Read Count : 135
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Fantasy
CHAPTER 4 THE BIG CASTLE We rode the horse for hours, I slept a little on the way. The road was very bumpy. We got out of the forest at noon, and I didn't know exactly where we were going. On the way we went through many villages, the villagers waved at us and bowed. But I didn't know why. We're these people royal? If they were that would be so cool! Two hours later we encountered a big brick wall with two guards standing at a gate. "Hello!" Said the still hooded person. "Hello your magesty!" The guards said and opened the gate. "Wait you are royal?!" I asked. "Yes." They said. Ten minutes later, we encountered a castle. It was big and red with towers of all shapes and sizes. There was also a big clock above towering stairs to the big wooden doors. We hopped off the horse and Froggy took it into the stable. "Oh finally! We're home! Now I can take these horrendous shoes off!" The hooded person said. We went inside and to the library. "Oh Clara! Come take my hood please." Said the hooded person. Her maid came and took off her hood. She had blonde hair put up into a stylish hairstyle. And bright blue eyes. Under her hood she wore a big puffy red dress. "Excuse me ma'am but who are you?" I asked her. "Who me? I am queen Red Riding Hood of the Red Riding Hood Kingdom." She said with a over dramatic pose. "Wait your a queen?" I asked. "Yes. We're have you been all these years?" "Um dear." Froggy interrupted. "She is from the other world." "Oh!" Red said. "Well that's great! I have some friends from the other world! Their names are Alex and Conner. They are twins! And around your age." "Cool!" I said. "Where do they live?" "Oh they live over in another kingdom. But Alex is coming over for tea today and Conner will probably come too." "That's great!" I said. "But first we should get you changed." Red said. "Come up to my room." And she ran out of the room, I followed her. When we were done we went back into the library and I showed Froggy the outfit red had given me. I wore a plain red dress and brown boots. It was hard to tell us apart except the fact that Red looked more like a queen.