Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
It isn't a choice nor a decision
It is not something I want to know
It's not something that I can cuddle nor would I even if it was plush and stuffed with the worlds softest and finest down
It's ugly and it's gritty and it will rip you apart with the ferocity of a saber toothed cat on the prowl
It's the light you know you left on in the hallway that's causing a glare on the television that you are simply too exhausted to turn off
It's the fridge that you can't fill no matter how hard you try because you can't handle another trip to the store
The sheet that's been on the bed for the past month
It's the creeping feeling that someone is going to kick in your door to either end you or put you in the next modified cargo van out of societies eyes so they don't have to admit to their own failings
The rejection of normal is a routine that I cannot live without
To acknowledge your normal is to acknowledge my obsolescence