Category : Stories
Sub Category : YoungAdult
Chapter 1
'My Quirk'
It was spring day. I ran to my new school because I change the time of my alarm clock to trick myself of making me think I'm late. As I ran, thoughts came to me.
Name: Haru Toshinori
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Height: 177cm
Weight: 58 kg or 441,000 pounds
Likes: Photography, Horror movie, Superheros, Loud Music
Dislikes: Bullies, Lightning (or electricity), Big Egos, Stone Cold Face
Past Story
Once upon a time there was a wealthy family. This wealthy family was made by a mother, a father and a daughter. The two parents had quirks but there daughter didn't. The daughter was quirkless, and because of that the mother and the father brought out their wepons and killed their own daughter in cold blood.
'How could this happen?' Said the father.
'I agree.' replied the mother.
'How did we gave birth to such a pathetic weakling!?' The father roared.
And as so the daughter was left as a rotten corpse in the fornt street. Three days later the daughter was still rotting, but then a man took the corpse and place her in his lab. The man had a powerful quirk that it brought the daughter back to life good as new, like nothing ever happened.
But there was cost. For the girl's new life she forgot everything when she was still alive before. The man took care of the girl but he teach about emotions or anywhere of feelings. One day the man came home with another corpse of a child. It was a boy.
But before the boy there were others. And ever each one of them were classified as 'Subject (alphabet letter).' The girl was classified as 'A' while the boy was 'Z.'
They were used as lab rats, and with no memory of who they used to be they done nothing. After one year the man given the girl and boy quirk 'he' stolen other people. Then the man taught how to use their quirks and they should use it if necessary.
The man brought him back him to life too and the girl and boy became siblings. Years passed, nothing has changed. The man taught them everything but feelings. Both the girl and boy were 4/2 years old.
One day the man came home grabbing the boy, before he could grab the girl a superhero crashes in. The man send boy to a unknown location before getting defeated by the superhero, but the girl was left alone.
Confused, the girl fainted out of not knowing what to do next. The girl woke up and noticed she was in hospital bed, wearing hospital clothing and holding tightly to someone finger. The stares at the person realizing it's the hero in a different form. But the girl didn't let go.
'Oh! Your awake. That's a relief.' Said the strange looking man.
The girl remain quite.
'How are ya feeling? What your name? Can you talk? What happened to your parents?' The man questioned the girl.
The girl says nothing.
'Do you understand me?' The man questioned again.
The girl gave a slow nod.
The man eyes widened and smiled, giving out breath of relief.
'So you do understand. For a moment there I thought you didn't. So let's start again, I'm Toshinori Yagi. Now what's your name?' He chuckled nervously.
The girl open her mouth and spoke 'I'm sorry. Due to current events I was not require a name. Please forgive me.'
Toshinori jaw dropped in shocked. Yes she can talk and that was fine, but the way she spoke makes her sounded pretty mature for her own age. Toshinori shakes his head out thought and focus on her. ('This girl is smarter than she looks. Dammit All For One! What did you do to this kid?') Toshinori thought to himself before asking more questions.
Two hours later, sadly Toshinori couldn't get much anwsers from the girl because she has no idea what the man true intentions were. They both were quite, the girl still hasn't let go of Toshinori finger and she didn't knew why. When Toshinori had to leave the girl took of his hand and begged.
'Wait! Please don't leave me! Please! I don't-- I don't? I don't what?' The girl face was in a state of shock. What is this? She wondered. The man stood there surprised that this girl never had to choice in her whole 'after-life'. Toshinori sits back down slowly pulling her closer to him and gave her a gentle hug. The girl confused so she just stay frozen.
'It's okay. You don't need to worry, you know why?--' the man paused looks at her and started patting her head.
'Because I am here' after saying that the girl face was poring with tears. She let's go of his finger and clinch on his over size shirt. The girl lean her head in Toshinori chest and started sobbing loudly. Because in first she finally feels emotions.
'H-hey! Hey! What's the matter?! Why are you crying?! Please don't cry?!--' Toshinori said confused of what's going on. Then a doctor walk and said 'What did you do!? Why is she crying!?'
Toshinori tried to explain himself but the doctor didn't believe him and tired to kick him out, but ever time the doctor did the girl cried more.
'No! Don't leave me! Please stay! I don't want you to go!' The girl screamed. The doctor was surprised and stop what he was doing. The girl stopped crying. Toshinori pats her the head and gave another gentle hug.
Three Mouths Later
After that day forward the girl lived with Toshinori. The start the girl had short black hair, and deep brown eyes. But mouth later her appearance geriatric change, she had light brown hair and her eyes turn into a bronze color.
'Kid! I'm home.' Toshinori comes inside holding groceries.
'Father!' She cheer with joy.
'Kid what did I tell you about calling me that?' He sighed.
'Of course I do, but one your home and two no one else is around. So technically I didn't disobey you.' She huffed with a big smirk on her face.
Toshinori place over his eyes and sighs once more.
'Oh! I almost forgot! Father when am I getting name?' After her saying that the realization hits Toshinori like missile. Out of how long they been together the thought never once cross his mind.
'Oh! That's right! You still don't have a name yet!' He hits his the palm of his hand on his forehead. Feeling a bit ashamed of himself. The girl holds on the groceries and takes it to the kitchen. Toshinori then walks in the living room and sits on the couch thinking up some random names.
'What be a good name?.. Haruto? Nah... Riku? Doesn't sound right... how about Kaito? Maybe? Damn thinking of names is harder than I thought' Toshinori rambling.
The girl walked in the living room, grabs the remote and turn on the TV. The news were talking about Toshinori saving a group of citizens and beating up four villains at once, but everyone only knows Toshinori as All Might the symbol of peace. Top superhero and so on.
The girl turn her head to the calendar. 'Huh! What'ya know. Today is the same day I was founded.' She said with plain expression.
She turn back at Toshinori seeing his face surprised. 'Founded? Are you telling me you were founded by 'him' on today's date?' The girl just nod and focus herself on the TV.
'Haru...' Toshinori slowly spoken. She immediately turn a pay attention to him. 'Yah... Haru Toshinori. Not bad, not bad at all.' Toshinori then pats her head feeling proud of her name.
'Haru? Your naming after a season?' She glares.
'Well yah! But that's not only thing. You were founded today and today is the first day of spring soooo.' Toshinori explained.
'I get that but seems kinda random' She complained.
'What ever you say but remember I get to choose your name' Toshinori smirked.
'Okay... but that's mean I can finally call father now right? You did name me, so that means I'm basically your child right?' Haru jumps full of confidence.
'Huuu~ I guess so... my sweet little spring flower' Toshinori hummed.
End Of Past Story
My Quirk or I should one of my 'quirks' is call Whale Mind. Whale mind gives me the ability I swim fast as a whale but I can't breathe underwater. I can change my weight by what type of fish I eat. I can do whale callings, using it I can do supersonic so I find my way around easier. I can change part of my body to be similar to whale, my whole body if I have to. I also have the strength of whale, so my normal fighting punch would be like getting hit by tank. And that's the reason why I was kicked out of the baseball team.
And so far Whale Mind is the only quirk I can fully control. For my other quirks... let just say I can sometimes have a bit of difficulty. To be honest I don't fully aware about these two quirks. My other quirks are called 'Recovery' and 'Successful Plan' which are pretty useful... sometimes.
- Heals faster than usual.
- Small Cuts: 1 hour, Buirse: 5 hours, Stabed: 1 Day, Broken Bones: 5 Days, Life threatening injuries: 1 Mouth.
- Increase healing if focus on quirk.
- Activated by bleeding (not fun).
Successful Plan:
- IQ up to max.
- One problem/challenge solved in 100 or more ways.
- Turns on at random times... mostly.
- Activated by being flicked on the forehead twice (ouch!).
With all that done time to continue the story. In the next chapter!