Puzzles Read Count : 125

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
How strange it is to feel
The tiny pieces touching together
Simple things that seem so surreal 
When your feeling things as if you were another 
Looking in from the outside in the dark 
Walking alone down a one way street 
Children playing and running in the quite of the park 
How do these moments tend to meet
Days pass like bursts of wind and scuttle by
Children are born as the old die
The planet spins 
And we try to explain why
Fact of fiction 
Laugh or cry
Days turn to evenings 
The sun flows through the sky
We fall asleep and dream 
We wonder why
Answers are sought and questions are spun
But in the end no battle is won 
Perhaps the answers to our questions are clearer than they seem 
Choose your path 
Learn what you can and hope to redeem 
 for some there’s a way that seems clear 
And for others it’s hard to find what it is they hold dear
For me I have two beautiful reasons 
These gorgeous creations of my own 
That will guide and lift my heart through the seasons 
And always be the place that I call home.


  • Oct 28, 2018

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