Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
As soon as I regain my breath I try to stand up but soon find that my legs won't move, which is quite ironic considering they were shaking the entire way here. Ash ends up carrying me on his back all the way to the castle, where the king and Queen reside. 'For such a young fragile looking boy he's pretty strong.' I think to myself. When we reach the castle we are greeted by what im assuming are knights wearing no armor. The only thing they carry are swords, each have one lying flatly on their backs. I can not see the swords themselves but the cases are made from what appears to be steel. 'Why would they need steel for a sword?' I wonder, 'How sharp could they possibly be?' "Ash?" Asks the one on the right he seems to be our age. 'A little young to be knight.' I think to myself. "Subastian?" Says Ash, he squats down enough for me to slide off his back and land easily on the ground. Then greets the red headed boy with a hug.
"Go on in," says the boy "The King and Queen are awaiting your arrival, they're very excited to see Sable again." He looks at me "as am I." He smiles, "You look great by the way." I smile back "Uh thanks." I say, glancing at Ash his kind face has turned into what looks like blind rage. Could he be jealous? "Ok," says Ash, "As much fun as this has been Sable and I should probably get inside, but good luck with you training." He nods his head "Thanks Ash, a great friend like always. Oh and Sable why don't you come find me if your ever in town, Ash knows where I live. It would be great to hangout with you sometime." He smiles so I smile back "Thanks. Uh, im sorry what was your name again?" His smile fades, and Ash laughs. "Ok well I'll see you later subastian." He walks through the gate without waiting for a response, he gets half way through and turns around, and waits for me. I move towards him as fast as i can. I'm still a bit dizzy, but i don't want Ash to feel the need to carry me any further. He's such a sweet guy, but i dont want to enter the castle on his back. I walk at his side, down a long bridge surrounded by water, like in the fairytales, almost struggling to keep his pace, he must notice my struggle because he slows down to a quick shuffle. I'm so grateful because as much as I would hate to admit it out loud I'm a bit anxious to see what awaits me inside the large castle.
"How are you holding up?" Asks Ash, with a concerned look on his face. "You know if your not at full strength yet I could carry you some more." I shake my head no, he's done so much already.
"No," I say trying to hide my smile, for some reason it makes me happy to know he cares so much, "I'm fine. I just can't walk that fast right now. Thanks for your concern though." He smiles, his teeth are beautiful, straight, and white. I notice his fair blonde hair is as neat as it can get while still having an irresistible rugged charm. 'How does he do it?' I find myself wondering, knowing my own hair is flying around in the wind.
We finally reach the end told the bridge, and enter through great big doors, I find myself in a lightly lit, lobby looking room filled with mysterious doors, dark red carpeting and wall candles. A set of stairs leads up to a small platform and splits off to what appears to be a second floor. Standing on the platform is a beautiful dark haired woman wearing an elegant, and almost egually beautifl red dress. A devilishly handsome blonde haired man stands beside the woman. I assume they are the King and Queen. Ive not heard much about them but what Ash managed to tell me on the ride over, when i wasn't passing out, babbling nonsense, or throwing up. Which is basically that they are as friendly as they come, but I should still try my darndest not to anger the Queen as she can be very much of a hot head and will not hesitate to seek revenge.
The King appears to be just over 6 feet tall his eyes are hazel like mine and the Queen is close to my hight which is 5'2, her eyes are a mixture of brown and red like Ash's, but not quite as remarkable with her dark hair. The Queen smiles revealing pearly white teeth the same as Ash's. 'Hmm' I think to myself, 'maybe that's just the normal here. Which means people from earth are disgusting.' I laugh inside my own head, trying to conseal it on the outside.
The King doesn't smile with his mouth he smiles with his eyes, they are so kind, warm, and reassuring that I completely cast off my fear and nervousness. He holds out his arm to the beautiful Queen, who gladly takes it, they make their way to the bottom of the stairs together, release eachother, and greet us warmly.
"Hello men." He smiles when he sees me "You must be lady Sable. You probably don't remember Escanor and I, as you were only a small child when you were last at the castle. So allow me." The King steps forward, he is now towering over me due to his height. He bends down with one arm behind his back and the other grabs my hand gently, he moves it to his lips, then places it gently at my side and steps back, he does all of this without dropping my gaze. "I am king Perfius Granoldae and this is my beautiful wife, Queen Escanor Granoldae." He says.
"It's nice to meet you your highnesses, thank you for having me in your home." I exclam, trying not to choke on my words. King Perfius examines me then he says "What a gorgeous girl, and she has manner too." He turns toward Queen Escanor while he says this, she smiles excitedly with her mouth closed, as she nods in agreement. He turns back to us and says "She's grown into quite a young woman, hasn't she Ashante?" The king looks at Ash who's face is bright red. This makes no sense to me, why would the King know Ash's full name. Could it be a custom here?
Ash looks at me and gives me a shy smile. He returns his gaze to the King.
"She sure has Sir." He takes my hand, thats when I notice his hand is sweaty and shaky. Could he be as nervous as I was before? He catches my gaze but only for a moment, then he looks back at the King. The Queen steps past the King giving him a concerned look as she passes. Then she looks at Ash with the most loving eyes, that look ive only received form one person...
"Ashante?" Says Escanor sweetly, raising an eye brown as she smiles. "Arent you going to give your mother a hug?" My eyes grow wide as what she said sinks in. I turn toward Ash who already has his eyes on me. His eyes look worried but I wonder why. He starts to walk but he refuses to release my hand so I end up stumbling along behind him, as his grip was to strong for me to overcome. Without letting go of my hand, Ash hugs his mother with one arm. King Perfius, Queen Escanor, and Cole all start to laugh. I can feel my face begining to burn red. I look at Ash's face, i notice his face is doing the same and even though his eyes are closed i can tell that this is what made him nervous, interaction with his mother. What I don't understand is why.
The King and Queen inform me that they decided it was best to have a ball and invite the entire kingdoms that I may get readjusted. Obviously my arrival has more excitement behind it than I thought possible.
"Miss. Fonswe," says King Perfius,
"would you be so kind as to show Lady Sable her quarters, since she will be staying with us for the time being."
A Young woman maybe in her early twentys steps forward and says "It would be my pleasure." She steps in front of me and says "If you would follow me my lady I will be showing you to your room now." I finally get my hand free from Ash's, he was a little reluctant but he let go slowly. The young woman leads me up the stairs, when i reach the platform I turn back towards the group. I see Ash staring at his hand, exactly how I left him. He looks up at me like he's happy to be home, but I can see the sadness he's holding back. He gives me a 'I'll be fine smile to reassure me. So I walk up the last part of the stairs, the young woman stopped at the top to wait for me. Which I can't decide if she was just being sweet or was trained to do so.
"He's missed you." She says to me shyly.
"May I ask How it is possible that he can remember me, but I can't remember him?" I ask
"Well miss you may have been just a small child maybe five or six when you left, but you were a very intelligent child. Therefore the King had to replace your memories with false ones so you wouldn't blow your parents cover." She look up at me, "At least that's what I heard the King telling Prince Ashante. If you asked I'm sure the King would restore them now. He's very kind." I nod my head "Thank you, for being kind to me. Even if it is just because your obeying orders." She laughs "My name is Gwenaveer Fonswe. But you may call me Gwen."
I smile "And you can call me Sable." She smiles and motions her arm to the door in front of us. The door is wooden with carvings and a beautiful golden handle. I twist it and push the door open to reveal an even more gorgeous room. Inside is a king size bed with white bedding, a white dresser, white bed side table, and a comfy looking chair. The walls are a maroon color.
"Do you like it?" Asks Gwen
"How could i not," I exclam "Its wonderful." She smiles. "Well that's a relief. I decorated it myself specially for your arrival." I smile back "Well you did a great job!" I assure her. "We should probably get you dressed if you want to be dressed and down stairs in time for the ball." She says excitedly. "Oh, I don't have any clothes packed that would be suitable for a royal ball." I exclam feeling a little uneasy. "I wouldn't expect you to. Nor would Queen Escanor, she sent over one of her best dresses. It should fit seeing as you are both the same size. "How would you know that?" I question her, "Its my job to know things like that." She says with a smile. I smile back.
She makes her way over to a large closet and pulls out the most beautiful black dress I have ever seen. The dress is exactly like a royal dress, I don't know why I'm so astonished because a Queen is letting me borrow it after all. The dress is a sleeveless gown with diamonds in a beautiful design on the front. The diamonds are red like ruby's and shine in the light. She pulls out a pair of ruby red shoes to match. "This has to be the most beautiful outfit I have ever seen." Im so excited i can barely wait to try it on. After what feels like an hour of pulling and tugging and me making faces in the big mirror in front of me, Gwen finally throws her hands up. "Finished!" She shouts "How does it feel?" She asks moving to where I can see her without looking into the mirror. "It's itchy." I exclaim, She laughs "They always are the first time, but don't worry that feeling will go away soon enough." I smile "I sure hope so." I say attempting to scratch at the area where I was sure my stomach used to be. "On the bright side," she says, "you look unbelievable! I can't wait to see Prince Ashante's face!" I can feel my face getting hot. "What do you mean?" I ask quietly "Miss, it's obvious you like eachother." I look down at the dress and try to pull it up a little and make sure too much isn't showing. She covers her mouth as if she is surprised she let it slip. "I'm sorry miss. I shouldn't have said that, it's none of my business. I'm just excited, you may very well be his first love." I try to ignore that comment "Where are the shoes?" I say bending down and sitting on my knees to search several black boxes. "Forgive me miss?" I stand and take her wrists into my hands "Of course." I say "I'm sorry too. It's just, I don't know how I feel right now and I don't want people to tell me how I feel before I know myself." She smiles "Of course miss." I smile back "Besides I don't even know for sure if he likes me." She opens her mouth to say something but gets interrupted by a gentle knock at the door.
"Yes?" Says Gwen
"Is she ready?" I hear the Queens voice through the door. "May I come in? I would like to see her."
Gwen looks at me, "Its up to you." she whispers. I shake my head and take a deep breath. "You may your majesty." Says Gwen. The door nob turns and the Queen enters gracefully.
Her whole face brightens when she sees me. She taps the tips of her fingers together. "Darling you look unremarkable, I think my heart may melt." I release Gwens wrists and give the Queen my warmest smile. Gwen steps down from the platform, grabs the shoes, silently she asks my permission to put the shoes on my feet, by motioning toward them with a shoe in hand. I give her my say so and she carefully slips them on one at a time. Then she stands and offers me her hand, she helps me down off of the platform.
"Come toward me dear. I'd like to examine you." I walk towards her and stop two steps in front of her. She circles me, looking at me head to toe. "Brilliant!" She exclaims. "Gwen dear, you did a wonderful job. Thank you. Why don't you take Sable down stairs, and then enjoy the ball I'm giving you and Selius the rest of the day off. If anyone has a problem with that tell them to come straight to me. Understand." Gwen looks so excited i think she may burst into tears. " Thank you so much your majesty! I appreciate it!" She bows and the Queen smiles "Well it's the least I could do. After all you both have been working so very hard." Gwen takes my hand and starts toward the door. "Oh and Sable darling, Ashante is waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs. I believe he wants to take you out to the garden, do enjoy." We smile at eachother and Gwen proceeds to drag me out the door. We walk down the stairs, she leaves me on the last stair and runs off. I look for Ash but I don't spot him anymore. "Looking for someone?" Asks a familiar voice
I turn around and see Ash standing a few steps behind me.
"Oh, hey." I say, instantly regretting my choice of words. "Hey." He says through a laugh. "You look amazing." I smile and look at the dress, "Me?" I say, "look at you. I didnt think you could look any better." He laughs, forget what I said earlier I am now kicking myself in the butt for that. "Is that right? He asks "Sorry," I say feeling my face turn red, "I babble when I get nervous." He smiles "your nervous?" He asks, I look at the ground, "Well that's a relief. Cause that means I'm not the only one." I look up and see his smile, I smile back. He bounces down the stairs and extends his arm to me. I hesitate, "What are you afraid of?" He asks, "c'mon, I just want to show you something." I give in and take his hand. He leads me out the back door into a beautiful maze looking garden. It's lit up, and water flows through the fountains. We walk down the stairs to the platform. "I'm sorry," he says, I look up at him, "for not telling you who I am." He looks down at the ground, "I've just never been very prince like. I'd much rather be on a mission than sitting on a throne." He meets my gaze, "I understand," i say although in all actuality I don't. How could I? I've never been royalty, plus I was raised on earth where being royal is a pleasure. "Can i ask you something?" I ask, "didnt you just?" He says jokingly, I smile, "Ok, can I ask you something else?" He smiles "Of course. Ask me anything you would like, I promise I will answer it with as much honestly as i am aloud." I smile and look down at our feet. 'I don't know if I should ask this. What if im just over thinking it?'
"You want to know why I grabbed your hand, right?" I look up at him and nod my head up and down. He smiles, "My parents make me nervous. I grabbed your hand because when we were little you would grab mine whenever they were around. You knew how I felt, you did it to make me feel better and it always worked so I thought it would work then." He watches where he's walking, we step down more steps. "And, did it help any?" I ask curiously.
He smiles, "it did, until you gave me that look." I squint my eyes a little then ease up. "What look?" He looks at me, "the look your giving me right now. Like your trying to figure me out, but it's affectionate, like your expecting.." He stops walking, forcing me to stop as well. He drops my arm, "Expecting?"
The next thing I know I'm swallowed up in his arms, our faces are so close we are sharing the same air. He's looking into my eyes like he's searching for something, then he leans in and...
"Prince Ashante?" Screams a feeble old voice, it belongs to a frail old woman. "Where are you young master?" She says, spotting us. "Oh, there you are. You father requests.." Ash releases me, and says "Please comtinue. How may I help you Madam Gloria?" He looks at the woman. The woman look flustered when she finally realizes she's interrupted something and instantly starts to apologize. "Young master, please forgive me Sir. I had no idea, your father sent me to retrieve you and Miss Sable. He never said you were together." He smiles "Madam it's fine. Honestly I'm sure that what my father wants is much more important." He says sarcastically, "young Master, he wants you and Miss Sable to take the first dance." Ash looks at me, "Do you know how to dance?" I swallow hard, "A little," I say, " My father taught me. I guess he thought I would need it someday." He smiles, "Well thank goodness for your father." He takes my hand and we all run back to the ball room, he flashes his beautiful teeth at me the entire way back.
Thanks for reading! Follow me to see more of what I write and dont be afraid to leave comments!!💚 Thanks!
The end.
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