Category : Articles
Sub Category : Motivation
We all have difficult situations which we have to live through, and sometimes it seems impossible for us to get through these trials. It takes courage to face your difficulties, and to thrive like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. Some of us have our greatest fears and have to realize them face to face. Some people don't survive, but as writers we can flourish. I'm fairly open about my writing, but there are things I still don't wish to speak about. Things I've seen I would rather forget. These trials have made me who I am today, and the kind of writer I have transformed into. I have made some serious mistakes, but I can see probably that I've stayed away from drugs and alcohol. I've seen firsthand how it can destroy people's lives. It is because of my courage and sensible attitude which is kept me from straying that direction. The courage, what I was born with inside. No matter how hard it is, I will always face every trial that comes my way. I will face it proudly with the hope that I can be free of that trial.
Most people are surprised whenever they talk to me online, because I seem like a sage. What some people lack the understanding of, is wisdom comes from experience and not simply from age. And I've experienced plenty over my 27 years of living. I hope I can continue living on, learning new things as I rise to flourish. I am a very difficult person to live like, because my ideals are very different from many others. I am difficult to understand, because I often hide my emotions from those I may harm. It doesn't surprise me that most people may find what I'm discussing a bit odd, that it may not be connected. But, all of it is connected. My experiences, through trials I face, and choices I make to become a better person. All of this seems strange, but I am strange. I'm not afraid to admit it, I'm not afraid to be the person I want to be. Some of you this point, may have heard the story I mentioned about me putting my life on the line to save a boy's life. I don't want it to be misread as a selfish act. I did it because his life was important.
"Writing is like a flower preparing to bloom."
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