can impress people. I write everything they erase. I write all the words they don't want me to say out loud. I tell the stories they don't want anyone to know. I don't sugarcoat their bullshit.
And maybe that's why they paint me as the villain and I am okay with that because I have nothing to lose. Even if they break all my fingers, I'm not giving them the pen because my story will always glorify my honesty, and their story will always glorify their lies. And maybe that's why they can never be on the same page with me..... our books are just too different.